13 resultados para Sergio Chejfec

em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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Tanto los sistemas basados en software propietario como en software libre tienen vengajas e inconvenientes que hacen que una empresa o institución no pueda elegir, al menos a corto plazo, en una solución global basada en un solo tipo de software. Consecuencia de esto, lo más habitual es encontrarnos con elementos mixtos en lo que la política de software se refiere. (...)


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Aquest primer quadern desenvolupa teòricament el tema 5, “La teoria dels comptes”, segons el temari que es recull a la guia didàctica que presenta l’estudi de la comptabilitat general, la qual es basa en el coneixement de la teoria logismològica dels comptes


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La asignatura de libre elección en la que se realizó la experiencia que se indica pretende ser un trampolín de iniciación para aquellos alumnos de la Universidad Europea de Madrid que tengan inquietud por descubrir el mundo de la robótica. Con una clase de alumnos procedentes de muchas titulaciones distintas, Licenciado en Odontología, Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Ingeniero Industrial, Ingeniero Informático, Ingeniero en Telecomunicaciones, Técnicos en Obras Públicas y alumnos internacionales, el reto de hacer de la asignatura algo interesante para ellos implicaba saber adaptarse a distintos niveles tanto disciplinar (varias carreras) como académico (los alumnos eran tanto de los primeros cursos como de los últimos). Basándose en el uso del portafolio y el aprendizaje basado en problemas se fueron inculcando los conocimientos básicos necesarios para desarrollar lo que sería el final de la asignatura. Este objetivo final es el que hizo que los alumnos vieran de cerca la labor de un investigador y un grupo de trabajo multidisciplinar. El reto consistió en que debían hacer una solicitud 'ficticia' de un proyecto PROFIT. Los PROFIT constituyen programas de ayuda y fomento a la investigación técnica convocados por el Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio. Las plantillas son accesibles desde Internet y de esta forma los alumnos pudieron realizar una memoria clara y precisa de sus proyectos. Además, como elemento final de evaluación se invitó a dos profesores expertos en robótica de otra universidad al día de la presentación en el que los alumnos entregaban la memoria y defendían sus trabajos. Tres profesores en total, dos de otra universidad y el profesor de la asignatura asistieron a su defensa y pusieron de manera independiente los trabajos en orden según sus preferencias, al ser 5 grupos la nota debía ponerse entre 10, 9, 8, 7 y 6. La media de la decisión de los tres profesores configuró la nota final


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Learning contents adaptation has been a subject of interest in the research area of the adaptive hypermedia systems. Defining which variables and which standards can be considered to model adaptive content delivery processes is one of the main challenges in pedagogical design over e-learning environments. In this paper some specifications, architectures and technologies that can be used in contents adaptation processes considering characteristics of the context are described and a proposal to integrate some of these characteristics in the design of units of learning using adaptation conditions in a structure of IMS-Learning Design (IMS-LD) is presented. The key contribution of this work is the generation of instructional designs considering the context, which can be used in Learning Management Systems (LMSs) and diverse mobile devices


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A petició d’un grup d’empreses del polígon industrial “Polígon”, es redacta el present projecte que té per objecte establir les característiques tècniques per a la construcció d’una variant de la línia de doble circuit 110 kV que uneix les dues subestacions; S.E. Polígon Nord – S.E. Polígon Sur. Actualment es disposa d’una línia de doble circuit 110 kV que uneix les dues subestacions; S.E. Polígon Nord – S.E. Polígon Sur i que travessa vàries parcel•les del polígon industrial “Polígon” sobrevolant-les i reduint, per tant, la seva capacitat d’aprofitament de sòl. Es consideraran, i es calcularan, les dues alternatives que existeixen actualment en línies de transport elèctric: variant aèria i variant soterrada


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This paper presents and compares two approaches to estimate the origin (upstream or downstream) of voltage sag registered in distribution substations. The first approach is based on the application of a single rule dealing with features extracted from the impedances during the fault whereas the second method exploit the variability of waveforms from an statistical point of view. Both approaches have been tested with voltage sags registered in distribution substations and advantages, drawbacks and comparative results are presented


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This paper aims to survey the techniques and methods described in literature to analyse and characterise voltage sags and the corresponding objectives of these works. The study has been performed from a data mining point of view


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Three multivariate statistical tools (principal component analysis, factor analysis, analysis discriminant) have been tested to characterize and model the sags registered in distribution substations. Those models use several features to represent the magnitude, duration and unbalanced grade of sags. They have been obtained from voltage and current waveforms. The techniques are tested and compared using 69 registers of sags. The advantages and drawbacks of each technique are listed


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This paper focus on the problem of locating single-phase faults in mixed distribution electric systems, with overhead lines and underground cables, using voltage and current measurements at the sending-end and sequence model of the network. Since calculating series impedance for underground cables is not as simple as in the case of overhead lines, the paper proposes a methodology to obtain an estimation of zero-sequence impedance of underground cables starting from previous single-faults occurred in the system, in which an electric arc occurred at the fault location. For this reason, the signal is previously pretreated to eliminate its peaks voltage and the analysis can be done working with a signal as close as a sinus wave as possible


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Fault location has been studied deeply for transmission lines due to its importance in power systems. Nowadays the problem of fault location on distribution systems is receiving special attention mainly because of the power quality regulations. In this context, this paper presents an application software developed in Matlabtrade that automatically calculates the location of a fault in a distribution power system, starting from voltages and currents measured at the line terminal and the model of the distribution power system data. The application is based on a N-ary tree structure, which is suitable to be used in this application due to the highly branched and the non- homogeneity nature of the distribution systems, and has been developed for single-phase, two-phase, two-phase-to-ground, and three-phase faults. The implemented application is tested by using fault data in a real electrical distribution power system


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A statistical method for classification of sags their origin downstream or upstream from the recording point is proposed in this work. The goal is to obtain a statistical model using the sag waveforms useful to characterise one type of sags and to discriminate them from the other type. This model is built on the basis of multi-way principal component analysis an later used to project the available registers in a new space with lower dimension. Thus, a case base of diagnosed sags is built in the projection space. Finally classification is done by comparing new sags against the existing in the case base. Similarity is defined in the projection space using a combination of distances to recover the nearest neighbours to the new sag. Finally the method assigns the origin of the new sag according to the origin of their neighbours