5 resultados para burn mechanism

em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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The effect of strongly destabilizing mutations, I106A and V108G of Ribonuclease A (RNase A), on its structure and stability has been determined by NMR. The solution structures of these variants are essentially equivalent to RNase A. The exchange rates of the most protected amide protons in RNase A (35ºC), the I106A variant (35ºC), and the V108G variant (10ºC) yield stability values of 9.9, 6.0, and 6.8 kcal/mol, respectively, when analyzed assuming an EX2 exchange mechanism. Thus, the destabilization induced by these mutations is propagated throughout the protein. Simulation of RNase A hydrogen exchange indicates that the most protected protons in RNase A and the V108G variant exchange via the EX2 regime, whereas those of I106A exchange through a mixed EX1 1 EX2 process. It is striking that a single point mutation can alter the overall exchange mechanism. Thus, destabilizing mutations joins high temperatures, high pH and the presence of denaturating agents as a factor that induces EX1 exchange in proteins. The calculations also indicate a shift from the EX2 to the EX1 mechanism for less protected groups within the same protein. This should be borne in mind when interpreting exchange data as a measure of local stability in less protected regions


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Pressure-jump (p-jump)-induced relaxation kinetics was used to explore the energy landscape of protein folding/unfolding of Y115W, a fluorescent variant of ribonuclease A. Pressure-jumps of 40MPa amplitude (5ms dead-time) were conducted both to higher (unfolding) and to lower (folding) pressure, in the range from 100 to 500MPa, between 30 and 50°C. Significant deviations from the expected symmetrical protein relaxation kinetics were observed. Whereas downward p-jumps resulted always in single exponential kinetics, the kinetics induced by upward p-jumps were biphasic in the low pressure range and monophasic at higher pressures. The relative amplitude of the slow phase decreased as a function of both pressure and temperature. At 50°C, only the fast phase remained. These results can be interpreted within the framework of a two-dimensional energy surface containing a pressure- and temperature-dependent barrier between two unfolded states differing in the isomeric state of the Asn-113–Pro-114 bond. Analysis of the activation volume of the fast kinetic phase revealed a temperature-dependent shift of the unfolding transition state to a larger volume. The observed compensation of this effect by glycerol offers an explanation for its protein stabilizing effect


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La soca EPS125 ha mostrat ser un efectiu agent de control biològic de diferents patògens fúngics de postcollita en diferents fruits. Degut a la seva elevada eficàcia, es va plantejar desenvolupar aquesta soca comercialment i per aquest motiu en el present treball es plantejà complementar la informació necessària pel seu registre. D'acord amb els resultats obtinguts mitjançant proves fenotípiques i genotípiques, la soca EPS125 queda inclosa dins l'espècie Pantoea agglomerans (Enterobacter agglomerans-Erwinia herbicola). En relació a la utilització de fonts de carboni, en el perfil i contingut d'àcids grassos cel·lulars i en el polimorfisme en la longitud dels fragments de macrorestricció genòmica (MRFLP), la soca EPS125 mostrà trets característics que la diferencien d'altres soques. Els dos marcadors moleculars (125.2 i 125.3) específics per la soca EPS125 dissenyats en el present treball mostraren ser semiespecífics per la seva detecció mitjançant la tècnica PCR i Real Time PCR. Quedant pendent l'anàlisi d'especificitat de l'ús combinat dels dos marcadors moleculars en una reacció PCR multiplex. P. agglomerans EPS125 ha mostrat ser molt efectiva en el control de Penicillium expansum en poma amb una dosi efectiva mitjana de 2.7x105 a 7x105 ufc/ml, i una ratio de 25-101 cèl·lules de la soca EPS125 per inactivar una espora del patogen segons el model de saturació hiperbòlica. Segons les aproximacions fenotípiques i estudis genotípics realitzats, sembla que els mecanismes de biocontrol utilitzats per la soca EPS125 contra P. expansum en poma estan directament relacionats amb la capacitat de formació de biofilm per aquesta soca.


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This PhD thesis is the result of the combination of experimental and computational techniques with the aim of understanding the mechanism of action of de novo cyclic decapeptides with high antimicrobial activity. By experimental techniques the influence of the replacement of the phenylalanine for tryptophan residue in their antimicrobial activity was tested and the stability in human serum was also analyzed, in order to evaluate their potential therapeutic application as antitumor agents. On the other hand, the interaction amongst the peptide BPC194 c(KKLKKFKKLQ), the best candidate from the whole library of cyclic peptides, and a model anionic membrane was simulated. The results showed a structure-function relationship derived from the stable conformation of the peptides involved in the membrane permeabilization. As a result, a rational design was performed being BPC490 the peptide with best antimicrobial activity compared with the best active peptide from the original library.