4 resultados para Internet protocols

em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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L'article proposa una reflexió sobre els resultats d'un qüestionari sobre els nous mitjans audiovisuals administrat a estudiants d'ESO de Catalunya durant els anys 1999,2001 i 2003. Les dades mostren l'evolució de la disponibilitat a casa d'ordinador, Internet i telèfon mòbil per part dels adolescents


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L’objectiu d’aquest treball és dissenyar un model general d’un sistema de telefonia IP per a una petita o mitjana empresa. El model ha de tenir en compteles característiques actuals de la xarxa de l’empresa i proposar una solució adient. Un altre requeriment és la utilització de software de lliure distribució, des del sistema operatiu fins al relatiu a VoIP, i més concretament, el software de centraleta VoIP Asterisk sobre GNU/Linux. En primer lloc s’estudiaran els conceptes bàsics de la telefonia IP (protocols, codificadors, servidors, etc.). En segon lloc, s’analitzaran els diferents escenaris possibles i es proposaran solucions adequades per cadascun d’ells. Després s’estudiarà el funcionament de les centraletes Asterisk i la seva configuració encada escenari. Finalment s’aplicarà aquest estudi a una empresa concreta


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IP based networks still do not have the required degree of reliability required by new multimedia services, achieving such reliability will be crucial in the success or failure of the new Internet generation. Most of existing schemes for QoS routing do not take into consideration parameters concerning the quality of the protection, such as packet loss or restoration time. In this paper, we define a new paradigm to develop new protection strategies for building reliable MPLS networks, based on what we have called the network protection degree (NPD). This NPD consists of an a priori evaluation, the failure sensibility degree (FSD), which provides the failure probability and an a posteriori evaluation, the failure impact degree (FID), to determine the impact on the network in case of failure. Having mathematical formulated these components, we point out the most relevant components. Experimental results demonstrate the benefits of the utilization of the NPD, when used to enhance some current QoS routing algorithms to offer a certain degree of protection


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All-optical label swapping (AOLS) forms a key technology towards the implementation of all-optical packet switching nodes (AOPS) for the future optical Internet. The capital expenditures of the deployment of AOLS increases with the size of the label spaces (i.e. the number of used labels), since a special optical device is needed for each recognized label on every node. Label space sizes are affected by the way in which demands are routed. For instance, while shortest-path routing leads to the usage of fewer labels but high link utilization, minimum interference routing leads to the opposite. This paper studies all-optical label stacking (AOLStack), which is an extension of the AOLS architecture. AOLStack aims at reducing label spaces while easing the compromise with link utilization. In this paper, an integer lineal program is proposed with the objective of analyzing the softening of the aforementioned trade-off due to AOLStack. Furthermore, a heuristic aiming at finding good solutions in polynomial-time is proposed as well. Simulation results show that AOLStack either a) reduces the label spaces with a low increase in the link utilization or, similarly, b) uses better the residual bandwidth to decrease the number of labels even more