em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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En aquest treball es presenta l'ús de funcions de densitat electrònica de forat de Fermi per incrementar el paper que pren una regió molecular concreta, considerada com a responsable de la reactivitat molecular, tot i mantenir la mida de la funció de densitat original. Aquestes densitats s'utilitzen per fer mesures d'autosemblança molecular quàntica i es presenten com una alternativa a l'ús de fragments moleculars aillats en estudis de relació entre estructura i propietat. El treball es complementa amb un exemple pràctic, on es correlaciona l'autosemblanca molecular a partir de densitats modificades amb l'energia d'una reacció isodòsmica


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En aquest article es defineixen uns nous índexs tridimensionals per a la descripció de les molècules a partir de paràmetres derivats de la Teoria de la Semblança Molecular i de les distàncies euclidianes entre els àtoms i les càrregues atòmiques efectives. Aquests indexs, anomenats 3D, s'han aplicat a l'estudi de les relacions estructura-propietat d'una família d'hidrocarburs, i han demostrat una capacitat de descripció de tres propietats de la família (temperatura d'ebullició, temperatura de fusió i densitat) molt més acurada que quan s'utilitzen els indexs 2D clàssics


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This PhD thesis is the result of the combination of experimental and computational techniques with the aim of understanding the mechanism of action of de novo cyclic decapeptides with high antimicrobial activity. By experimental techniques the influence of the replacement of the phenylalanine for tryptophan residue in their antimicrobial activity was tested and the stability in human serum was also analyzed, in order to evaluate their potential therapeutic application as antitumor agents. On the other hand, the interaction amongst the peptide BPC194 c(KKLKKFKKLQ), the best candidate from the whole library of cyclic peptides, and a model anionic membrane was simulated. The results showed a structure-function relationship derived from the stable conformation of the peptides involved in the membrane permeabilization. As a result, a rational design was performed being BPC490 the peptide with best antimicrobial activity compared with the best active peptide from the original library.


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La present tesi està centrada en l'ús de la Teoria de Semblança Quàntica per a calcular descriptors moleculars. Aquests descriptors s'utilitzen com a paràmetres estructurals per a derivar correlacions entre l'estructura i la funció o activitat experimental per a un conjunt de compostos. Els estudis de Relacions Quantitatives Estructura-Activitat són d'especial interès per al disseny racional de molècules assistit per ordinador i, en particular, per al disseny de fàrmacs. Aquesta memòria consta de quatre parts diferenciades. En els dos primers blocs es revisen els fonaments de la teoria de semblança quàntica, així com l'aproximació topològica basada en la teoria de grafs. Ambdues teories es fan servir per a calcular els descriptors moleculars. En el segon bloc, s'ha de remarcar la programació i implementació de programari per a calcular els anomenats índexs topològics de semblança quàntica. La tercera secció detalla les bases de les Relacions Quantitatives Estructura-Activitat i, finalment, el darrer apartat recull els resultats d'aplicació obtinguts per a diferents sistemes biològics.


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Zooplankton community structure (composition, diversity, dynamics and trophic relationships) of Mediterranian marshes, has been analysed by means of a size based approach. In temporary basins the shape of the biomass-size spectra is related to the hydrological cycle. Linear shape spectra are more frequent in flooding situations when nutrient input causes population growth of small-sized organisms, more than compensating for the effect of competitive interactions. During confinement conditions the scarcity of food would decrease zooplankton growth and increase intra- and interspecific interactions between zooplankton organisms which favour the greatest sizes thus leading to the appearance of curved shape spectra. Temporary and permanent basins have similar taxonomic composition but the latter have higher species diversity, a more simplified temporal pattern and a size distribution dominated mainly by smaller sizes. In permanents basins zooplankton growth is not only conditioned by the availability of resources but by the variable predation of planktivorous fish, so that the temporal variability of the spectra may also be a result of temporal differences in fish predation. Size diversity seems to be a better indicator of the degree of this community structure than species diversity. The tendency of size diversity to increase during succession makes it useful to discriminate between different succession stages, fact that is not achieved by analysing only species diversity since it is low both under large and frequent or small and rare disturbances. Amino acid composition differences found among stages of copepod species indicate a gradual change in diet during the life cycle of these copepods, which provide evidence of food niche partitioning during ontogeny, whereas Daphnia species show a relatively constant amino acid composition. There is a relationship between the degree of trophic niche overlap among stages of the different species and nutrient concentration. Copepods, which have low trophic niche overlap among stages are dominant in food-limited environments, probably because trophic niche partitioning during development allow them to reduce intraspecific competition between adults, juveniles and nauplii. Daphnia species are only dominant in water bodies or periods with high productivity, probably due to the high trophic niche overlap between juveniles and adults. These findings suggest that, in addition to the effect of interspecific competition, predation and abiotic factors, the intraspecific competition might play also an important role in structuring zooplankton assemblages.