7 resultados para Buildings -- Repair an reconstruction -- Contests
em Universitat de Girona, Spain
Remodelació d’un habitatge unifamiliar de dos plantes entre mitgeres a Campdevànol amb l’adequació de les instal•lacions al Codi Tècnic de d’Edificació (CTE). L’estudi incideix especialment en l’estalvi energètic i la millora de l’eficiència energètica
El projecte Torre Iberdrola s’engloba en les actuacions urbanístiques de Bilbao per a regenerar espais industrials no utilitzats situats al Paseo de la Ribera, la Avenida Abandoibarra i la passarel•la Pedro Arrupe. La Torre Iberdrola, situada a la parcel•la 204 del PERI de Abandoibarra (veure plànol nº2), en el districte de Abando (Bilbao), és un gratacels d’oficines de 41 plantes amb una altura total de 165 metres i una superfície construïda total d’aproximadament 62.100 m2 sobre rasant. A més, l’edifici a construir consta de 5 plantes sota rasant amb una superfície total construïda d’aproximadament 32.100 m2. L’objecte del present projecte és presentar la solució acordada conjuntament entre l’arquitecte Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, les consultories Buro Happold i IDOM, i BELLAPART per a l’execució del revestiment del vestíbul d’entrada de la Torre Iberdrola
L’edifici a rehabilitar està situat en una important avinguda de l’eixample oest de Granollers. En l’actualitat l’edifici es troba a ple rendiment, amb l’ús de magatzem i obrador a la planta baixa i planta primera, i com a habitatge a les plantes segona i tercera. En concret es tracta de la formació d’un total de 6 habitatges i 5 trasters, a més de la reforma general del nucli de comunicació vertical on s’incorpora l’ascensor i la construcció de la paret mitgera que delimitarà l’espai de l’edifici en la seva projecció vertical. La rehabilitació també té com a objectiu reforçar els forjats, en els quals s’ha detectat aluminosi, així com l’enderroc d’envans a la segona i tercera planta per construir una millor distribució que permeti augmentar el nombre d’habitatges per planta
En aquest projecte es vol donar solució a la contaminació que es produeix a les llars ja sigui en forma de gasos d’efecte hivernacle o la contaminació d’aqüífers i rius per les aigües residuals d’aquestes. Els objectius a aconseguir són la disminució del consum d’energia de la llar, reduint així el consum de combustibles fòssils, amb la conseqüent disminució de gasos d’efecte hivernacle i l’estalvi econòmic que això suposa. I per altra banda la depuració de les aigües residuals, tot i que actualment totes les grans poblacions de Catalunya de més de 10.000 habitants ja disposen de EDARS i en pocs anys en tindran totes les de més de 2000 habitants. Però en aquest cas es tracta d’una població molt petita que no disposa de xarxa de clavegueram. En primer lloc s’ha plantejat un sistema de calefacció d’energia geotèrmica que ens permet aprofitar l’energia tèrmica que es va emmagatzemant a la terra degut a l’escalfor del sol i que ens permet extreure d’aquesta fins a ¾ parts de l’energia tèrmica necessària per el sistema de calefacció. En segon lloc es planteja un sistema de producció d’energia elèctrica per panells fotovoltaics que produeixi el consum elèctric anual familiar, tot i que no de forma directe, sinó venent l’energia a la xarxa elèctrica i comprant-la després de la xarxa. Per últim es projecta un sistema de depuració d’aigües per mitjà d’un aiguamoll artificial que permetrà a la casa, que no disposa de xarxa de clavegueram, retornar les aigües residuals en bones mediambientals a l’entorn rural que envolta l’edificació, sense perjudicar la fauna i els rius que l’envolten
Photo-mosaicing techniques have become popular for seafloor mapping in various marine science applications. However, the common methods cannot accurately map regions with high relief and topographical variations. Ortho-mosaicing borrowed from photogrammetry is an alternative technique that enables taking into account the 3-D shape of the terrain. A serious bottleneck is the volume of elevation information that needs to be estimated from the video data, fused, and processed for the generation of a composite ortho-photo that covers a relatively large seafloor area. We present a framework that combines the advantages of dense depth-map and 3-D feature estimation techniques based on visual motion cues. The main goal is to identify and reconstruct certain key terrain feature points that adequately represent the surface with minimal complexity in the form of piecewise planar patches. The proposed implementation utilizes local depth maps for feature selection, while tracking over several views enables 3-D reconstruction by bundle adjustment. Experimental results with synthetic and real data validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach
Describes a method to code a decimated model of an isosurface on an octree representation while maintaining volume data if it is needed. The proposed technique is based on grouping the marching cubes (MC) patterns into five configurations according the topology and the number of planes of the surface that are contained in a cell. Moreover, the discrete number of planes on which the surface lays is fixed. Starting from a complete volume octree, with the isosurface codified at terminal nodes according to the new configuration, a bottom-up strategy is taken for merging cells. Such a strategy allows one to implicitly represent co-planar faces in the upper octree levels without introducing any error. At the end of this merging process, when it is required, a reconstruction strategy is applied to generate the surface contained in the octree intersected leaves. Some examples with medical data demonstrate that a reduction of up to 50% in the number of polygons can be achieved
The human visual ability to perceive depth looks like a puzzle. We perceive three-dimensional spatial information quickly and efficiently by using the binocular stereopsis of our eyes and, what is mote important the learning of the most common objects which we achieved through living. Nowadays, modelling the behaviour of our brain is a fiction, that is why the huge problem of 3D perception and further, interpretation is split into a sequence of easier problems. A lot of research is involved in robot vision in order to obtain 3D information of the surrounded scene. Most of this research is based on modelling the stereopsis of humans by using two cameras as if they were two eyes. This method is known as stereo vision and has been widely studied in the past and is being studied at present, and a lot of work will be surely done in the future. This fact allows us to affirm that this topic is one of the most interesting ones in computer vision. The stereo vision principle is based on obtaining the three dimensional position of an object point from the position of its projective points in both camera image planes. However, before inferring 3D information, the mathematical models of both cameras have to be known. This step is known as camera calibration and is broadly describes in the thesis. Perhaps the most important problem in stereo vision is the determination of the pair of homologue points in the two images, known as the correspondence problem, and it is also one of the most difficult problems to be solved which is currently investigated by a lot of researchers. The epipolar geometry allows us to reduce the correspondence problem. An approach to the epipolar geometry is describes in the thesis. Nevertheless, it does not solve it at all as a lot of considerations have to be taken into account. As an example we have to consider points without correspondence due to a surface occlusion or simply due to a projection out of the camera scope. The interest of the thesis is focused on structured light which has been considered as one of the most frequently used techniques in order to reduce the problems related lo stereo vision. Structured light is based on the relationship between a projected light pattern its projection and an image sensor. The deformations between the pattern projected into the scene and the one captured by the camera, permits to obtain three dimensional information of the illuminated scene. This technique has been widely used in such applications as: 3D object reconstruction, robot navigation, quality control, and so on. Although the projection of regular patterns solve the problem of points without match, it does not solve the problem of multiple matching, which leads us to use hard computing algorithms in order to search the correct matches. In recent years, another structured light technique has increased in importance. This technique is based on the codification of the light projected on the scene in order to be used as a tool to obtain an unique match. Each token of light is imaged by the camera, we have to read the label (decode the pattern) in order to solve the correspondence problem. The advantages and disadvantages of stereo vision against structured light and a survey on coded structured light are related and discussed. The work carried out in the frame of this thesis has permitted to present a new coded structured light pattern which solves the correspondence problem uniquely and robust. Unique, as each token of light is coded by a different word which removes the problem of multiple matching. Robust, since the pattern has been coded using the position of each token of light with respect to both co-ordinate axis. Algorithms and experimental results are included in the thesis. The reader can see examples 3D measurement of static objects, and the more complicated measurement of moving objects. The technique can be used in both cases as the pattern is coded by a single projection shot. Then it can be used in several applications of robot vision. Our interest is focused on the mathematical study of the camera and pattern projector models. We are also interested in how these models can be obtained by calibration, and how they can be used to obtained three dimensional information from two correspondence points. Furthermore, we have studied structured light and coded structured light, and we have presented a new coded structured light pattern. However, in this thesis we started from the assumption that the correspondence points could be well-segmented from the captured image. Computer vision constitutes a huge problem and a lot of work is being done at all levels of human vision modelling, starting from a)image acquisition; b) further image enhancement, filtering and processing, c) image segmentation which involves thresholding, thinning, contour detection, texture and colour analysis, and so on. The interest of this thesis starts in the next step, usually known as depth perception or 3D measurement.