5 resultados para complex problem solving research
em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany
The paper will consist of three parts. In part I we shall present some background considerations which are necessary as a basis for what follows. We shall try to clarify some basic concepts and notions, and we shall collect the most important arguments (and related goals) in favour of problem solving, modelling and applications to other subjects in mathematics instruction. In the main part II we shall review the present state, recent trends, and prospective lines of development, both in empirical or theoretical research and in the practice of mathematics instruction and mathematics education, concerning problem solving, modelling, applications and relations to other subjects. In particular, we shall identify and discuss four major trends: a widened spectrum of arguments, an increased globality, an increased unification, and an extended use of computers. In the final part III we shall comment upon some important issues and problems related to our topic.
The paper will consist of three parts. In part I we shall present some background considerations which are necessary as a basis for what follows. We shall try to clarify some basic concepts and notions, and we shall collect the most important arguments (and related goals) in favour of problem solving, modelling and applications to other subjects in mathematics instruction. In the main part II we shall review the present state, recent trends, and prospective lines of development, both in empirical or theoretical research and in the practice of mathematics instruction and mathematics education, concerning (applied) problem solving, modelling, applications and relations to other subjects. In particular, we shall identify and discuss four major trends: a widened spectrum of arguments, an increased globality, an increased unification, and an extended use of computers. In the final part III we shall comment upon some important issues and problems related to our topic.
Aus mehreren Untersuchungen zum Interesse der Schülerinnen und Schüler am Physikunterricht ist bekannt, dass der Unterricht dann für sie interessant ist, wenn die fachlichen Inhalte in einen für die Schülerinnen und Schüler relevanten Kontext eingebunden sind. Die vorliegende empirische Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit dem Kontext „Physik lernen durch lehren“. Bei diesem Kontext sollen Schülerinnen und Schüler des Gymnasiums Physik lernen, um anschließend Kindern in der Vor- und Grundschule selbst naturwissenschaftliche Inhalte zu vermitteln. Der Kontext wurde dahingehend untersucht, inwiefern er das situationale Interesse der Schülerinnen und Schüler am Physikunterricht beeinflusst und welchen Einfluss er auf die Vermittlung fachlicher und überfachlicher Kompetenzen hat. Die Arbeit basiert auf der Selbstbestimmungstheorie der Motivation von Deci u. Ryan (1993) sowie der pädagogischen Interessentheorie von Krapp u. Prenzel (1992). Um die Interessantheit des Unterrichts im Kontext und den Erwerb von Kompetenzen festzustellen, wurden im Rahmen der Untersuchung zwei quantitative Studien mittels Fragebogenerhebungen und eine qualitative Studie in Form von Leitfaden-Interviews sowohl mit Schülerinnen und Schülern als auch mit Lehrkräften durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, dass der Unterricht im Kontext „Physik lernen durch lehren“ hinsichtlich der Interessantheit deutlich den herkömmlichen Zugängen überlegen ist. In der Untersuchung wurde eine Reihe von potenziellen Einflussvariablen auf die festgestellte Interessantheit am Unterricht in dem zu unter-suchenden Kontext ermittelt. Der Unterricht wurde in erster Linie aufgrund der naturwissenschaftlichen Veranstaltungen mit den Vor- und Grundschulkindern für die Schülerinnen und Schüler interessanter. Es wurde festgestellt, dass der Kontext besonders bei Schülerinnen und Schülern, die am Unterrichtsfach Physik allgemein unterdurchschnittlich interessiert sind, auf ein größeres situationales Interesse stößt. Insbesondere Mädchen zeigen ein großes situationales Interesse an dem Kontext. Bei dem kontextorientierten Unterricht werden neben fachlichen Kompetenzen vor allem überfachliche Kompetenzen bei den Schülerinnen und Schülern gefördert. Der Schwerpunkt bei den fachlichen Kompetenzen liegt im Bereich des Prozesswissens, und bei den überfachlichen Kompetenzen werden primär das methodisch-problemlösende Lernen und das sozial-kommunikative Lernen gefördert.
The rejection of the European Constitution marks an important crystallization point for debate about the European Union (EU) and the integration process. The European Constitution was envisaged as the founding document of a renewed and enlarged European Union and thus it was rather assumed to find wide public support. Its rejection was not anticipated. The negative referenda in France and the Netherlands therefore led to a controversial debate about the more fundamental meaning and the consequences of the rejection both for the immediate state of affairs as well as for the further integration process. The rejection of the Constitution and the controversy about its correct interpretation therefore present an intriguing puzzle for political analysis. Although the treaty rejection was taken up widely in the field of European Studies, the focus of existing analyses has predominantly been on explaining why the current situation occurred. Underlying these approaches is the premise that by establishing the reasons for the rejection it is possible to derive the ‘true’ meaning of the event for the EU integration process. In my paper I rely on an alternative, discourse theoretical approach which aims to overcome the positivist perspective dominating the existing analyses. I argue that the meaning of the event ‘treaty rejection’ is not fixed or inherent to it but discursively constructed. The critical assessment of this concrete meaning-production is of high relevance as the specific meaning attributed to the treaty rejection effectively constrains the scope for supposedly ‘reasonable’ options for action, both in the concrete situation and in the further European integration process more generally. I will argue that the overall framing suggests a fundamental technocratic approach to governance from part of the Commission. Political struggle and public deliberation is no longer foreseen as the concrete solutions to the citizens’ general concerns are designed by supposedly apolitical experts. Through the communicative diffusion and the active implementation of this particular model of governance the Commission shapes the future integration process in a more substantial way than is obvious from its seemingly limited immediate problem-solving orientation of overcoming the ‘constitutional crisis’. As the European Commission is a central actor in the discourse production my analysis focuses on the specific interpretation of the situation put forward by the Commission. In order to work out the Commission’s particular take on the event I conducted a frame analysis (according to Benford/Snow) on a body of key sources produced in the context of coping with the treaty rejection.
In the past years, we could observe a significant amount of new robotic systems in science, industry, and everyday life. To reduce the complexity of these systems, the industry constructs robots that are designated for the execution of a specific task such as vacuum cleaning, autonomous driving, observation, or transportation operations. As a result, such robotic systems need to combine their capabilities to accomplish complex tasks that exceed the abilities of individual robots. However, to achieve emergent cooperative behavior, multi-robot systems require a decision process that copes with the communication challenges of the application domain. This work investigates a distributed multi-robot decision process, which addresses unreliable and transient communication. This process composed by five steps, which we embedded into the ALICA multi-agent coordination language guided by the PROViDE negotiation middleware. The first step encompasses the specification of the decision problem, which is an integral part of the ALICA implementation. In our decision process, we describe multi-robot problems by continuous nonlinear constraint satisfaction problems. The second step addresses the calculation of solution proposals for this problem specification. Here, we propose an efficient solution algorithm that integrates incomplete local search and interval propagation techniques into a satisfiability solver, which forms a satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solver. In the third decision step, the PROViDE middleware replicates the solution proposals among the robots. This replication process is parameterized with a distribution method, which determines the consistency properties of the proposals. In a fourth step, we investigate the conflict resolution. Therefore, an acceptance method ensures that each robot supports one of the replicated proposals. As we integrated the conflict resolution into the replication process, a sound selection of the distribution and acceptance methods leads to an eventual convergence of the robot proposals. In order to avoid the execution of conflicting proposals, the last step comprises a decision method, which selects a proposal for implementation in case the conflict resolution fails. The evaluation of our work shows that the usage of incomplete solution techniques of the constraint satisfaction solver outperforms the runtime of other state-of-the-art approaches for many typical robotic problems. We further show by experimental setups and practical application in the RoboCup environment that our decision process is suitable for making quick decisions in the presence of packet loss and delay. Moreover, PROViDE requires less memory and bandwidth compared to other state-of-the-art middleware approaches.