22 resultados para 540401 Geografía urbana


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Sobre la modificació de l'estructura urbana de la ciutat de Girona als segles XI i XII


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This article is an essay aiming at the definition of the urban district of Girona, having as a base the analysis of the intensities and directional tendencies of labour mobility fluxes in it. Several cathegories will be signaled inside this area which wil enable us to differenciate a number of crowns of municipalities according to their respective links with Girona town. A reflection set forth by Francesco Indovina on the concept of diffused town will be the first step in the attempt to typify this area. Thus, the existence of a diffused city core of which would be Girona town will be argued, an issue this one which is to be analysed in future studies


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The paper focuses on the question of local development and applies the local territorial systems model to the urban area of Manresa (Barcelona). The concept of local development is discussed first, as well as the change in place's position within the network derived from metropolitan expansion processes. The role of Manresa's social agents and its development policies are explained, to stress the relevance of the position of places in the network and, foremost, of the role and capability of local actors in putting into value theirs milieu's resources


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Crònica del 'X Coloquio de Geografía Rural de España', que va tenir lloc a la Universitat de Lleida, entre els dies 25 i 29 de setembre de 2000, organitzat pel Grup de Treball de Geografia Rural de l’Associació de Geògrafs Espanyols (AGE) i el Departament de Geografia i Sociologia de l'esmentada universitat. L’objectiu bàsic del col·loqui era reflexionar al voltant de les transformacions i permanències que afecten els espais rurals espanyols davant del canvi de segle


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Ressenya del llibre de Ramón López de Lucio, Ciudad y urbanismo a finales del siglo XX, publicat per la Universitat de València, l'any 1993


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This doctoral thesis offers a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the changes in the urban shape and landscape of the Girona Counties between 1979 and 2006. The theoretical part of the research lies within the framework of the dispersed city phenomenon, and is based on the hypothesis of convergence towards a global urban model. The empirical part demonstrates this proposition with a study of 522 zone development plans in the Girona Counties. The results point to the consolidation of the dispersed city phenomenon, as shown by the sudden increase in built-up space, the spread of urban development throughout the territory, and the emergence of a new, increasingly generic landscape comprising three major morphological types: urban extensions, low density residential estates and industrial zones. This reveals shortcomings of planning for urban growth, weakening of the city as a public project, and a certain degradation of the Mediterranean city model.