4 resultados para passage

em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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There are two principal chemical concepts that are important for studying the natural environment. The first one is thermodynamics, which describes whether a system is at equilibrium or can spontaneously change by chemical reactions. The second main concept is how fast chemical reactions (kinetics or rate of chemical change) take place whenever they start. In this work we examine a natural system in which both thermodynamics and kinetic factors are important in determining the abundance of NH+4 , NO−2 and NO−3 in superficial waters. Samples were collected in the Arno Basin (Tuscany, Italy), a system in which natural and antrophic effects both contribute to highly modify the chemical composition of water. Thermodynamical modelling based on the reduction-oxidation reactions involving the passage NH+4 -> NO−2 -> NO−3 in equilibrium conditions has allowed to determine the Eh redox potential values able to characterise the state of each sample and, consequently, of the fluid environment from which it was drawn. Just as pH expresses the concentration of H+ in solution, redox potential is used to express the tendency of an environment to receive or supply electrons. In this context, oxic environments, as those of river systems, are said to have a high redox potential because O2 is available as an electron acceptor. Principles of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics allow to obtain a model that often does not completely describe the reality of natural systems. Chemical reactions may indeed fail to achieve equilibrium because the products escape from the site of the rection or because reactions involving the trasformation are very slow, so that non-equilibrium conditions exist for long periods. Moreover, reaction rates can be sensitive to poorly understood catalytic effects or to surface effects, while variables as concentration (a large number of chemical species can coexist and interact concurrently), temperature and pressure can have large gradients in natural systems. By taking into account this, data of 91 water samples have been modelled by using statistical methodologies for compositional data. The application of log–contrast analysis has allowed to obtain statistical parameters to be correlated with the calculated Eh values. In this way, natural conditions in which chemical equilibrium is hypothesised, as well as underlying fast reactions, are compared with those described by a stochastic approach


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Path planning and control strategies applied to autonomous mobile robots should fulfil safety rules as well as achieve final goals. Trajectory planning applications should be fast and flexible to allow real time implementations as well as environment interactions. The methodology presented uses the on robot information as the meaningful data necessary to plan a narrow passage by using a corridor based on attraction potential fields that approaches the mobile robot to the final desired configuration. It employs local and dense occupancy grid perception to avoid collisions. The key goals of this research project are computational simplicity as well as the possibility of integrating this method with other methods reported by the research community. Another important aspect of this work consist in testing the proposed method by using a mobile robot with a perception system composed of a monocular camera and odometers placed on the two wheels of the differential driven motion system. Hence, visual data are used as a local horizon of perception in which trajectories without collisions are computed by satisfying final goal approaches and safety criteria


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Fa més de 10 anys del primer Pla Nacional de Joventut de Catalunya, del pas de les polítiques de suport a l’associacionisme a les polítiques integrals, i amb aquestes la prolífica etapa dels Plans de Joventut i de l’expansió real de les polítiques de joventut al territori català. És a dia d’avui, en un moment de grans esdeveniments en aquest camp, en que es proposa un anàlisi sobre la futura evolució de les polítiques de joventut, basat en l’estudi i la interpretació de la informació existent i les aportacions de 9 persones vinculades al món de les polítiques de joventut


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Aquest treball gira entorn a la controvèrsia que, des de finals del segle XIX, va generar el passatge de les Confessions (VIII, 6-12) on Agustí relata la seva crisi decisiva, viscuda a Milà l'estiu de l'any 386, que l'acabaria portant a l'aparent definitiva conversió al cristianisme. Els motius de fons de la controvèrsia són dos de clars. En primer lloc, i a la llum del que nosaltres entenem per gènere autobiogràfic, s'imposa aclarir si un relat com el de les Confessions s'hi pot adscriure, i per tant si ens relata una sèrie d'esdeveniments viscuts per Agustí històricament, o bé si cal interpretar els elements que l'autor desplega al llarg de la narració com a símbols d'un missatge que supera la narració que es troba a la superfície. La segona qüestió, directament vinculada a la primera, és el sentit que cal donar a aquesta conversió en relació a la noció de forma de vida filosòfica, i la influència que tindrà aquesta noció en la biografia i el pensament d'Agustí.