11 resultados para Archaeological excavations

em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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Presentation in CODAWORK'03, session 4: Applications to archeometry


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At CoDaWork'03 we presented work on the analysis of archaeological glass composi- tional data. Such data typically consist of geochemical compositions involving 10-12 variables and approximates completely compositional data if the main component, sil- ica, is included. We suggested that what has been termed `crude' principal component analysis (PCA) of standardized data often identi ed interpretable pattern in the data more readily than analyses based on log-ratio transformed data (LRA). The funda- mental problem is that, in LRA, minor oxides with high relative variation, that may not be structure carrying, can dominate an analysis and obscure pattern associated with variables present at higher absolute levels. We investigate this further using sub- compositional data relating to archaeological glasses found on Israeli sites. A simple model for glass-making is that it is based on a `recipe' consisting of two `ingredients', sand and a source of soda. Our analysis focuses on the sub-composition of components associated with the sand source. A `crude' PCA of standardized data shows two clear compositional groups that can be interpreted in terms of di erent recipes being used at di erent periods, re ected in absolute di erences in the composition. LRA analysis can be undertaken either by normalizing the data or de ning a `residual'. In either case, after some `tuning', these groups are recovered. The results from the normalized LRA are di erently interpreted as showing that the source of sand used to make the glass di ered. These results are complementary. One relates to the recipe used. The other relates to the composition (and presumed sources) of one of the ingredients. It seems to be axiomatic in some expositions of LRA that statistical analysis of compositional data should focus on relative variation via the use of ratios. Our analysis suggests that absolute di erences can also be informative


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Desde 2000 desarrollamos proyectos de prospección arqueológica asistidos por SIG en la comarca de La Serena (Badajoz), con el objetivo principal de comprender la evolución de los paisajes rurales a lo largo de distintos periodos. Uno de los intereses principales de este proyecto es la mejora de los métodos de registro en campo para organizar de una forma rápida y eficaz la gran cantidad de datos de distinto tipo que se obtienen tras una jornada de trabajo. El propio diseño de la prospección arqueológica exige un intercambio de datos constante entre ordenadores y dispositivos móviles, como GPS y PDA, para lo que es necesario un entorno informático que ejecute estas tareas de una forma organizada. (...)


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Descripció de la campanya d’excavació de 1993 en el jaciment arqueològic de La Bauma del Serrat del Pont (Tortellà, La Garrotxa), en què es van trobar ceràmiques i 2 gresols amb restes de coure, la qual cosa fa pensar en l’existència a Catalunya d’una metal·lúrgia del coure


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Article sobre els resultats de les excavacions a Roses que daten de entre l’antiguitat tardana i els inicis de l’alta edat mitjana, concretament es tracta del cementiri de Santa Maria


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Es presenten notes sobre el jaciment arqueològic de la vil·la del Pla d'Horta a Sarrià de Dalt, com ara, la descripció de la situació i planta de l’edifici, els resultats de sondejos de les habitacions i la cronologia del jaciment i les fases d’ocupació


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Article sobre els resultats dels treballs de les excavacions arqueològiques a la Cova d’en Pau i a la Cova de l’Arbreda a Serinyà


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Descripció del material arqueològic trobat a la Cova s' Espasa, al municipi d'Oix, situada en un penyasegat a l'esquerra de la Riera d'Oix


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The Reclau Caves, which form part of the Serinyà Prehistoric Caves Park (Pla de l’Estany, Girona), are shelters formed by waterfall travertines which have been in turn affected by karstification phenomena. Though relatively small, these cavities were big enough to held human occupation. Its evolution has seen the falling of blocks and infilling of terrigenous materials. Thus, the caves were completely filled and had most of their original roofs fallen. The first excavations of these caves were made in the mid 1940s and they continued, albeit with some interruptions, until present times. The caves were occupied by humans since the late Middle Pleistocene until the Holocene. Hence, the main occupation periods can be attributed to the Middle Paleolithic and Upper Paleolithic cultures. Given the existence of these sites, the project of an archeological park was started and its first phase opened to the public in the summer of 1997. The creation of this park has led to the protection of the three main caves of the site (Arbreda, Mollet and Reclau Viver Caves). The caves have also been adapted and singposted to open them to the public. Other facilities of the park include a reception building and an activity area. The caves can be visited in guided tours which include the projection of a film, the visit to the permanent exhibition room, the three main caves and the participation in some prehistoric-related activities


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The first protective activities of historical and archaeological heritage in the province of Girona (Catalonia, Spain), although some earlier precedents, were produced from the third decade of the nineteenth century. These arose as a reaction to this terrible destruction suffered as a result of the introduction of the liberal state and the disappearance of several regular orders. Preservationists actions were carried out by some pseudo-public entities, which acted at the request of local authorities. These entities include the the Diputación Arqueológica, the Sociedad de Amigos del País and the Comisión de Monumentos. These corporations, with significant human and economic constraints, began activities as important as the beginning of the excavations of the site of Ampurias, the formation of a provincial museum in Girona and the restoration of the monastery of Ripoll.


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RESUM En la primera part de la tesi es revisen els materials arqueològics i els documents de les excavacions antigues al jaciment grec de la Ciutadella de Roses (Alt Empordà). Es fan estudis comparatius i de conjunt amb els resultats proporcionats per les excavacions recents. A partir d'aquí s'obté una periodització del jaciment, des del moment de la fundació de la colònia massaliota de Rhode, al segon quart del segle IV aC, fins a la fi de la ciutat, al 195 aC. Es tracten aspectes de topografia, urbanisme i estudi dels edificis. La segona part analitza les produccions dels tallers ceràmics (vernissos negres, pastes clares, ceràmiques de cuina i altres produccions secundàries). Es fa una nova classificació, un estudi de les formes, de la cronologia i paral·lels. S'estudien les instal·lacions dels tallers, els forns, la seva capacitat, les argiles i les terreres. Es conclou amb una caracterització socioeconòmica i històrica de la ciutat, i dels aspectes històrics relacionats amb les fases de la seva fundació, desenvolupament i fi.