4 resultados para Push-pull small molecules
em Universitat de Girona, Spain
The occurrence of negative values for Fukui functions was studied through the electronegativity equalization method. Using algebraic relations between Fukui functions and different other conceptual DFT quantities on the one hand and the hardness matrix on the other hand, expressions were obtained for Fukui functions for several archetypical small molecules. Based on EEM calculations for large molecular sets, no negative Fukui functions were found
Quantum molecular similarity (QMS) techniques are used to assess the response of the electron density of various small molecules to application of a static, uniform electric field. Likewise, QMS is used to analyze the changes in electron density generated by the process of floating a basis set. The results obtained show an interrelation between the floating process, the optimum geometry, and the presence of an external field. Cases involving the Le Chatelier principle are discussed, and an insight on the changes of bond critical point properties, self-similarity values and density differences is performed
A procedure based on quantum molecular similarity measures (QMSM) has been used to compare electron densities obtained from conventional ab initio and density functional methodologies at their respective optimized geometries. This method has been applied to a series of small molecules which have experimentally known properties and molecular bonds of diverse degrees of ionicity and covalency. Results show that in most cases the electron densities obtained from density functional methodologies are of a similar quality than post-Hartree-Fock generalized densities. For molecules where Hartree-Fock methodology yields erroneous results, the density functional methodology is shown to yield usually more accurate densities than those provided by the second order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory
Un pont de dihidrogen (dihydrogen bond,DHB) és un tipus de pont d'hidrogen atípic que s'estableix entre un hidrur metàl·lic i un donador de protons com un grup OH o NH. Els ponts de dihidrogen són claus en les característiques geomètriques i altres propietats de compostos que en presenten tan de molècules petites com el dímer de NH3BH3, com d'estructures superiors més complicades com complexes metàl·lics o sòlids. Poden ser útils aplicats a certes molècules o síntesis moleculars per a obtenir nous materials amb propietats o característiques fetes a mida. El treball d'aquesta tesi està orientat a millorar la comprensió dels ponts de dihidrogen, aprofundint en certs aspectes de la seva naturalesa atòmica/molecular utilitzant mètodes teòrics basats en la química física quàntica.