3 resultados para Revolutionary Tendency of Peronism
em Universitat de Girona, Spain
There are two principal chemical concepts that are important for studying the natural environment. The first one is thermodynamics, which describes whether a system is at equilibrium or can spontaneously change by chemical reactions. The second main concept is how fast chemical reactions (kinetics or rate of chemical change) take place whenever they start. In this work we examine a natural system in which both thermodynamics and kinetic factors are important in determining the abundance of NH+4 , NO−2 and NO−3 in superficial waters. Samples were collected in the Arno Basin (Tuscany, Italy), a system in which natural and antrophic effects both contribute to highly modify the chemical composition of water. Thermodynamical modelling based on the reduction-oxidation reactions involving the passage NH+4 -> NO−2 -> NO−3 in equilibrium conditions has allowed to determine the Eh redox potential values able to characterise the state of each sample and, consequently, of the fluid environment from which it was drawn. Just as pH expresses the concentration of H+ in solution, redox potential is used to express the tendency of an environment to receive or supply electrons. In this context, oxic environments, as those of river systems, are said to have a high redox potential because O2 is available as an electron acceptor. Principles of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics allow to obtain a model that often does not completely describe the reality of natural systems. Chemical reactions may indeed fail to achieve equilibrium because the products escape from the site of the rection or because reactions involving the trasformation are very slow, so that non-equilibrium conditions exist for long periods. Moreover, reaction rates can be sensitive to poorly understood catalytic effects or to surface effects, while variables as concentration (a large number of chemical species can coexist and interact concurrently), temperature and pressure can have large gradients in natural systems. By taking into account this, data of 91 water samples have been modelled by using statistical methodologies for compositional data. The application of log–contrast analysis has allowed to obtain statistical parameters to be correlated with the calculated Eh values. In this way, natural conditions in which chemical equilibrium is hypothesised, as well as underlying fast reactions, are compared with those described by a stochastic approach
L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral consisteix en determinar si el model de gestió dels recursos humans de les empreses matrius japoneses es transferible a les filials japoneses de Catalunya. Per tot això després d'un estudi teòric sobre la literatura existent del model de gestió dels recursos humans japonès i la internacionalització dels recursos humans, s'ha realitzat un treball empíric mitjançant una enquesta a les filials japoneses instal.lades a Catalunya. En el qüestionari s'analitzen diferents àmbits de la gestió dels recursos humans i que constitueixen les 7 hipòtesis del nostre treball de camp basades en el model de recursos humans japonès referides a: 1- Reclutament i selecció, 2- Promoció i Rotació, 3- Lideratge, comunicació i treball en equip, 4- Motivació, clima laboral i cultura empresrial, 5- Formació i desenvolupament, 6- Avaluació de l'acompliment, y 7- Retribució i beneficis socials. Tot això ens ha indicat quina es la tendència del model japonès de recursos humans a les filials catalanes tenint en compte que estem analitzant un contexte cultural diferent a la idiosincrasia dels treballadors japonesos. El treball ens ha permés de proposar dues línies d'investigació, una a determinar en el temps i una altre en l'espai. En el temps amb la nova generació s'està produint un canvi cultural en el qual els joves japonesos intenten importar part dels valors occidentals que es veurà reflectit al llarg de 10-20 anys. I en l'espai l'aplicació de l'estudi a altres països europeus, com Anglaterra, França i Alemanya que són els principals països on els japonesos prefereixen instal.lar-se.
Zooplankton community structure (composition, diversity, dynamics and trophic relationships) of Mediterranian marshes, has been analysed by means of a size based approach. In temporary basins the shape of the biomass-size spectra is related to the hydrological cycle. Linear shape spectra are more frequent in flooding situations when nutrient input causes population growth of small-sized organisms, more than compensating for the effect of competitive interactions. During confinement conditions the scarcity of food would decrease zooplankton growth and increase intra- and interspecific interactions between zooplankton organisms which favour the greatest sizes thus leading to the appearance of curved shape spectra. Temporary and permanent basins have similar taxonomic composition but the latter have higher species diversity, a more simplified temporal pattern and a size distribution dominated mainly by smaller sizes. In permanents basins zooplankton growth is not only conditioned by the availability of resources but by the variable predation of planktivorous fish, so that the temporal variability of the spectra may also be a result of temporal differences in fish predation. Size diversity seems to be a better indicator of the degree of this community structure than species diversity. The tendency of size diversity to increase during succession makes it useful to discriminate between different succession stages, fact that is not achieved by analysing only species diversity since it is low both under large and frequent or small and rare disturbances. Amino acid composition differences found among stages of copepod species indicate a gradual change in diet during the life cycle of these copepods, which provide evidence of food niche partitioning during ontogeny, whereas Daphnia species show a relatively constant amino acid composition. There is a relationship between the degree of trophic niche overlap among stages of the different species and nutrient concentration. Copepods, which have low trophic niche overlap among stages are dominant in food-limited environments, probably because trophic niche partitioning during development allow them to reduce intraspecific competition between adults, juveniles and nauplii. Daphnia species are only dominant in water bodies or periods with high productivity, probably due to the high trophic niche overlap between juveniles and adults. These findings suggest that, in addition to the effect of interspecific competition, predation and abiotic factors, the intraspecific competition might play also an important role in structuring zooplankton assemblages.