7 resultados para Marins
em Universitat de Girona, Spain
El projecte és un Pla Especial per accidents marins a l’ illa de Formentera. El principal objectiu és estudiar el risc davant d’ accidents com l’ abocament de substàncies nocives a les costes de Formentera per accidents de bucs o d’ emissaris i estudiar també la vulnerabilitat i la perillositat. El pla pretén una millor gestió en cas d’ abocaments marins, creant així un pla d’ actuació gestionat des de l’ illa per a una més ràpida i eficient actuació. El treball està estructurat en: un estudi de l’ illa de Formentera, els factors que afecten al pla i el disseny d’ aquest pla especial
A l'empresa PRAESENTIS S.L. se li proposà la construcció d'una draga per utilitzar-la en el mostreig de sòls marins en expedicions científiques a mar obert. Segons les especificacions del projecte, la draga resultant haurà de ser capaç de recollir mostres d'una capacitat d'entre 60 i 80 l. amb una profunditat de cavat de fins a 20 cm., i haurà de poder assolir profunditats de treball de fins a 500 m. per sota el nivell del mar. El tipus de sòl en el qual es treballarà és de tipus arenós. La draga projectada és un mecanisme basat en una pala bivalva activada per un cilindre hidràulic que utilitza com a bancada una estructura que a l'hora fa la funció de xassís
In an earlier investigation (Burger et al., 2000) five sediment cores near the Rodrigues Triple Junction in the Indian Ocean were studied applying classical statistical methods (fuzzy c-means clustering, linear mixing model, principal component analysis) for the extraction of endmembers and evaluating the spatial and temporal variation of geochemical signals. Three main factors of sedimentation were expected by the marine geologists: a volcano-genetic, a hydro-hydrothermal and an ultra-basic factor. The display of fuzzy membership values and/or factor scores versus depth provided consistent results for two factors only; the ultra-basic component could not be identified. The reason for this may be that only traditional statistical methods were applied, i.e. the untransformed components were used and the cosine-theta coefficient as similarity measure. During the last decade considerable progress in compositional data analysis was made and many case studies were published using new tools for exploratory analysis of these data. Therefore it makes sense to check if the application of suitable data transformations, reduction of the D-part simplex to two or three factors and visual interpretation of the factor scores would lead to a revision of earlier results and to answers to open questions . In this paper we follow the lines of a paper of R. Tolosana- Delgado et al. (2005) starting with a problem-oriented interpretation of the biplot scattergram, extracting compositional factors, ilr-transformation of the components and visualization of the factor scores in a spatial context: The compositional factors will be plotted versus depth (time) of the core samples in order to facilitate the identification of the expected sources of the sedimentary process. Kew words: compositional data analysis, biplot, deep sea sediments
Conèixer una posició sota l'aigua és una tasca molt complexa que no estava del tot resolta. Ara, investigadors de la Universitat de Girona han trobat una solució al problema a partir de la interpretació d'imatges del fons del mar. Aquesta tècnica, a més, ha obert noves possibilitats a biòlegs i geòlegs que estudien els fons marins
Per iniciativa de la Cofraria de Pescadors de Palamós, el Ministeri de Medi Ambient i Medi Rural i Marí estudia des de fa uns mesos convertir les Illes Formigues i els seus voltants en una reserva marina d'interès pesquer
Several marine deposits in the southern Costa Brava shoreline have been studied. They appear at different heights above and below the present sea level. Three groups are defined in relation to their origin: conglomerate levels at the bottom of the cliffs, not-cemented emerged beaches and cemented submerged beaches. The age of the emerged beaches has been accurately determined by means of the ceramic content and radiocarbon dating. Chronological succession of the deposits and their stratigraphic and paleontological characteristics allow to define a sequence of the sea level changes during the latest stages of the versiliane transgression in the studied area
The principle theme of this thesis was the synthesis of bioactive compounds. To this end, this work was focus on two main projects. The first one, which was carried out in the Department of Chemistry of the University of Girona under the supervision of Dr Montserrat Heras, concerned the synthesis of new unnatural amino acids bearing a pyrimidine ring within their side chain for incorporation into the antimicrobial peptide BP100 following a rational design in order to improve its biological profile. On the other hand, the second chapter of this thesis was developed in collaboration with the Laboratoire de Chimie Organique (ESPCI-ParisTech, Paris, France) under the guidance of Pr Janine Cossy and Dr Arseniyadis. This chapter was centered on the total synthesis of three marine natural products with complex structures and interesting biological activities: acremolide B, (–) bitungolide F and lyngbouilloside.