278 resultados para Cicle del nitrògen -- Catalunya
Les biblioteques públiques per a infants a Catalunya: Anàlisi i propostes de millora de la praxis educativa és una recerca que pretén donar a conèixer la realitat actual catalana entorn les biblioteques públiques infantils, tot fent incidència en les potencialitats educatives que presenten les biblioteques infantils i juvenils. En el desenvolupament del treball s’han recollit i analitzat els avantatges i els inconvenients dels diferents models de biblioteca estudiats, i les possibles relacions que s’estableixen entre aquests models i alguns aspectes com l’autonomia dels infants, els tipus de projectes i activitats infantils que desenvolupen o les repercussions dels espais
Potential mining of the pliocene and quaternary geological formations for the aggregate production along the medium course of the Fluvil river is likely to be carried out through gravel pits. The most significant environmental impacts are envisaged to occur during site preparation and extraction of aggregate. Several environmental impacts types have been considered: variation of water table, reduction of soil and vegetation, development of unbalanced land-forms and deterioration of landscape
The Onyar River basin is situated in the depression of la Selva. His origins are related to tectonic activity during Neogen in this region. In his evolution, we note a slowly and continuous downfall which directs the morphodinamical behaviour. In this sense, the drainage network has a directional trend towards the north, as consecuence of fault systems, and specially the N-S oriented one. A fault of this system has an important influence in the basin morphology, directs the drainage towards the north and avoids a closely drainage in the basin
This paper makes a contribution to the knowledge of the coastal fringe morphology of the ‘Macizo de Begur’. A lithological study, macro and microscopic, has been carried out of a variety of a series of metamorphic, plutonic, phyllonianic and effusive rocks
Two decay rates are distinguished in the discharge hydrograph of the Onyar River, using Maillet's formula. In this way, we can know which Kina of influence is made by geomorphology and rainfall distribution on fluvial processes
It is a contribution to the study of the terraces of the river Ter along its mid-course in the town of Girona, since that is the last speace where it is still possible to observe four of these terraces with clear characteristics of climatical deposition. Itsmorphological peculiarities are described as well as the morphometrical and lithological parameters of its pebbles. These terraces are compared with others which have been studied in other areas of the regions and conclusions are drawn concerning deposition, source àrea and chronology
This study makes clear the existence of a paleogenical red basal level (Pontils Fm.) in the Vilablareix àrea, under the mio-pliocenical cover of the Girona plain, enlargening the surface known go far of that level
The behaviour of 21 natural springs in a granític massif is studied in this survey. Geomorphological features of the zone are described as well as water circulation and rising 25 parametres of each of them are analysed ans conclusions are withdrawn regarding geological conditions of rising, course, chemism and potability
Ressenya del llibre 'La Vall de Llémena' d' Albert Pujadas i Pigem, editat per la Diputació de Girona dins la col·lecció 'Els Espais Naturals de les Comarques Gironines' i publicat l'any 1995 i en el que s'ofereix un material didàctic-educatiu als professors d'ensenyament secundari
Ressenya del llibre 'Itinerari geològic de Banyoles : descoberta del funcionament del sistema lacustre' de David Brusi, Joan Bach i Miquel Sanz, editat per l' Ajuntament de Banyoles i Eumo Editorial l'any 1990
Due to the edition of the new Atles comarcal de Catalunya by the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya in digital format, we look at the structure of their contents and the dynamics of its use. Likewise, it is detailed which methodology was utilized to perform it. Finally, some reflections on the innovations that this new product entails in textual and cartographic areas are proposed, especially related to the current socioeconomic context and new employed technologies
La present comunicació pretén ressenyar l’aportació dels Atles comarcals de Catalunya al coneixement del nostre territori com una obra no només de caire acadèmic sinó també divulgatiu i aplicat. En primer lloc, es constata la filiació de l’obra al llegat de la geografia clàssica catalana i a les aportacions tradicionals —monografies i les obres generals― que han disseccionat el país des de l’òptica comarcal. En segon lloc, es detalla el seu procés de concepció i elaboració. Finalment, es destaquen les innovacions que el nou format CD-Rom i les possibilitats d’interacció cartogràfica amb servidors externs suposen en el sentit d’innovació respecte de les aportacions anteriors
In this paper we make a litostratigraphical study on the Miocene of the 'Vallés occidental' (Barcelona, Spain) which embraces a part of the 'Depresion Media' of the intermediary tectonic grave between the 'Cadena Litoral' and 'Prelitoral' of the 'Sistema Mediterráneo'. At the same time we undertake an analysis of the bassin
A series of circumstances which converge in a little valley in the province of Girona, result in a peculiar type of morphogenetic evolution and a quite singular mechanical instability of its buttons. Very recent tectonic movements as well as dissolution phenomena of its subsoil due to pressurized underground water have played an important role in the morphogenesis. Such conditions have resulted in a fast morphological evolution which a progressive lowering of the valley floor as well as peculiar morphological features which favour the existence of numerous pits caused by sudden collapses distributed in altitude and time
ln this paper we describe a stratigraphic column of the Cretaceous of the Montgrí. This description is based on several partial stratigraphic cross sections as well as on the lithological character of the different levels and their faunal content, specially megafossils