4 resultados para Harvard University--History--19th century
em Universitat de Girona, Spain
Estudi dels hisendats a les comarques gironins durant el s. XIX. Es tractava de famílies que durant centúries havien anat acumulant propietats agrícoles, i així es van consolidar com una minoria de grans propietaris rurals que podien viure de les seves rendes
Estudi sobre els inicis de la industrialització i el naixement de l'obrerisme a Girona
Sobre la Girona Constitucional del trienni 1820-1823, en base la documentació existent a l'Arxiu Municipal i a l'Arxiu Diocesà
This study attempts to throw some light on the identity of the Matiners of the regions of north-eastern Catalonia by analizing a notebook which was a register of rebels. This notebook gives the age, geographical origin and profession of the rebels. The War of the matiners (1846-49) was a Catalan rebellion framed within the context of popular opposition to the regime of the moderates, and in the midst of a general crisis. Themen who formed the groups of ((trabucaires)) were particulary young (the problem of recriting must not be forgotten), and came from the country, the crafts, and industry, and were militarized above all in the interior regions