11 resultados para electronic conducting polymers

em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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In the context of the digital business ecosystems, small organizations cooperate between them in order to achieve common goals or offer new services for expanding their markets. There are different approaches for these cooperation models such as virtual enterprises, virtual organizations or dynamic electronic institutions which in their lifecycle have in common a dissolution phase. However this phase has not been studied deeply in the current literature and it lacks formalization. In this paper a first approach for achieving and managing the dissolution phase is proposed, as well as a CBR process in order to support it in a multi-agent system


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Restricted Hartree-Fock 6-31G calculations of electrical and mechanical anharmonicity contributions to the longitudinal vibrational second hyperpolarizability have been carried out for eight homologous series of conjugated oligomers - polyacetylene, polyyne, polydiacetylene, polybutatriene, polycumulene, polysilane, polymethineimine, and polypyrrole. To draw conclusions about the limiting infinite polymer behavior, chains containing up to 12 heavy atoms along the conjugated backbone were considered. In general, the vibrational hyperpolarizabilities are substantial in comparison with their static electronic counterparts for the dc-Kerr and degenerate four-wave mixing processes (as well as for static fields) but not for electric field-induced second harmonic generation or third harmonic generation. Anharmonicity terms due to nuclear relaxation are important for the dc-Kerr effect (and for the static hyperpolarizability) in the σ-conjugated polymer, polysilane, as well as the nonplanar π systems polymethineimine and polypyrrole. Restricting polypyrrole to be planar, as it is in the crystal phase, causes these anharmonic terms to become negligible. When the same restriction is applied to polymethineimine the effect is reduced but remains quantitatively significant due to the first-order contribution. We conclude that anharmonicity associated with nuclear relaxation can be ignored, for semiquantitative purposes, in planar π-conjugated polymers. The role of zero-point vibrational averaging remains to be evaluated


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A set of connections among several nuclear and electronic indexes of reactivity in the framework of the conceptual Density Functional Theory by using an expansion ofthe energy functional in terms of the total number of electrons and the normal coordinates within a canonical ensemble was derived. The relations obtained provided explicit links between important quantities related to the chemical reactivity of a system. This paper particularly demonstrates that the derivative of the electronic energy with respect to the external potential of a system in its equilibrium geometry was equal to the negative of the nuclear repulsion derivative with respect to the external potential


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The electron hole transfer (HT) properties of DNA are substantially affected by thermal fluctuations of the π stack structure. Depending on the mutual position of neighboring nucleobases, electronic coupling V may change by several orders of magnitude. In the present paper, we report the results of systematic QM/molecular dynamic (MD) calculations of the electronic couplings and on-site energies for the hole transfer. Based on 15 ns MD trajectories for several DNA oligomers, we calculate the average coupling squares 〈 V2 〉 and the energies of basepair triplets X G+ Y and X A+ Y, where X, Y=G, A, T, and C. For each of the 32 systems, 15 000 conformations separated by 1 ps are considered. The three-state generalized Mulliken-Hush method is used to derive electronic couplings for HT between neighboring basepairs. The adiabatic energies and dipole moment matrix elements are computed within the INDO/S method. We compare the rms values of V with the couplings estimated for the idealized B -DNA structure and show that in several important cases the couplings calculated for the idealized B -DNA structure are considerably underestimated. The rms values for intrastrand couplings G-G, A-A, G-A, and A-G are found to be similar, ∼0.07 eV, while the interstrand couplings are quite different. The energies of hole states G+ and A+ in the stack depend on the nature of the neighboring pairs. The X G+ Y are by 0.5 eV more stable than X A+ Y. The thermal fluctuations of the DNA structure facilitate the HT process from guanine to adenine. The tabulated couplings and on-site energies can be used as reference parameters in theoretical and computational studies of HT processes in DNA


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Comparison of donor-acceptor electronic couplings calculated within two-state and three-state models suggests that the two-state treatment can provide unreliable estimates of Vda because of neglecting the multistate effects. We show that in most cases accurate values of the electronic coupling in a π stack, where donor and acceptor are separated by a bridging unit, can be obtained as Ṽ da = (E2 - E1) μ12 Rda + (2 E3 - E1 - E2) 2 μ13 μ23 Rda2, where E1, E2, and E3 are adiabatic energies of the ground, charge-transfer, and bridge states, respectively, μij is the transition dipole moments between the states i and j, and Rda is the distance between the planes of donor and acceptor. In this expression based on the generalized Mulliken-Hush approach, the first term corresponds to the coupling derived within a two-state model, whereas the second term is the superexchange correction accounting for the bridge effect. The formula is extended to bridges consisting of several subunits. The influence of the donor-acceptor energy mismatch on the excess charge distribution, adiabatic dipole and transition moments, and electronic couplings is examined. A diagnostic is developed to determine whether the two-state approach can be applied. Based on numerical results, we showed that the superexchange correction considerably improves estimates of the donor-acceptor coupling derived within a two-state approach. In most cases when the two-state scheme fails, the formula gives reliable results which are in good agreement (within 5%) with the data of the three-state generalized Mulliken-Hush model


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Electronic coupling Vda is one of the key parameters that determine the rate of charge transfer through DNA. While there have been several computational studies of Vda for hole transfer, estimates of electronic couplings for excess electron transfer (ET) in DNA remain unavailable. In the paper, an efficient strategy is established for calculating the ET matrix elements between base pairs in a π stack. Two approaches are considered. First, we employ the diabatic-state (DS) method in which donor and acceptor are represented with radical anions of the canonical base pairs adenine-thymine (AT) and guanine-cytosine (GC). In this approach, similar values of Vda are obtained with the standard 6-31 G* and extended 6-31++ G* basis sets. Second, the electronic couplings are derived from lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMOs) of neutral systems by using the generalized Mulliken-Hush or fragment charge methods. Because the radical-anion states of AT and GC are well reproduced by LUMOs of the neutral base pairs calculated without diffuse functions, the estimated values of Vda are in good agreement with the couplings obtained for radical-anion states using the DS method. However, when the calculation of a neutral stack is carried out with diffuse functions, LUMOs of the system exhibit the dipole-bound character and cannot be used for estimating electronic couplings. Our calculations suggest that the ET matrix elements Vda for models containing intrastrand thymine and cytosine bases are essentially larger than the couplings in complexes with interstrand pyrimidine bases. The matrix elements for excess electron transfer are found to be considerably smaller than the corresponding values for hole transfer and to be very responsive to structural changes in a DNA stack


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In this study we report on the electronic and vibrational (hyper)polarizabilities of donor–acceptorsubstituted azobenzene. It is observed that both electronic and vibrational contributions to the electric dipole first hyperpolarizability of investigated photoactive molecule substantially depend on the conformation. The contributions to the nuclear relaxation first hyperpolarizability are found to be quite important in the case of two considered isomers (cis and trans). Although the double-harmonic term is found to be the largest in terms of magnitude, it is shown that the total value of the nuclear relaxation contribution to vibrational first hyperpolarizability is a result of subtle interplay of higher-order contributions. As a part of the study, we also assess the performance of long-range-corrected density functional theory in determining vibrational contributions to electric dipole (hyper)polarizabilities. In most cases, the applied long-range-corrected exchange correlation potentials amend the drawbacks of their conventional counterparts


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Interactions between electrons determine the structure and properties of matter from molecules to solids. Therefore, the understanding of the electronic structure of molecules will enable us to extract relevant chemical information. In the first part of this thesis, we focus our attention on the analysis of chemical bonding by means of the Electron Localization Function (ELF) and the Domain-Averaged Fermi Hole analysis (DAFH). In the second part, we assess the performance of some indicators of aromaticity by analyzing their advantages and drawbacks. We propose a series of tests based on well-known aromaticity trends that can be applied to evaluate the aromaticity of current and future indicators of aromaticity in both organic and inorganic species. Moreover, we investigate the nature of electron delocalization in both aromatic and antiaromatic systems in the light of Hückel’s (4n + 2) rule. Finally, we analyze the phenomenon of multiple aromaticity in all-metal clusters.


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En la literatura sobre mecànica quàntica és freqüent trobar descriptors basats en la densitat de parells o la densitat electrònica, amb un èxit divers segons les aplicacions que atenyin. Per tal de que tingui sentit químic un descriptor ha de donar la definició d'un àtom en una molècula, o ésser capaç d'identificar regions de l'espai molecular associades amb algun concepte químic (com pot ser un parell solitari o zona d'enllaç, entre d'altres). En aquesta línia, s'han proposat diversos esquemes de partició: la teoria d'àtoms en molècules (AIM), la funció de localització electrònica (ELF), les cel·les de Voroni, els àtoms de Hirshfeld, els àtoms difusos, etc. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és explorar descriptors de la densitat basats en particions de l'espai molecular del tipus AIM, ELF o àtoms difusos, analitzar els descriptors existents amb diferents nivells de teoria, proposar nous descriptors d'aromaticitat, així com estudiar l'habilitat de totes aquestes eines per discernir entre diferents mecanismes de reacció.


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El test de circuits és una fase del procés de producció que cada vegada pren més importància quan es desenvolupa un nou producte. Les tècniques de test i diagnosi per a circuits digitals han estat desenvolupades i automatitzades amb èxit, mentre que aquest no és encara el cas dels circuits analògics. D'entre tots els mètodes proposats per diagnosticar circuits analògics els més utilitzats són els diccionaris de falles. En aquesta tesi se'n descriuen alguns, tot analitzant-ne els seus avantatges i inconvenients. Durant aquests últims anys, les tècniques d'Intel·ligència Artificial han esdevingut un dels camps de recerca més importants per a la diagnosi de falles. Aquesta tesi desenvolupa dues d'aquestes tècniques per tal de cobrir algunes de les mancances que presenten els diccionaris de falles. La primera proposta es basa en construir un sistema fuzzy com a eina per identificar. Els resultats obtinguts son força bons, ja que s'aconsegueix localitzar la falla en un elevat tant percent dels casos. Per altra banda, el percentatge d'encerts no és prou bo quan a més a més s'intenta esbrinar la desviació. Com que els diccionaris de falles es poden veure com una aproximació simplificada al Raonament Basat en Casos (CBR), la segona proposta fa una extensió dels diccionaris de falles cap a un sistema CBR. El propòsit no és donar una solució general del problema sinó contribuir amb una nova metodologia. Aquesta consisteix en millorar la diagnosis dels diccionaris de falles mitjançant l'addició i l'adaptació dels nous casos per tal d'esdevenir un sistema de Raonament Basat en Casos. Es descriu l'estructura de la base de casos així com les tasques d'extracció, de reutilització, de revisió i de retenció, fent èmfasi al procés d'aprenentatge. En el transcurs del text s'utilitzen diversos circuits per mostrar exemples dels mètodes de test descrits, però en particular el filtre biquadràtic és l'utilitzat per provar les metodologies plantejades, ja que és un dels benchmarks proposats en el context dels circuits analògics. Les falles considerades son paramètriques, permanents, independents i simples, encara que la metodologia pot ser fàcilment extrapolable per a la diagnosi de falles múltiples i catastròfiques. El mètode es centra en el test dels components passius, encara que també es podria extendre per a falles en els actius.