4 resultados para dehydration-rehydration
em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany
Die hier vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Rahmen eines europäischen Projektes mit dem Titel „Improving Fraxinus (Ash) productivity for European needs by testing, selection, propagation and promotion of improved genetic resources“ an der Niedersächsischen Forstlichen Versuchsanstalt, Abteilung Waldgenressourcen erstellt. Im Rahmen des Projektes wurden 62 Plusbäume aus einem 15 Jahre alten europäischen Herkunfts-/ Nachkommenschaftsversuch in den Niedersächsischen Forstämtern Bovenden und Dannenberg nach den Kriterien Stammform und Wuchsleistung für die vegetative Vermehrung ausgewählt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Optimierung bestehender in vitro Protokolle sowie die Entwicklung eines bisher noch nicht existierenden Kryokonservierungsprotokolls für in vitro Sprossspitzen. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung des in vitro Protokolls für Fraxinus excelsior dargestellt. Die Optimierung der Methoden zur Etablierung, Vermehrung und Bewurzelung erfolgte durch Versuchsreihen mit unterschiedlichen Klonen, so dass insgesamt 26 der selektierten Plusbäume erfolgreich in vitro etabliert werden konnten. Achselknospen frischer Triebe der Pfropflinge der Mutterbäume stellten die beste Explantatquelle dar. Die Explantate wurden mit 0,2 % Quecksilberchlorid (HgCl2) oberflächensterilisiert bevor sie auf hormonfreies Woody Plant Medium (WPM) transferiert wurden. Nach zwei Wochen erfolgte ein Transfer auf WPM mit 4 mg/l 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) und 0,15 mg/l Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Die besten Vermehrungsraten wurden auf WPM mit 4 mg/l BAP, 0,15 mg/l IBA und 0,01 mg/l TDZ und 0,7 % Agar in Honiggläsern mit einem Plastikdeckel erzielt. Als Bewurzelungsmedium wurde 0,5 konzentriertes Murashige und Skoog (MS) Medium mit 2 mg/l IBA, 0,25 mg/l BAP und 0,8 % Agar verwandt. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden die Versuchsreihen zur Entwicklung des Kryokonservierungsprotokolls von in vitro Sprossspitzen dargestellt. Zur Entwicklung der Methode wurden die Vorbehandlungsbedingungen verbessert und zwei Techniken, die Alginat- / Dehydrati-onsmethode und die Vitrifikationsmethode mit Hilfe der sogenannten PVS2-Lösung (Plant Vitrification solution number 2) getestet. Die optimierte PVS2-Methode erwies sich als die für Esche besser geeignete Technik und ließ sich erfolgreich zur Kryokonservierung juveniler und adulter Kulturen anwenden. Die Regenerationsraten lagen zwischen 50 und 100 % für juvenile bzw. 50 und 80 % für adulte Kulturen.
A real-time analysis of renewable energy sources, such as arable crops, is of great importance with regard to an optimised process management, since aspects of ecology and biodiversity are considered in crop production in order to provide a sustainable energy supply by biomass. This study was undertaken to explore the potential of spectroscopic measurement procedures for the prediction of potassium (K), chloride (Cl), and phosphate (P), of dry matter (DM) yield, metabolisable energy (ME), ash and crude fibre contents (ash, CF), crude lipid (EE), nitrate free extracts (NfE) as well as of crude protein (CP) and nitrogen (N), respectively in pretreated samples and undisturbed crops. Three experiments were conducted, one in a laboratory using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) and two field spectroscopic experiments. Laboratory NIRS measurements were conducted to evaluate to what extent a prediction of quality parameters is possible examining press cakes characterised by a wide heterogeneity of their parent material. 210 samples were analysed subsequent to a mechanical dehydration using a screw press. Press cakes serve as solid fuel for thermal conversion. Field spectroscopic measurements were carried out with regard to further technical development using different field grown crops. A one year lasting experiment over a binary mixture of grass and red clover examined the impact of different degrees of sky cover on prediction accuracies of distinct plant parameters. Furthermore, an artificial light source was used in order to evaluate to what extent such a light source is able to minimise cloud effects on prediction accuracies. A three years lasting experiment with maize was conducted in order to evaluate the potential of off-nadir measurements inside a canopy to predict different quality parameters in total biomass and DM yield using one sensor for a potential on-the-go application. This approach implements a measurement of the plants in 50 cm segments, since a sensor adjusted sideways is not able to record the entire plant height. Calibration results obtained by nadir top-of-canopy reflectance measurements were compared to calibration results obtained by off-nadir measurements. Results of all experiments approve the applicability of spectroscopic measurements for the prediction of distinct biophysical and biochemical parameters in the laboratory and under field conditions, respectively. The estimation of parameters could be conducted to a great extent with high accuracy. An enhanced basis of calibration for the laboratory study and the first field experiment (grass/clover-mixture) yields in improved robustness of calibration models and allows for an extended application of spectroscopic measurement techniques, even under varying conditions. Furthermore, off-nadir measurements inside a canopy yield in higher prediction accuracies, particularly for crops characterised by distinct height increment as observed for maize.
Energy production from biomass and the conservation of ecologically valuable grassland habitats are two important issues of agriculture today. The combination of a bioenergy production, which minimises environmental impacts and competition with food production for land with a conversion of semi-natural grasslands through new utilization alternatives for the biomass, led to the development of the IFBB process. Its basic principle is the separation of biomass into a liquid fraction (press fluid, PF) for the production of electric and thermal energy after anaerobic digestion to biogas and a solid fraction (press cake, PC) for the production of thermal energy through combustion. This study was undertaken to explore mass and energy flows as well as quality aspects of energy carriers within the IFBB process and determine their dependency on biomass-related and technical parameters. Two experiments were conducted, in which biomass from semi-natural grassland was conserved as silage and subjected to a hydrothermal conditioning and a subsequent mechanical dehydration with a screw press. Methane yield of the PF and the untreated silage was determined in anaerobic digestion experiments in batch fermenters at 37°C with a fermentation time of 13-15 and 27-35 days for the PF and the silage, respectively. Concentrations of dry matter (DM), ash, crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF), ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), acid detergent ligning (ADL) and elements (K, Mg, Ca, Cl, N, S, P, C, H, N) were determined in the untreated biomass and the PC. Higher heating value (HHV) and ash softening temperature (AST) were calculated based on elemental concentration. Chemical composition of the PF and mass flows of all plant compounds into the PF were calculated. In the first experiment, biomass from five different semi-natural grassland swards (Arrhenaterion I and II, Caricion fuscae, Filipendulion ulmariae, Polygono-Trisetion) was harvested at one late sampling (19 July or 31 August) and ensiled. Each silage was subjected to three different temperature treatments (5°C, 60°C, 80°C) during hydrothermal conditioning. Based on observed methane yields and HHV as energy output parameters as well as literature-based and observed energy input parameters, energy and green house gas (GHG) balances were calculated for IFBB and two reference conversion processes, whole-crop digestion of untreated silage (WCD) and combustion of hay (CH). In the second experiment, biomass from one single semi-natural grassland sward (Arrhenaterion) was harvested at eight consecutive dates (27/04, 02/05, 09/05, 16/05, 24/05, 31/05, 11/06, 21/06) and ensiled. Each silage was subjected to six different treatments (no hydrothermal conditioning and hydrothermal conditioning at 10°C, 30°C, 50°C, 70°C, 90°C). Energy balance was calculated for IFBB and WCD. Multiple regression models were developed to predict mass flows, concentrations of elements in the PC, concentration of organic compounds in the PF and energy conversion efficiency of the IFBB process from temperature of hydrothermal conditioning as well as NDF and DM concentration in the silage. Results showed a relative reduction of ash and all elements detrimental for combustion in the PC compared to the untreated biomass of 20-90%. Reduction was highest for K and Cl and lowest for N. HHV of PC and untreated biomass were in a comparable range (17.8-19.5 MJ kg-1 DM), but AST of PC was higher (1156-1254°C). Methane yields of PF were higher compared to those of WCD when the biomass was harvested late (end of May and later) and in a comparable range when the biomass was harvested early and ranged from 332 to 458 LN kg-1 VS. Regarding energy and GHG balances, IFBB, with a net energy yield of 11.9-14.1 MWh ha-1, a conversion efficiency of 0.43-0.51, and GHG mitigation of 3.6-4.4 t CO2eq ha-1, performed better than WCD, but worse than CH. WCD produces thermal and electric energy with low efficiency, CH produces only thermal energy with a low quality solid fuel with high efficiency, IFBB produces thermal and electric energy with a solid fuel of high quality with medium efficiency. Regression models were able to predict target parameters with high accuracy (R2=0.70-0.99). The influence of increasing temperature of hydrothermal conditioning was an increase of mass flows, a decrease of element concentrations in the PC and a differing effect on energy conversion efficiency. The influence of increasing NDF concentration of the silage was a differing effect on mass flows, a decrease of element concentrations in the PC and an increase of energy conversion efficiency. The influence of increasing DM concentration of the silage was a decrease of mass flows, an increase of element concentrations in the PC and an increase of energy conversion efficiency. Based on the models an optimised IFBB process would be obtained with a medium temperature of hydrothermal conditioning (50°C), high NDF concentrations in the silage and medium DM concentrations of the silage.
This study was conducted to investigate soil biological and chemical factors that give rise to cereal yield enhancing effects of legume rotations on sandy, nutrient poor West African soils. The aim was not only to gain more information on the role of legume residues and microorganisms in the soil nutrient cycle. But the study aimed at evaluating if differences in substrate qualities (e.g. root residues) cause changes in the microbial community structure due to specific and highly complex microbe-root-soil interactions. Site and system specific reactions of microorganisms towards rewetting, simulating the onset of rainy season, were observed. Higher respiration rates, higher amounts of microbial biomass carbon (Cmic) and nitrogen (Nmic) as well as higher ergosterol, muramic acid, glucosamine and adenylate concentrations were measured in CL soils of Koukombo and in both soils from Fada. The immediate increase in ATP concentrations after rewetting was likely caused by rehydration of microbial cells where N was not immobilized and, thus, available for plants facilitating their rapid development. Legume root residues led only to slightly better plant performances compared to the control, while the application of cereal roots reduced seedling growth. In contrast to sorghum seedlings, the microbial community did not react to the mineral treatment. Thus the energy supply in form of organic amendments increased microbial indices compared to mineral P application and the control. The results of basal respiration rates, Cmic and Corg levels indicate that the microbial community in the soil from Koukombo is less efficient in substrate use compared to microorganisms in the soil from Fada. However, the continuous carbon input by legume root residues might have contributed to these differences in soil fertility. With the 33P isotopic exchange method a low buffering capacity was detected in both soils irrespective of treatments. Calculated E values (E1min to E1min-1d and E1d-3m) indicated a slowly release of P due to root turnover while applied mineral P is taken up by plants or fixed to the soil. Due to the fact that sorghum growth reacted mainly to the application of mineral P and the microorganisms solely to the organic inputs, the combination of both amendments seems to be the best approach to a sustainable increase of crop production on many nutrient-poor, sandy West African soils. In a pot experiment, were CC and CL soils from Fada and Koukombo were adjusted to the same level of P and N concentrations, crop growth was significantly higher on CL soils, compared to the respective treatments on CC soils. Mycorrhizal infection of roots was increased and the number of nematodes, predominantly free living nematodes, was almost halfed on rotation soils. In conclusion, increased nutrient availability (especially P and N) through the introduction of legumes is not the only reason for the observed yield increasing effects. Soil biological factors seem to also play an important role. In a root chamber experiment the pH gradient along the root-soil-interface was measured at three times using an antimony microelectrode. For Fada soils, pH values were higher on CL than CC soils while the opposite was true for the Koukombo soils. Site-specific differences between Fada and Koukombo soils in N content and microbial community structures might have created varying crop performances leading to the contrasting pH findings. However, the mechanisms involved in this highly complex microbe-root-soil interaction remain unclear.