2 resultados para 1489

em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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Treball de investigació centrat en la crítica textual on es descriuen atentament tots els testimonis que s’han conservat de l’obra tardana de Diego de Saavedra Fajardo “Locuras de Europa,” ambaixador i escriptor murcià. Es realitza una anàlisi exhaustiva dels quatre manuscrits i de les dues edicions impreses de l’obra per acabar filiant tots els testimonis en un stemma. El cos del treball es complementa amb el text crític final i amb un apartat crític


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In the context of the digital business ecosystems, small organizations cooperate between them in order to achieve common goals or offer new services for expanding their markets. There are different approaches for these cooperation models such as virtual enterprises, virtual organizations or dynamic electronic institutions which in their lifecycle have in common a dissolution phase. However this phase has not been studied deeply in the current literature and it lacks formalization. In this paper a first approach for achieving and managing the dissolution phase is proposed, as well as a CBR process in order to support it in a multi-agent system