3 resultados para REGIONAL DISPARITIES

em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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The low levels of unemployment recorded in the UK in recent years are widely cited as evidence of the country’s improved economic performance, and the apparent convergence of unemployment rates across the country’s regions used to suggest that the longstanding divide in living standards between the relatively prosperous ‘south’ and the more depressed ‘north’ has been substantially narrowed. Dissenters from these conclusions have drawn attention to the greatly increased extent of non-employment (around a quarter of the UK’s working age population are not in employment) and the marked regional dimension in its distribution across the country. Amongst these dissenters it is generally agreed that non-employment is concentrated amongst older males previously employed in the now very much smaller ‘heavy’ industries (e.g. coal, steel, shipbuilding). This paper uses the tools of compositiona l data analysis to provide a much richer picture of non-employment and one which challenges the conventional analysis wisdom about UK labour market performance as well as the dissenters view of the nature of the problem. It is shown that, associated with the striking ‘north/south’ divide in nonemployment rates, there is a statistically significant relationship between the size of the non-employment rate and the composition of non-employment. Specifically, it is shown that the share of unemployment in non-employment is negatively correlated with the overall non-employment rate: in regions where the non-employment rate is high the share of unemployment is relatively low. So the unemployment rate is not a very reliable indicator of regional disparities in labour market performance. Even more importantly from a policy viewpoint, a significant positive relationship is found between the size of the non-employment rate and the share of those not employed through reason of sickness or disability and it seems (contrary to the dissenters) that this connection is just as strong for women as it is for men


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The paper analyses the regional flows of domestic tourism that took place in Spain in year 2000, contributing to the state of knowledge on tourism required by authorities and private firms when faced with decision making, for example, for regional infrastructure planning. Although tourism is one of the main income-generating economic activities in Spain, domestic tourism has received little attention in the literature compared to inbound tourism. The paper uses among others, gravitational model tools and concentration indices, to analyse regional concentration of both domestic demand and supply; tourism flows among regions, and the causes that may explain the observed flows and attractiveness between regions. Among the most remarkable results are the high regional concentration of demand and supply, and the role of population and regional income as explanatory variables. Also remarkable are the attractiveness of own region and neighbour ones, and that domestic tourism may be acting as a regional income redistributing activity


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Del 28 al 30 de juny de 1989 se celebra a Girona el I Curs d'Estiu de Geografia, en el marc dels Cursos d'Estiu de l'Estudi General de Girona -Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo. La primera edició d'aquest curs es dedica a la geografia regional. Es tractava d'impulsar una discussió a fons sobre la revifalla del concepte de regió, observada no solament des d’algunes de les perspectives geogràfiques més innovadores, sinó també des d'altres camps de les ciències socials i humanes. Ens trobem davant d'una seriosa reconsideració teòrica i metodològica de la perspectiva regional, que inclou, alhora, una suggeridora reflexió sobre el paper que el lloc, el context espacial, té o hauria de tenir en l'explicació dels fenòmens socials, polítics i econòmics que afecten la nostra vida quotidiana. El text que segueix a continuació és una breu noticia de l’esmentat curs