22 resultados para Investimentos - Modelos econométricos
This study proposes a new method for testing for the presence of momentum in nominal exchange rates, using a probabilistic approach. We illustrate our methodology estimating a binary response model using information on local currency / US dollar exchange rates of eight emerging economies. After controlling for important variables a§ecting the behavior of exchange rates in the short-run, we show evidence of exchange rate inertia; in other words, we Önd that exchange rate momentum is a common feature in this group of emerging economies, and thus foreign exchange traders participating in these markets are able to make excess returns by following technical analysis strategies. We Önd that the presence of momentum is asymmetric, being stronger in moments of currency depreciation than of appreciation. This behavior may be associated with central bank intervention
El artículo busca entender la manera en que el cambio en la conceptualización del examen del ICFES, a partir del 2000, afectó la importancia de la escuela en la predicción del logro del estudiante. El artículo muestra que la importancia bruta de la escuela, que entre 1997 y 1999 se situaba en niveles similares (entre el 27% y el 37%), se reduce considerablemente con el nuevo examen, ubicándose entre el 10% y el 27% para el 2000. Así, el poder discriminatorio a nivel de los colegios del nuevo examen, se reduce significativamente en las pruebas del núcleo común. Ello es igualmente cierto cuando se aborda la importancia neta del colegio, la cual oscilaba entre el 13% y el 20% en 1999 mientras que en el año 2000 el intervalo en que se movía iba del 6% al 11%.
In recent years, several experiments have shown individuals exhibit authentic reciprocal behaviour in anonymous one-shot interactions. As reciprocity has been shown to be relevant in several economic fields, there have also been several attempts to model reciprocal bahaviour. I review the intention-based models of reciprocity and present an example of teacher management in the public sector in which the government offers an incentive scheme to implement a program. The incentive scheme has a prisoner´s dilemma structure. In both simultaneous and sequential games, equilibrium results may differ from those predicted by standard theory.
We examine the long-run relationship between the parallel and the official exchange rate in Colombia over two regimes; a crawling peg period and a more flexible crawling band one. The short-run adjustment process of the parallel rate is examined both in a linear and a nonlinear context. We find that the change from the crawling peg to the crawling band regime did not affect the long-run relationship between the official and parallel exchange rates, but altered the short-run dynamics. Non-linear adjustment seems appropriate for the first period, mainly due to strict foreign controls that cause distortions in the transition back to equilibrium once disequilibrium occurs
El documento examina el efecto de filtros de ajuste en el tamaño y poder de prueba de cointegración que usan los residuales como pruebas ADF y PP, mediante procedimientos MonteCarlo y una aplicación empírica. Nuestros resultados indican que el uso de filtros distorsiona el tamaño y reduce el poder de estas pruebas.
In spite of increasing globalization around the world, the effects of international trade on economic growth are not very clear. I consider an endogenous economic growth model in an open economy with the Home Market Effect (HME) and non-homothetic preferences in order to identify some determinants of the different results in this relationship. The model shows how trade between similar countries leads to convergence in economic growth when knowledge spillovers are present, while trade between very asymmetric countries produces divergence and may become trade in a poverty or growth trap. The results for welfare move in the same direction as economic growth since convergence implies increases in welfare for both countries, while divergence leads to increases in welfare for the largest country and the opposite for its commercial partner in the absence of knowledge spillovers. International trade does not implicate greater welfare as is usual in a static context under CES preferences.
El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la relación entre distribución del ingreso y patrones de comercio e inversión extranjera. Por tanto, en el capítulo uno desarrolla un modelo que combina consumidores con preferencias no homotéticas y firmas heterogéneas en sus niveles de productividad, las cuales puede servir a los mercados extranjeros a través de exportaciones o inversión extranjera horizontal. Los capítulos dos y tres se prueban las predicciones teóricas que vinculan las exportaciones bilaterales y las ventas las filiales extranjeras de bienes de lujo y necesarios con la distribución del ingreso en los países de origen y de destino. Los resultados empíricos confirman parte de las predicciones teóricas.