3 resultados para Illinois. Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission.

em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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El processament d'imatges mèdiques és una important àrea de recerca. El desenvolupament de noves tècniques que assisteixin i millorin la interpretació visual de les imatges de manera ràpida i precisa és fonamental en entorns clínics reals. La majoria de contribucions d'aquesta tesi són basades en Teoria de la Informació. Aquesta teoria tracta de la transmissió, l'emmagatzemament i el processament d'informació i és usada en camps tals com física, informàtica, matemàtica, estadística, biologia, gràfics per computador, etc. En aquesta tesi, es presenten nombroses eines basades en la Teoria de la Informació que milloren els mètodes existents en l'àrea del processament d'imatges, en particular en els camps del registre i la segmentació d'imatges. Finalment es presenten dues aplicacions especialitzades per l'assessorament mèdic que han estat desenvolupades en el marc d'aquesta tesi.


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The first part of this work presents an accurate analysis of the most relevant 3D registration techniques, including initial pose estimation, pairwise registration and multiview registration strategies. A new classification has been proposed, based on both the applications and the approach of the methods that have been discussed. The main contribution of this thesis is the proposal of a new 3D multiview registration strategy. The proposed approach detects revisited regions obtaining cycles of views that are used to reduce the inaccuracies that may exist in the final model due to error propagation. The method takes advantage of both global and local information of the registration process, using graph theory techniques in order correlate multiple views and minimize the propagated error by registering the views in an optimal way. The proposed method has been tested using both synthetic and real data, in order to show and study its behavior and demonstrate its reliability.


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In this paper we present a novel structure from motion (SfM) approach able to infer 3D deformable models from uncalibrated stereo images. Using a stereo setup dramatically improves the 3D model estimation when the observed 3D shape is mostly deforming without undergoing strong rigid motion. Our approach first calibrates the stereo system automatically and then computes a single metric rigid structure for each frame. Afterwards, these 3D shapes are aligned to a reference view using a RANSAC method in order to compute the mean shape of the object and to select the subset of points on the object which have remained rigid throughout the sequence without deforming. The selected rigid points are then used to compute frame-wise shape registration and to extract the motion parameters robustly from frame to frame. Finally, all this information is used in a global optimization stage with bundle adjustment which allows to refine the frame-wise initial solution and also to recover the non-rigid 3D model. We show results on synthetic and real data that prove the performance of the proposed method even when there is no rigid motion in the original sequence