6 resultados para Conjugated dienes

em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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Restricted Hartree-Fock 6-31G calculations of electrical and mechanical anharmonicity contributions to the longitudinal vibrational second hyperpolarizability have been carried out for eight homologous series of conjugated oligomers - polyacetylene, polyyne, polydiacetylene, polybutatriene, polycumulene, polysilane, polymethineimine, and polypyrrole. To draw conclusions about the limiting infinite polymer behavior, chains containing up to 12 heavy atoms along the conjugated backbone were considered. In general, the vibrational hyperpolarizabilities are substantial in comparison with their static electronic counterparts for the dc-Kerr and degenerate four-wave mixing processes (as well as for static fields) but not for electric field-induced second harmonic generation or third harmonic generation. Anharmonicity terms due to nuclear relaxation are important for the dc-Kerr effect (and for the static hyperpolarizability) in the σ-conjugated polymer, polysilane, as well as the nonplanar π systems polymethineimine and polypyrrole. Restricting polypyrrole to be planar, as it is in the crystal phase, causes these anharmonic terms to become negligible. When the same restriction is applied to polymethineimine the effect is reduced but remains quantitatively significant due to the first-order contribution. We conclude that anharmonicity associated with nuclear relaxation can be ignored, for semiquantitative purposes, in planar π-conjugated polymers. The role of zero-point vibrational averaging remains to be evaluated


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The level of ab initio theory which is necessary to compute reliable values for the static and dynamic (hyper)polarizabilities of three medium size π-conjugated organic nonlinear optical (NLO) molecules is investigated. With the employment of field-induced coordinates in combination with a finite field procedure, the calculations were made possible. It is stated that to obtain reasonable values for the various individual contributions to the (hyper)polarizability, it is necessary to include electron correlation. Based on the results, the convergence of the usual perturbation treatment for vibrational anharmonicity was examined


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In the finite field (FF) treatment of vibrational polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities, the field-free Eckart conditions must be enforced in order to prevent molecular reorientation during geometry optimization. These conditions are implemented for the first time. Our procedure facilities identification of field-induced internal coordinates that make the major contribution to the vibrational properties. Using only two of these coordinates, quantitative accuracy for nuclear relaxation polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities is achieved in π-conjugated systems. From these two coordinates a single most efficient natural conjugation coordinate (NCC) can be extracted. The limitations of this one coordinate approach are discussed. It is shown that the Eckart conditions can lead to an isotope effect that is comparable to the isotope effect on zero-point vibrational averaging, but with a different mass-dependence


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Three conjugated organic molecules that span a range of polarity and valence-bond/charge transfer characteristics were studied. It was found that dispersion can be insignificant, and that adequate treatment can be achieved with frequency-dependent field-induced vibrational coordinates (FD-FICs)


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En aquest treball s'ha dissenyat un mètode ràpid i fiable de tinció amb fluorocroms per a l'anàlisi de la integritat i viabilitat espermàtiques a partir del marcatge de la beina mitocondrial amb MitoTracker®Green FM, de l'acrosoma amb la lectina Trypsin inhibitor from Soybean (SBTI) conjugada amb el fluorocrom Alexa Fluor®488 específic per la proacrosina i del nucli amb els fluorocroms bis-benzimida (específic per a cèl·lules viables) i iodur de propidi (específic per a cèl·lules no viables). També s'ha determinat l'efecte de la filtració de dosis seminals de mascles astentoteratonecrospèrmics en columnes de Sephadex neutre i de dosis de mascles amb baixa qualitat espermàtica per filtració en columnes de Sephadex iònic, llana de vidre i glass beads sobre la qualitat espermàtica dels diferents grups de mascles analitzats. Els resultats obtinguts han mostrat que diversos paràmetres de qualitat espermàtica milloren després de la filtració en les diferents reïnes segons la patologia que presentin.