13 resultados para chemical properties of the elements
em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany
A knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of superheavy elements is expected to be of great value for the detection of these elements, owing to the need for chemical separation in their isolation and identification. The methods for predicting their electronic structures, expected trends in their chemical and physical properties and the results of such predictions for the individual superheavy elements are reviewed. The periodic table is extended up to element 172.
The chemical properties of element 111, eka-gold, are predicted through the use of the periodic table, relativistic Hartee-Fock-Slater calculations, and various qualitative theories which have established their usefulness in understanding and correlating properties of molecules. The results indicate that element 111 will be like Au(III) in its chemistry with little or no tendency to show stability in the I or II states. There is a possibility that the 111 - ion, analogous to the auride ion, will be stable.
A theoretical study of the physicochemical properties of elements 104, 105, and 106 and their compounds in the gas phase and aqueous solutions has been undertaken using relativistic atomic and molecular codes. Trends in properties such as bonding, ionization potentials, electron affinities, energies of electronic transitions, stabilities of oxidation states etc. have been defined within the corresponding chemical groups and within the transactinides. These trends are shown to be determined by increasing relativistic effects within the groups. The behaviour of some gas phase compounds and complexes in solutions is predicted for the gas chromatography and solvent extraction experiments. Redox potentials in aqueous solutions of these elements are estimated.
Results of the Dirac-Slater discrete variational calculations for the group 4, 5, and 6 highest chlorides including elements 104, 105, and 106 have shown that the groups are not identical with respect to trends in the electronic structure and bonding. The charge density distribution data show that notwithstanding the basic increase in covalency within the groups this increase diminishes in going from group 4 to group 6. As a result, E106Cl_6 will be less stable toward thermal decomposition than WCl_6, which is confirmed by an estimated low E106-Cl bond energy. \delta H_form equal to -90.3 ± 6 kcal/rnol is obtained for E106Cl_6 in the gas phase, which is indicative of a very low stability of this compound. The stability of the maximum oxidation state is shown to decrease in the direction E104(+4) > E105(+5) > E106(+6).
Element 115 is expected to be in group V-a of the periodic table and have most stable oxidation states of I and III. The oxidation state of I, which plays a minor role in bismuth chemistry, should be a major factor in 115 chemistry. This change will arise because of the large relativistic splitting of the spherically symmetric 7p_l/2 shell from the 7P_3/2 shell. Element 115 will therefore have a single 7p_3/2 electron outside a 7p^2_1/2 closed shell. The magnitude of the first ionization energy and ionic radius suggest a chemistry similar to Tl^+. Similar considerations suggest that 115^3+ will have a chemistry similar to Bi^3+. Hydrolysis will therefore be easy and relatively strongly complexing anions of strong acids will be needed in general to effect studies of complexation chemistry. Some other properties of 115 predicted are as follows: ionization potentials I 5.2 eV, II 18.1 eV, III 27.4 eV, IV 48.5 eV, 0 \rightarrow 5^+ 159 eV; heat of sublimation, 34 kcal (g-atom)^-1; atomic radius, 2.0 A; ionic radius, 115^+ 1.5 A, 115^3+ 1.0 A; entropy, 16 cal deg^-1 (g-atom)^-l (25°); standard electrode potential 115^+ |115, -1.5 V; melting and boiling points are similar to element 113.
Little is known about the sustainability of irrigated oasis agriculture in northern Oman. The objective of this study therefore was to examine which factors allowed agricultural productivity to be apparently maintained during the two millenia of a mountain oasis’ existence. Soil moisture and physico-chemical properties were measured in a typical flood-irrigated field sown to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Particle size, organic (C_org) and inorganic carbon content, pH and electrical conductivity (EC)of the soil profile were analyzed at 0.15, 0.45 and 1.00 m. Saturated hydraulic conductivity and the soil’s apparent bulk density and water potential were determined from undisturbed samples at 0.05, 0.25 and 0.60 m. During irrigation cycles of 6–9 days, volumetric water contents ranged from 30% to 13%. A tracer experiment with potassium bromide revealed that 52–56% of the irrigation water was stored in the upper 0.4 m of the soil. The rest of the water moved further down the profile, thus providing the necessary drainage to avoid the build-up of toxic salt concentrations. Due to differences in pore size, plant-available water in the topsoil amounted to 18.7% compared to 13% and 13.5% at 0.25- and 0.60-m depth, respectively. The aggregate structure in the upper 1.0 m of the profile is likely preserved by concentrations of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from 379 to 434 mg kg^-1 and C_org from 157 to 368 mg kg^-1 soil. The data indicate that the sustainability of this irrigated landuse system is due to high water quality with low sodium but high CaCO3 concentration, the elaborate terrace structure and water management which allows adequate drainage.
In this 1984 proof of the Bieberbach and Milin conjectures de Branges used a positivity result of special functions which follows from an identity about Jacobi polynomial sums thas was published by Askey and Gasper in 1976. The de Branges functions Tn/k(t) are defined as the solutions of a system of differential recurrence equations with suitably given initial values. The essential fact used in the proof of the Bieberbach and Milin conjectures is the statement Tn/k(t)<=0. In 1991 Weinstein presented another proof of the Bieberbach and Milin conjectures, also using a special function system Λn/k(t) which (by Todorov and Wilf) was realized to be directly connected with de Branges', Tn/k(t)=-kΛn/k(t), and the positivity results in both proofs Tn/k(t)<=0 are essentially the same. In this paper we study differential recurrence equations equivalent to de Branges' original ones and show that many solutions of these differential recurrence equations don't change sign so that the above inequality is not as surprising as expected. Furthermore, we present a multiparameterized hypergeometric family of solutions of the de Branges differential recurrence equations showing that solutions are not rare at all.
With a relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater calculation we determined the most stable configurations of the elements of the possibly quasistable island around Z = 164. It is found that the expected noble gas at Z = 168 should not occur, but instead the element Z = 164 should have the properties of a noble gas.
Using a phenomenological model, the influence of quantum electrodynamical effects on the prediction of the chemical behavior of superheavy elements within a relativistic Dirac-Slater calculation was investigated. This influence will be small and nondetectable for elements up to Z = 114. For elements near Z = 164 some changes in the ground state configurations occur but the chemical behavior will not change. Using this heuristic model, it is also possible to calculate elements beyond Z = 175. As an example we have chosen element E184 and are now able to make more valid speculations about the chemical behavior of the element than Penneman and co-workers could.
Während der letzten 20 Jahre hat sich das Periodensystem bis zu den Elementen 114 und 116 erweitert. Diese sind kernphysikalisch nachgewiesen, so dass jetzt die chemische Untersuchung an erster Selle steht. Nachdem sich das Periodensystem bis zum Element 108 so verhält, wie man es dem Periodensystem nach annimmt, wird in dieser Arbeit die Chemie des Elements 112 untersucht. Dabei geht es um die Adsorptionsenergie auf einer Gold-Ober fläche, weil dies der physikalisch/chemische Prozess ist, der bei der Analyse angewandt wird. Die Methode, die in dieser Arbeit angwandt wird, ist die relativistische Dichtefunktionalmethode. Im ersten Teil wird das Vielkörperproblem in allgemeiner Form behandelt, und im zweiten die grundlegenden Eigenschaften und Formulierungen der Dichtefunktionaltheorie. Die Arbeit beschreibt zwei prinzipiell unterschiedliche Ansätze, wie die Adsorptionsenergie berechnet werden kann. Zum einen ist es die sogenannte Clustermethode, bei der ein Atom auf ein relativ kleines Cluster aufgebracht und dessen Adsorptionsenergie berechnet wird. Wenn es gelingt, die Konvergenz mit der Größe des Clusters zu erreichen, sollte dies zu einem Wert für die Adsorptionsenergie führen. Leider zeigt sich in den Rechnungen, dass aufgrund des zeitlichen Aufwandes die Konvergenz für die Clusterrechnungen nicht erreicht wird. Es werden sehr ausführlich die drei verschiedenen Adsorptionsplätze, die Top-, die Brücken- und die Muldenposition, berechnet. Sehr viel mehr Erfolg erzielt man mit der Einbettungsmethode, bei der ein kleiner Cluster von vielen weiteren Atomen an den Positionen, die sie im Festkörpers auf die Adsorptionsenergie soweit sichergestellt ist, dass physikalisch-chemisch gute Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Alle hier gennanten Rechnungen sowohl mit der Cluster- wie mit der Einbettungsmethode verlangen sehr, sehr lange Rechenzeiten, die, wie oben bereits erwähnt, nicht zu einer Konvergenz für die Clusterrechnungen ausreichten. In der Arbeit wird bei allen Rechnungen sehr detailliert auf die Abhängigkeit von den möglichen Basissätzen eingegangen, die ebenfalls in entscheidender Weise zur Länge und Qualität der Rechnungen beitragen. Die auskonvergierten Rechnungen werden in der Form von Potentialkurven, Density of States (DOS), Overlap Populations sowie Partial Crystal Overlap Populations analysiert. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass die Adsoptionsenergie für das Element 112 auf einer Goldoberfläche ca. 0.2 eV niedriger ist als die Adsorption von Quecksilber auf der gleichen Ober fläche. Mit diesem Ergebnis haben die experimentellen Kernchemiker einen Wert an der Hand, mit dem sie eine Anhaltspunkt haben, wo sie bei den Messungen die wenigen zu erwartenden Ereignisse finden können.
A set of parametrized equations has been published by Bratsch and Lagowski for calculating thermodynamic properties of the lanthanides, actinides, element 104, and certainrelated elements. Since these equations were applied to element 104, new values for the first four ionization energies and radii of the ions of charge +1, +2, +3, and +4 have been calculated for this element. The parametrized equations are used here with these new values to calculate some thermodynamic properties of element 104.
The extension of the Periodic Table into the range of unknown atomic numbers of above one hundred requires relativistic calculations. The results of the latter are used to indicate probable values for X-ray transition lines which will be useful for identification of the atomic species formed during collision between accelerated ions and the target. If the half-lives of the isotopes are long, then the chemistry of these new species becomes an important question which is reviewed for E110, E 111 and E112. The possible structural chemistry of the elements E108 to E112 is suggested. Finally the effects of solvation on ions of the actinide and superheavy elements have been studied.