44 resultados para Political Thought
La tecnología electoral que da paso a la incorporación del voto electrónico no es simplemente un medio, sino implica cierto conocimiento y un cambio en la cultura electoral de los ciudadanos. Puesto que, la tecnología no podrá ser comprendida e implementada de manera correcta y exitosa mientras sea pensada solo como un medio pues supone necesariamente un conocimiento de las causas y razones que entrelazan los procesos del voto electrónico en su conjunto. Así, la tecnología electoral implica reglas y prácticas cotidianas que permitan la familiarización para con la tecnología del electorado. De ahí que se observe mucho más allá de las tendencias globales los rasgos específicos de cada país como su historia particular, los procesos por los que ha pasado, su situación política, la confianza que tienen los ciudadanos en las instituciones políticas y en los organismos electorales, entre otros que permiten proponer estrategias que posibiliten la implementación del voto electrónico o su mejoramiento para los países que ya lo han implantado.
El interés de este trabajo de grado es analizar la incidencia que ha tenido la estructura de oportunidad en la participación de los carteles del narcotráfico en el Fútbol Profesional colombiano. Este elemento es fundamental para entender este fenómeno pues desviste la arbitrariedad con la que se ha pretendido entender la entrada de estos colectivos al Fútbol. Igualmente, desde los conceptos teóricos de Charles Tilly, Sidney Tarrow y Doug McAdam, se evalúan los patrones de comportamiento de estos colectivos ilegales en su búsqueda por consolidar poder, riquezas y aceptación social. Por último se entiende, a la luz de un caso antitético, cómo el ordenamiento estructural de los espacios políticos y económicos abren precisamente las oportunidades para la infiltración y no viceversa, como se ha pensado. El resultado de la investigación permite identificar y comprobar de forma documentada y a partir de tres casos puntuales, las verdaderas causas de la infiltración de los carteles colombianos en el Fútbol Profesional de Colombia.
On the assumption that any complex Modern Political Theory involves a decision about human rights, this article considers a possible assessment of the broader aspects of the conception of the State in the work of Nozick. Based on one critical point of view originally formulated by H.L.A. Hart, it defends the claim that the libertarian conception is untenable in moral terms.
This article seeks to demonstrate how Law inter-related with Economy, constitutes in modern societies one of the main instruments for the construction of citizen consensus or the construction of political hegemony in modern societies. If we consider this affirmation —as is argued here— the transformations suffered in recent decades by Law as a consequence of the new phase of capitalistic globalization, have played an important role in the constitution of a new subjectivity (“single thought”) in the population.
The principal objective of this paper is to identify the relationship between the results of the Canadian policies implemented to protect female workers against the impact of globalization on the garment industry and the institutional setting in which this labour market is immersed in Winnipeg. This research paper begins with a brief summary of the institutional theory approach that sheds light on the analysis of the effects of institutions on the policy options to protect female workers of the Winnipeg garment industry. Next, this paper identifies the set of beliefs, formal procedures, routines, norms and conventions that characterize the institutional environment of the female workers of Winnipeg’s garment industry. Subsequently, this paper describes the impact of free trade policies on the garment industry of Winnipeg. Afterward, this paper presents an analysis of the barriers that the institutional features of the garment sector in Winnipeg can set to the successful achievement of policy options addressed to protect the female workforce of this sector. Three policy options are considered: ethical purchasing; training/retraining programs and social engagement support for garment workers; and protection of migrated workers through promoting and facilitating bonds between Canada’s trade unions and trade unions of the labour sending countries. Finally, this paper concludes that the formation of isolated cultural groups inside of factories; the belief that there is gender and race discrimination on the part of the garment industry management against workers; the powerless social conditions of immigrant women; the economic rationality of garment factories’ managers; and the lack of political will on the part of Canada and the labour sending countries to set effective bilateral agreements to protect migrate workers, are the principal barriers that divide the actors involved in the garment industry in Winnipeg. This division among the principal actors of Winnipeg’s garment industry impedes the change toward more efficient institutions and, hence, the successful achievement of policy options addressed to protect women workers.
In 1950, the English mathematician Alan Mathison Turing proposed the basis of what some authors consider the test that a machine must pass to establish that it can think. This test is basically a game; nevertheless, it has had great infl uence in the development of the theories of the mind performance. The game specifications and some of its repercussions in the conception of thinking, the consciousness and the human will, will be ramifications of the path that will take us through the beginning of the artificial intelligence, passing along some of its singular manifestations, to culminate in the posing of certain restrictions of its fundaments.
The modern citieshave been born of the processes of industrialization, urbanization, which have been characterized by violence, resulting in social inequality, spatial segregation, the struggle for survival, the authoritarianism of the government and the establishment of exclusive orders genre, which has prevented the enjoyment of the rights differential. In order to understand these complexities and transform power relations that develop and reproduce it, this article analyzes the main theoretical contributions and methodological approaches that feminist and gender studies have been conducted on the city, urban space and the right to city, which are valuable contributions to the definition of the right to the city of women as a collective right to universal construction
En Venezuela, en el seno de la Revolución Bolivariana, la Fuerza Armada Nacional se convierte en una de las principales organizaciones con capacidad para adelantar los objetivos de ese proyecto nacional. En este sentido, los militares tienen un papel político que cumplir. Lo anterior ha implicado, desde la llegada del presidente Hugo Chávez al poder, la puesta en marcha de un nuevo pensamiento militar que se sustenta en los conceptos de seguridad y defensa integral de la nación, la adopción del principio de corresponsabilidad entre el Estado y la sociedad en estos ámbitos y la reestructuración de la composición de la Fuerza Armada Nacional.-----In Venezuela, in the middle of the Bolivarian Revolution, the National Armed Forces become one of the main organizations with the capacity to push the objectives of the Bolivarian Revolution national project. Furthermore, the military have a political role to fulfill. This has entailed, since the arrival of president Hugo Chavez to power, the put into operation of a new military thought based on concepts of national integral defense and security, the adoption of the principle of co-responsibility between the state and society in these realms, and the National Armed Forces’ composition restructuring.
A year away from leaving the presidency, this article analyses Lula government in light of the many corruption scandals that erupted afterwards. These events showed that despite the almost unanimous conclusion of its balance sheet, Lula government leaves a big task ahead: the political reform. Priority of the Workers’ Party during the years 1980 and 1990, and subject of many academic studies, this issue has been abandoned in the 2000s, with the accession to power of Lula Da Silva. This paper evaluates the state-of-the-art on this matter and defends the need for further consideration in light of current events, and in a broader theoretical perspective than the institutional engineering one that prevailed earlier.
This study traces the origins of Mexican paramilitary groups and argues that, contrary to what most of the literature on the subject implies, they do not represent a state strategy to thwart leftist groups seeking social change. Rather, they represent battles between groups of national and local-level elites with different visions of democracy and of what constitutes good governance. The polarization inherent in this type of conflict leads local actors to have to side with one faction of elites or the other. The presence of radical leftist groups in recently colonized indigenous areas with scant state presence gives rise to a process of radicalization among local elites. There are multiple factors that explain the emergence of paramilitary groups. Aside from the post Cold War international context, there were national factors like a shift in its focus away from security matters between 1989 and 1993, and presidential policies between 1968 and 1993, that planted the seeds of leftist radicalism in a context of id modernization
Frente a la reestructuración del Estado, en relación con su papel frente al proceso de desarrollo urbano, territorial, social y económico, surgen dos importantes tendencias en la escena política e institucional: la masificación del proceso de urbanización y la expansión de las ciudades, en cuyas dinámicas compromete cada vez más a sus entornos territoriales inmediatos, y paralelamente, lo que en forma un tanto ambigua se ha denominado la globalización.De esta manera, frente al desarrollo, varias de las actividades y funciones que durante muchos años fueron responsabilidad casi exclusiva de las entidades del gobierno se comparten cada vez más y con mayor intensidad con el sector privado, las organizaciones sociales y comunitarias.De acuerdo con lo anterior, estas tendencias sugieren la necesidad de pensar la gestión más allá de la esfera gubernamental, para involucrar a los demás actores que ahora intervienen en el proceso de desarrollo, lo cual da pie para la construcción de redes de interacciones, tanto entre las mismas entidades públicas como entre estas y las demás organizaciones pertenecientes al mercado o a la sociedad en general.-----The restructuring of the State, with respect to its role in the urban, territorial, social, and economic development, causes two major trends in the political and institutional arena: the Urban Development Process spread and the cities growth involving in their dynamics more neighboring territorial environments; and, in parallel, the ambiguously so-called Globalization.In this way, public entities facing development are sharing more several activities and functions, which had been in their almost sole responsibility, with the private sector, and social and community organizations.According to the foregoing, these different trends suggest that Management should be thought beyond the government sphere to involve the other actors that participate in the development process, thus accommodating the construction of interaction networks, both among the public entities and between these and other market and society organizations in general.
This article attempts to assess the implications and the own character of the crisis of representation in Mexico. Once the topic framed and the long-term dynamics of Mexican political elites presented, this paper will attempt to understand why, despite the pluralization of the party system, there remain many questions about the truly democratic nature of the Mexican political system.
La presente monografía tiene por objetivo identificar la influencia de las acciones emprendidas por la sociedad civil y las organizaciones internacionales frente a la problemática de la trata de personas en Colombia, durante el período comprendido entre los años 2000 y 2012. En este sentido, la investigación constituye un esfuerzo por develar las transformaciones en las narrativas institucionales que han posibilitado el reconocimiento de los elementos de prevención y centralidad de las víctimas, como ejes articuladores del discurso gubernamental frente a la trata de personas. Para ello, se hace uso de la teoría de la gobernanza global enmarcada en el enfoque constructivista de las Relaciones Internacionales, en tanto permite establecer una relación entre las acciones de los diferentes actores y el impacto de estas en la construcción de estrategias nacionales para hacer frente a problemáticas que, como la trata de personas, se encuentran en estrecha relación con el mundo globalizado.
En este ensayo reconcilio la epistemología idealista de Peirce con su realismo metafísico, al proponer una idea de realidad permanentemente corregida por los resultados de la indagación. Esto implica prescindir del acuerdo último y aceptar uno actual y falible.