8 resultados para Approximation Classes

em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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L’assoliment de l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior implica nous rols per a professors i alumnes i la introducció de noves metodologies docents. En aquest article es presenta una experiència d’innovació en la docència de la Psicologia consistent en la incorporació de minicasos a les classes expositives de l’assignatura troncal i anual “Avaluació Psicològica” de segon curs de la llicenciatura de Psicologia. S’exposa el procediment i s’analitza l’opinió dels estudiants respecte a la utilitats dels minicasos per incrementar l’atenció, l’interès i la comprensió de l’assignatura


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El text intenta fer una primera aproximació al debat contemporani entre realistes i anti-realistes sobre el món empíric, centrant-se en les posicions de Putnam i Nagel. El seu objectiu principal és el d'entendre les motivacions de les posicions i l'estructura actual del debat, i el d'establir les característiques que hauria de tenir qualsevol posició satisfactòria


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TCP flows from applications such as the web or ftp are well supported by a Guaranteed Minimum Throughput Service (GMTS), which provides a minimum network throughput to the flow and, if possible, an extra throughput. We propose a scheme for a GMTS using Admission Control (AC) that is able to provide different minimum throughput to different users and that is suitable for "standard" TCP flows. Moreover, we consider a multidomain scenario where the scheme is used in one of the domains, and we propose some mechanisms for the interconnection with neighbor domains. The whole scheme uses a small set of packet classes in a core-stateless network where each class has a different discarding priority in queues assigned to it. The AC method involves only edge nodes and uses a special probing packet flow (marked as the highest discarding priority class) that is sent continuously from ingress to egress through a path. The available throughput in the path is obtained at the egress using measurements of flow aggregates, and then it is sent back to the ingress. At the ingress each flow is detected using an implicit way and then it is admission controlled. If it is accepted, it receives the GMTS and its packets are marked as the lowest discarding priority classes; otherwise, it receives a best-effort service. The scheme is evaluated through simulation in a simple "bottleneck" topology using different traffic loads consisting of "standard" TCP flows that carry files of varying sizes


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Estudi del sindicalisme a Espanya des dels seus orígens i fins el 1870. L’autor planteja dues qüestions: la ideologia elaborada pel sindicalisme entre 1840 i 1856, i en segon lloc alguns aspectes de les relacions entre sindicalisme i política, i l’elaboració d’un llenguatge de classes


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Actuellement, la compréhension en lecture n’est pas souvent enseignée pour elle-même dans les classes genevoises. Comme l’ont observé Soussi et al. (2008), les pratiques se rapprochent davantage de l’évaluation plutôt que de l’enseignement de la compréhension en lecture. Les enseignants proposent fréquemment aux élèves un dispositif couramment appelé «lecture silencieuse»: la lecture d’un texte, suivie d’un questionnaire à remplir, de manière individuelle. Ce dispositif est, selon notre expérience d’élèves et de stagiaires, un outil évaluatif mais qui ne permet pas un enseignement explicite des stratégies de lecture nécessaires pour comprendre un texte


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Electrical property derivative expressions are presented for the nuclear relaxation contribution to static and dynamic (infinite frequency approximation) nonlinear optical properties. For CF4 and SF6, as opposed to HF and CH4, a term that is quadratic in the vibrational anharmonicity (and not previously evaluated for any molecule) makes an important contribution to the static second vibrational hyperpolarizability of CF4 and SF6. A comparison between calculated and experimental values for the difference between the (anisotropic) Kerr effect and electric field induced second-harmonic generation shows that, at the Hartree-Fock level, the nuclear relaxation/infinite frequency approximation gives the correct trend (in the series CH4, CF4, SF6) but is of the order of 50% too small


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The high level of realism and interaction in many computer graphic applications requires techniques for processing complex geometric models. First, we present a method that provides an accurate low-resolution approximation from a multi-chart textured model that guarantees geometric fidelity and correct preservation of the appearance attributes. Then, we introduce a mesh structure called Compact Model that approximates dense triangular meshes while preserving sharp features, allowing adaptive reconstructions and supporting textured models. Next, we design a new space deformation technique called *Cages based on a multi-level system of cages that preserves the smoothness of the mesh between neighbouring cages and is extremely versatile, allowing the use of heterogeneous sets of coordinates and different levels of deformation. Finally, we propose a hybrid method that allows to apply any deformation technique on large models obtaining high quality results with a reduced memory footprint and a high performance.