994 resultados para Universitat de Girona -- Història
It is possible to obtain habitat suitability maps using several applications like "Biomapper" v. 3.1.5 (http://www2.unil.ch/biomapper) or the "adehabitat" library v. 1.2.1, developed to be used within R program (http//www.R-project.org)
En la comunicación se presentan los resultados obtenidos por nuestro grupo de investigación en el estudio del poblamiento prehistórico del valle del Serpis (Alacant, Alcoi) gracias a la utilización del Sistema de Información Geográfica GRASS. (...)
VisGeo it's a software to support decision making concerning risk's studies and that communication; based in free software technology and developed in to the Geographical Visualization approach. (...)
LOCALITZA software is a tool that increases GIS applications possibilities to analyze and solve optimal facility location problems. This system, that it is being migrated from Delphi to Python, allows to evaluate how existing facility supply covers the demand. ON the other hand, it includes the resolution of an elevated number of classic location-allocation models and, in some cases, includes new models