6 resultados para FRANCISCO XAVIER, SANTO
em Universitat de Girona, Spain
El dia 18 de juliol la revista satítica el Jueves publicava una caricatura en què, a través de la sàtira als hereus de la corona espanyola, es pretenia atacar la subvenció que el govern de l'Estat havia decidit atorgar per incentivar la natalitat. La reacció de la fiscalia, que va ordenar el segrest de la publicació, ha tornat a obrir diverses ferides sempre mal curades, com són els límits de la llibertat d'expressió la legitimitat de la monarquia en una societat democràtica
Miquel Roca Junyent (Cauderan, Francia, 1940) es va llicenciar en Dret el 1961 i va iniciar la seva activitat com a advocat i com a profesor a la Universitat de Barcelona. Diputat des de 1977, va ser designat membre de la Ponència Constitucional i posteriorment membre de la comissió redactora de l'Estatut de Catalunya
La possibilitat que els aiguamolls del Baix Ter es converteixin en un parc natural és cada cop més a prop. La càtedra d'Ecosistemes Litorals Mediterranis té molt a veure en el procés de definició del futur Parc
Path planning and control strategies applied to autonomous mobile robots should fulfil safety rules as well as achieve final goals. Trajectory planning applications should be fast and flexible to allow real time implementations as well as environment interactions. The methodology presented uses the on robot information as the meaningful data necessary to plan a narrow passage by using a corridor based on attraction potential fields that approaches the mobile robot to the final desired configuration. It employs local and dense occupancy grid perception to avoid collisions. The key goals of this research project are computational simplicity as well as the possibility of integrating this method with other methods reported by the research community. Another important aspect of this work consist in testing the proposed method by using a mobile robot with a perception system composed of a monocular camera and odometers placed on the two wheels of the differential driven motion system. Hence, visual data are used as a local horizon of perception in which trajectories without collisions are computed by satisfying final goal approaches and safety criteria
This article presents recent WMR (wheeled mobile robot) navigation experiences using local perception knowledge provided by monocular and odometer systems. A local narrow perception horizon is used to plan safety trajectories towards the objective. Therefore, monocular data are proposed as a way to obtain real time local information by building two dimensional occupancy grids through a time integration of the frames. The path planning is accomplished by using attraction potential fields, while the trajectory tracking is performed by using model predictive control techniques. The results are faced to indoor situations by using the lab available platform consisting in a differential driven mobile robot
Presentació del llibre 'Mestres del segle XXI' de Xavier Besalú, Margarida Falgàs, Joan de la Creu Godoy i Alfons Romero