3 resultados para SAW transducer

em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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Between 1895 and 1910 Barcelona saw a whole range of social, political and cultural changes due to the increasingly important emergence of the working masses. At the same time, the cinema arrived in Catalonia, becoming very quickly one of the favorite entertainments of the urban laboring population which was about creating a new culture opposed to the modernist and nineteenth-century elite .This is, broadly speaking, the context that serves as a starting point for a study of the role of cinema in shaping a mass audience in Barcelona, an analysis centered on new urban spaces intended for the leisure of the lower classes emerged with the birth of modern Barcelona, especially the “Paral•lel” avenue, whose opening in 1894 made even more apparent the great social tensions and existing inequalities in Barcelona’s society at the end of the century.


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In the second half of the twentieth century we saw the environmental debate escalate into one of the most challenging and complex issues that authorities at international, national, regional and municipal levels have to deal with. The inherent complexity of environmental problems, which brings out the interconnections between the economic, socio-cultural and ecological dimensions of the territory, is increased by the social, scientific and political focuses of the debate, and their interdependencies. In the framework of governance, scientific and technical assessments are a relevant but not “unique” source for legitimating environmental policymaking. The discussion is opened towards the consideration of different existing perspectives on the environment. The main objective of the present study is to systematize and explore in-depth the perspectives brought by feminism and gender to environmental governance. What is the specificity of a feminist and gender outlook? In what sense does it bring new light to environmental governance processes? Such questions are explored empirically and theoretically.


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Durant la Guerra Civil, els quàquers es van plantejar ajuda calia detectar els punts de conflicte a Catalunya i cercar l'ajuda directa i alimentar els infants a través de les cantines per evitar desplaçaments que desarrelessin encara més els infants refugiats. Després van veure la necessitat de recolzar i organitzar colònies infantils al camp i a la muntanya per tal d'allunyar els infants dels focus insalubres i destruïts, estimular el seu estat de salut, millorar la seva educació i superar l'estat de desnutrició. Els testimonis en parlen agraïts. La xarxa que van establir els quàquers fou coherents, cohesionada i eficaç. També van coordinar algunes fonts d'ajuda humanitària de procedència estrangera a través d'una Comissió Internacional per tal d'unificar criteris de treball, aprofitar millor els recursos i canalitzar de manera òptima l'ajut econòmic i en espècies que arribava de diferents països. La seva ajuda fou excel·lent i van salvar moltes vides.