69 resultados para Vives, Joan Lluís, 1492-1540-Pensamiento moral


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In the context of the round table the following topics related to image colour processing will be discussed: historical point of view. Studies of Aguilonius, Gerritsen, Newton and Maxwell. CIE standard (Commission International de lpsilaEclaraige). Colour models. RGB, HIS, etc. Colour segmentation based on HSI model. Industrial applications. Summary and discussion. At the end, video images showing the robustness of colour in front of B/W images will be presented


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In image segmentation, clustering algorithms are very popular because they are intuitive and, some of them, easy to implement. For instance, the k-means is one of the most used in the literature, and many authors successfully compare their new proposal with the results achieved by the k-means. However, it is well known that clustering image segmentation has many problems. For instance, the number of regions of the image has to be known a priori, as well as different initial seed placement (initial clusters) could produce different segmentation results. Most of these algorithms could be slightly improved by considering the coordinates of the image as features in the clustering process (to take spatial region information into account). In this paper we propose a significant improvement of clustering algorithms for image segmentation. The method is qualitatively and quantitative evaluated over a set of synthetic and real images, and compared with classical clustering approaches. Results demonstrate the validity of this new approach


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The automatic interpretation of conventional traffic signs is very complex and time consuming. The paper concerns an automatic warning system for driving assistance. It does not interpret the standard traffic signs on the roadside; the proposal is to incorporate into the existing signs another type of traffic sign whose information will be more easily interpreted by a processor. The type of information to be added is profuse and therefore the most important object is the robustness of the system. The basic proposal of this new philosophy is that the co-pilot system for automatic warning and driving assistance can interpret with greater ease the information contained in the new sign, whilst the human driver only has to interpret the "classic" sign. One of the codings that has been tested with good results and which seems to us easy to implement is that which has a rectangular shape and 4 vertical bars of different colours. The size of these signs is equivalent to the size of the conventional signs (approximately 0.4 m2). The colour information from the sign can be easily interpreted by the proposed processor and the interpretation is much easier and quicker than the information shown by the pictographs of the classic signs


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This paper is focused on the robot mobile platform PRIM (platform robot information multimedia). This robot has been made in order to cover two main needs of our group, on one hand the need for a full open mobile robotic platform that is very useful in fulfilling the teaching and research activity of our school community, and on the other hand with the idea of introducing an ethical product which would be useful as mobile multimedia information point as a service tool. This paper introduces exactly how the system is made up and explains just what the philosophy is behind this work. The navigation strategies and sensor fusion, where machine vision system is the most important one, are oriented towards goal achievement and are the key to the behaviour of the robot


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This paper presents the use of a mobile robot platform as an innovative educational tool in order to promote and integrate different curriculum knowledge. Hence, it is presented the acquired experience within a summer course named ldquoapplied mobile roboticsrdquo. The main aim of the course is to integrate different subjects as electronics, programming, architecture, perception systems, communications, control and trajectory planning by using the educational open mobile robot platform PRIM. The summer course is addressed to a wide range of student profiles. However, it is of special interests to the students of electrical and computer engineering around their final academic year. The summer course consists of the theoretical and laboratory sessions, related to the following topics: design & programming of electronic devices, modelling and control systems, trajectory planning and control, and computer vision systems. Therefore, the clues for achieving a renewed path of progress in robotics are the integration of several knowledgeable fields, such as computing, communications, and control sciences, in order to perform a higher level reasoning and use decision tools with strong theoretical base


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In computer graphics, global illumination algorithms take into account not only the light that comes directly from the sources, but also the light interreflections. This kind of algorithms produce very realistic images, but at a high computational cost, especially when dealing with complex environments. Parallel computation has been successfully applied to such algorithms in order to make it possible to compute highly-realistic images in a reasonable time. We introduce here a speculation-based parallel solution for a global illumination algorithm in the context of radiosity, in which we have taken advantage of the hierarchical nature of such an algorithm


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Ressenya del llibre Obres didàctiques I. Exercici sobre la Mitologia. Compendi de la Filosofia Moral. Les aventures d’Aristònous. Es tracta d’un recull d’obres de l’autor antic Antoni Febrer i Cardona a càrrec de la filòloga clàssica Maria Paredes


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Es reconeguda la trajectòria de Jaume Vicens Vives dintre dels camps de la història i de la historiografia. Aquest article, però, tracta sobre les seves aportacions en l’àmbit de la geopolítica


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És sabuda i reconeguda la trajectòria de Jaume Vicens Vives dins els camps de la història i la historiografia. Aquest article, però, tracta les seves aportacions en l’àmbit de la geografia. Malgrat que Vicens Vives considera la geografia una ciència auxiliar de la història, no entén una sense l’altra


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Ressenya del llibre L’àrea urbana de Girona: un espai per al futur. A l’obra s’hi tracten aspectes de caràcter social, econòmic, cultural, urbanístic, infraestructural i institucional de Girona, tot plegat des d’una perspectiva globalitzadora i sintètica


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Ressenya d’aquesta obra que es compon de tretze articles de temàtica diversa (paisatge, divisions territorials, xarxa viaria, espais industrials i rurals, geografia urbana històrica...), que mostren un ampli ventall d'idees, conceptes i temes que ofereix la recerca en aquests camps; tot plegat, sense allunyar-se del seu context acadèmic i geogràfic més immediat


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Es relacionen les ponències més significatives de les dues últimes edicions del Seminari Internacional sobre el Paisatge que el Consorci Universitat Internacional Menéndez Pelayo de Barcelona i el Centre Ernest Lluch van organitzar a Olot, la tardor del 2004 i la del 2005. Aquest seminari va aprofundir la temàtica del paisatge des d’una perspectiva interdisciplinària, oberta i innovadora, i va incentivar el debat metodològic i crític al voltant de la construcció social del paisatge


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Anàlisi de l’obra del poeta Joan Pujol, concretament els textos que tenen com a referent directe la figura i/o l’obra d’Ausiàs Marc. S’ofereix una hipòtesi de lectura del conjunt de poemes presentats


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Comentari de les fites més rellevants dutes a terme dintre l’any 2005 en commemoració del centenari del naixement de Joan Coromines


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Ampliació i millora de les granges “Coll de Vall” i “Mas el Torrent” de l’explotació “Colom Danés”,dedicada al boví de llet i ubicada a la població de Rupit-Pruit (comarca d’Osona, província de Barcelona). L’objectiu principal del projecte és millorar tecnològicament l’explotació així com el benestar animal per obtenir resultats productius i marges econòmics millors. Les instal•lacions i construccions noves permetran un millor maneig de l’explotació per part del promotor i el seus treballadors. Com a conseqüència, l’explotació donarà continuïtat laboral i qualitat de vida als seus treballadors, sense deixar de banda la competitivitat en el sector productor de la llet