65 resultados para Vehicles submergibles -- Sistemes de control
This paper proposes a high-level reinforcement learning (RL) control system for solving the action selection problem of an autonomous robot. Although the dominant approach, when using RL, has been to apply value function based algorithms, the system here detailed is characterized by the use of direct policy search methods. Rather than approximating a value function, these methodologies approximate a policy using an independent function approximator with its own parameters, trying to maximize the future expected reward. The policy based algorithm presented in this paper is used for learning the internal state/action mapping of a behavior. In this preliminary work, we demonstrate its feasibility with simulated experiments using the underwater robot GARBI in a target reaching task
This work extends a previously developed research concerning about the use of local model predictive control in differential driven mobile robots. Hence, experimental results are presented as a way to improve the methodology by considering aspects as trajectory accuracy and time performance. In this sense, the cost function and the prediction horizon are important aspects to be considered. The aim of the present work is to test the control method by measuring trajectory tracking accuracy and time performance. Moreover, strategies for the integration with perception system and path planning are briefly introduced. In this sense, monocular image data can be used to plan safety trajectories by using goal attraction potential fields
A long development time is needed from the design to the implementation of an AUV. During the first steps, simulation plays an important role, since it allows for the development of preliminary versions of the control system to be integrated. Once the robot is ready, the control systems are implemented, tuned and tested. The use of a real-time simulator can help closing the gap between off-line simulation and real testing using the already implemented robot. When properly interfaced with the robot hardware, a real-time graphical simulation with a "hardware in the loop" configuration, can allow for the testing of the implemented control system running in the actual robot hardware. Hence, the development time is drastically reduced. These paper overviews the field of graphical simulators used for AUV development proposing a classification. It also presents NEPTUNE, a multi-vehicle, real-time, graphical simulator based on OpenGL that allows hardware in the loop simulations
This paper presents a novel technique to align partial 3D reconstructions of the seabed acquired by a stereo camera mounted on an autonomous underwater vehicle. Vehicle localization and seabed mapping is performed simultaneously by means of an Extended Kalman Filter. Passive landmarks are detected on the images and characterized considering 2D and 3D features. Landmarks are re-observed while the robot is navigating and data association becomes easier but robust. Once the survey is completed, vehicle trajectory is smoothed by a Rauch-Tung-Striebel filter obtaining an even better alignment of the 3D views and yet a large-scale acquisition of the seabed
A visual SLAM system has been implemented and optimised for real-time deployment on an AUV equipped with calibrated stereo cameras. The system incorporates a novel approach to landmark description in which landmarks are local sub maps that consist of a cloud of 3D points and their associated SIFT/SURF descriptors. Landmarks are also sparsely distributed which simplifies and accelerates data association and map updates. In addition to landmark-based localisation the system utilises visual odometry to estimate the pose of the vehicle in 6 degrees of freedom by identifying temporal matches between consecutive local sub maps and computing the motion. Both the extended Kalman filter and unscented Kalman filter have been considered for filtering the observations. The output of the filter is also smoothed using the Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) method to obtain a better alignment of the sequence of local sub maps and to deliver a large-scale 3D acquisition of the surveyed area. Synthetic experiments have been performed using a simulation environment in which ray tracing is used to generate synthetic images for the stereo system
L’estudi que es realitza en aquest projecte/treball final de carrera queda englobat dins del grup de recerca MICE (Modal Intervals Control and Engeneering), el qual realitza investigacions entorn al control de glucèmia. Aquest grup de recerca vinculat a la Universitat de Girona col•labora amb l’Hospital Universitari Dr. Josep Trueta de Girona. La temàtica principal tractarà de realitzar el control de glucèmia en pacients crítics, que es troben ingressats en la unitat de cures intensives de qualsevol hospital. Com a conseqüència d’aquesta problemàtica, s’ha implementat en un entorn virtual, un pacient el qual simula la situació d’un pacient real en la unitat de cures intensives. El model emprat per a la obtenció del model de pacient virtual és el desenvolupat per Chase et al. (2005), el qual mitjançant variables com l’alimentació enteral i la sensibilitat insulínica, es podien realitzar assajos reals per a validar protocols de control ‘in silico’ per posteriorment realitzar assajos amb població real
This paper shows the impact of the atomic capabilities concept to include control-oriented knowledge of linear control systems in the decisions making structure of physical agents. These agents operate in a real environment managing physical objects (e.g. their physical bodies) in coordinated tasks. This approach is presented using an introspective reasoning approach and control theory based on the specific tasks of passing a ball and executing the offside manoeuvre between physical agents in the robotic soccer testbed. Experimental results and conclusions are presented, emphasising the advantages of our approach that improve the multi-agent performance in cooperative systems
This paper discusses predictive motion control of a MiRoSoT robot. The dynamic model of the robot is deduced by taking into account the whole process - robot, vision, control and transmission systems. Based on the obtained dynamic model, an integrated predictive control algorithm is proposed to position precisely with either stationary or moving obstacle avoidance. This objective is achieved automatically by introducing distant constraints into the open-loop optimization of control inputs. Simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of such control strategy for the deduced dynamic model
El Grup de Visió per Computador i Robòtica (VICOROB) del departament d'Electrònica, Informàtica i Automàtica de la Universitat de Girona investiga en el camp de la robòtica submarina. Al CIRS (Centre d’Investigació en Robòtica Submarina), laboratori que forma part del grup VICOROB, el robot submarí Ictineu és la principal eina utilitzada per a desenvolupar els projectes de recerca. Recentment, el CIRS ha adquirit un nou sistema de sensors d' orientació basat en una unitat inercial i un giroscopi de fibra òptica. Aquest projecte pretén realitzar un estudi d' aquests dispositius i integrar-los al robot Ictineu. D' altra banda, aprofitant les característiques d’aquests sensors giroscopics i les mesures d' un sonar ja integrat al robot, es vol desenvolupar un sistema de localització capaç de determinar la posició del robot en el pla horitzontal de la piscina en temps real
L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte consisteix en realitzar l’estudi, l' anàlisi, el disseny, i el desenvolupament d’una aplicació que millori i faciliti la tasca d’un empleat que treballi fora de l’empresa. Es fa una anàlisi dels requeriments de l’aplicació, es fa el model d’anàlisi i tot seguit el model de disseny, i s’implementarà mitjançant les eines que utilitza la nostra empresa o les que millor s’adaptin a ella. S’analitza també el tipus i el volum d’informació que haurà de manejar. Durant el procés de cada una de les etapes de desenvolupament s’aniran realitzant les corresponents proves per, finalment, realitzar una posada en marxa sobre un empleat a mode de proves en un entorn real. Degut a la necessitat de mobilitat dels comercials s’utilitzen dispositius PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) per al desenvolupament de l’aplicació que els permetrà realitzar les seves tasques. En canvi, l’aplicació corporativa de gestió de l’empresa està situada en un servidor Windows, i per centralitzar i gestionar la informació de les PDA s’utilitzarà una aplicació sota el sistema Windows. L’aplicació s’haurà de confeccionar en funció de les dades que es vulgui que el comercial pugui consultar sobre un client, obra, ... Per millorar-ne la seva funcionalitat, es permetrà l’opció de multi-llenguatge. L’aplicació de la PDA tindrà a grans trets les següents funcionalitats: gestió de clients, gestió de contactes, consultar gestions comercials, consultar obres dels clients, consultar el planning i l’estat dels muntadors. Altres processos que haurà de permetre l’aplicació son: la configuració i instal·lació de l’aplicació en els dispositius PDA i la càrrega i el traspàs de les dades entre l’aplicació del PDA i l’aplicació corporativa de l’empresa
Microsoft Robotics Studio (MRS) és un entorn per a crear aplicacions per a robots utilitzant una gran varietat de plataformes hardware. Conté un entorn de simulació en el que es pot modelar i simular el moviment del robot. Permet també programar el robot, i executar-lo en l’entorn simulat o bé en el real. MRS resol la comunicació entre els diferents processos asíncrons que solen estar presents en el software de control d’un robot: processos per atendre sensors, actuadors, sistemes de control, comunicacions amb l’exterior,... MRS es pot utilitzar per modelar nous robots utilitzant components que ja estiguin disponibles en les seves llibreries, o també permet crear component nous. Per tal de conèixer en detall aquesta eina, seria interessant utilitzar-la per programa els robots e-pucks, uns robots mòbils autònoms de petites dimensions que disposen de dos motors i un complet conjunt de sensors. El que es vol és simular-los, realitzar un programa de control, realitzar la interfície amb el robot i comprovar el funcionament amb el robot real
This paper presents an automatic vision-based system for UUV station keeping. The vehicle is equipped with a down-looking camera, which provides images of the sea-floor. The station keeping system is based on a feature-based motion detection algorithm, which exploits standard correlation and explicit textural analysis to solve the correspondence problem. A visual map of the area surveyed by the vehicle is constructed to increase the flexibility of the system, allowing the vehicle to position itself when it has lost the reference image. The testing platform is the URIS underwater vehicle. Experimental results demonstrating the behavior of the system on a real environment are presented
When unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) perform missions near the ocean floor, optical sensors can be used to improve local navigation. Video mosaics allow to efficiently process the images acquired by the vehicle, and also to obtain position estimates. We discuss in this paper the role of lens distortions in this context, proving that degenerate mosaics have their origin not only in the selected motion model or in registration errors, but also in the cumulative effect of radial distortion residuals. Additionally, we present results on the accuracy of different feature-based approaches for self-correction of lens distortions that may guide the choice of appropriate techniques for correcting distortions
When underwater vehicles navigate close to the ocean floor, computer vision techniques can be applied to obtain motion estimates. A complete system to create visual mosaics of the seabed is described in this paper. Unfortunately, the accuracy of the constructed mosaic is difficult to evaluate. The use of a laboratory setup to obtain an accurate error measurement is proposed. The system consists on a robot arm carrying a downward looking camera. A pattern formed by a white background and a matrix of black dots uniformly distributed along the surveyed scene is used to find the exact image registration parameters. When the robot executes a trajectory (simulating the motion of a submersible), an image sequence is acquired by the camera. The estimated motion computed from the encoders of the robot is refined by detecting, to subpixel accuracy, the black dots of the image sequence, and computing the 2D projective transform which relates two consecutive images. The pattern is then substituted by a poster of the sea floor and the trajectory is executed again, acquiring the image sequence used to test the accuracy of the mosaicking system
This paper describes the improvements achieved in our mosaicking system to assist unmanned underwater vehicle navigation. A major advance has been attained in the processing of images of the ocean floor when light absorption effects are evident. Due to the absorption of natural light, underwater vehicles often require artificial light sources attached to them to provide the adequate illumination for processing underwater images. Unfortunately, these flashlights tend to illuminate the scene in a nonuniform fashion. In this paper a technique to correct non-uniform lighting is proposed. The acquired frames are compensated through a point-by-point division of the image by an estimation of the illumination field. Then, the gray-levels of the obtained image remapped to enhance image contrast. Experiments with real images are presented