4 resultados para Systems of measurement.
em Universitat de Girona, Spain
In the accounting literature, interaction or moderating effects are usually assessed by means of OLS regression and summated rating scales are constructed to reduce measurement error bias. Structural equation models and two-stage least squares regression could be used to completely eliminate this bias, but large samples are needed. Partial Least Squares are appropriate for small samples but do not correct measurement error bias. In this article, disattenuated regression is discussed as a small sample alternative and is illustrated on data of Bisbe and Otley (in press) that examine the interaction effect of innovation and style of use of budgets on performance. Sizeable differences emerge between OLS and disattenuated regression
La presència de la química teòrica i computacional està augmentant en quasi tots els camps de la recerca en química. Els càlculs teòrics poden ajudar a entendre millor l'estructura, les propietats i la reactivitat de compostos metàl·lics d'àrees tan diferents com la química inorgànica, organometàl·lica i bioinorgànica. No obstant això, és imprescindible utilitzar la metodologia adequada per obtenir resultats teòrics fiables. Els estudis d'aquesta tesi es poden dividir en dos grups diferents. El primer grup inclou l'estudi teòric del mecanisme de reacció de diversos sistemes que contenen coure i tenen diferents estructures Cun-O2. Aquests estudies s'han dut a terme amb l'objectiu de profunditzar en la natura dels processos oxidants químics i biològics promoguts per sistemes que contenen coure. En la segona part de la tesi, s'estudia la fiabilitat de diferents tècniques utilitzades per estudiar l'estructura electrònica i la reactivitat de sistemes que contenen coure, ferro i altres metalls de transició.
Compositional data, also called multiplicative ipsative data, are common in survey research instruments in areas such as time use, budget expenditure and social networks. Compositional data are usually expressed as proportions of a total, whose sum can only be 1. Owing to their constrained nature, statistical analysis in general, and estimation of measurement quality with a confirmatory factor analysis model for multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) designs in particular are challenging tasks. Compositional data are highly non-normal, as they range within the 0-1 interval. One component can only increase if some other(s) decrease, which results in spurious negative correlations among components which cannot be accounted for by the MTMM model parameters. In this article we show how researchers can use the correlated uniqueness model for MTMM designs in order to evaluate measurement quality of compositional indicators. We suggest using the additive log ratio transformation of the data, discuss several approaches to deal with zero components and explain how the interpretation of MTMM designs di ers from the application to standard unconstrained data. We show an illustration of the method on data of social network composition expressed in percentages of partner, family, friends and other members in which we conclude that the faceto-face collection mode is generally superior to the telephone mode, although primacy e ects are higher in the face-to-face mode. Compositions of strong ties (such as partner) are measured with higher quality than those of weaker ties (such as other network members)
The proposal presented in this thesis is to provide designers of knowledge based supervisory systems of dynamic systems with a framework to facilitate their tasks avoiding interface problems among tools, data flow and management. The approach is thought to be useful to both control and process engineers in assisting their tasks. The use of AI technologies to diagnose and perform control loops and, of course, assist process supervisory tasks such as fault detection and diagnose, are in the scope of this work. Special effort has been put in integration of tools for assisting expert supervisory systems design. With this aim the experience of Computer Aided Control Systems Design (CACSD) frameworks have been analysed and used to design a Computer Aided Supervisory Systems (CASSD) framework. In this sense, some basic facilities are required to be available in this proposed framework: ·