35 resultados para atomic clusters

em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany


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We present a theory which permits for the first time a detailed analysis of the dependence of the absorption spectrum on atomic structure and cluster size. Thus, we determine the development of the collective excitations in small clusters and show that their broadening depends sensitively on the tomic structure, in particular at the surface. Results for Hg_n^+ clusters show that the plasmon energy is close to its jellium value in the case of spherical-like structures, but is in general between w_p/ \wurzel{3} and w_p/ \wurzel{2} for compact clusters. A particular success of our theory is the identification of the excitations contributing to the absorption peaks.


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The static and dynamical polarizabilities of the Hg-dimer are calculated by using a Hubbard Hamiltonian to describe the electronic structure. The Hamiltonian is diagonalized exactly within a subspace of second-quantized electronic states from which only multiply ionized atomic configurations have been excluded. With this approximation we can describe the most important electronic transitions including the effect of charge fluctuations. We analyze the polarizability as a function of the intraatomic Coulomb interaction which represents the repulsion between electrons. We obtain that this interaction results in strong electronic correlations in the excited states and increases the first excitation energy of the dimer by 0.8 eV in comparison to a calculation which neglects correlations, resulting in a better agreement with the experiment.


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The electronic states of small AI_n (n = 2 - 8) clusters have been calculated with a relativistic ab-initio MOLCAO Dirac-Fock-Slater method using numerical atomic DFS wave-functions. The excitation energies were obtained from a ground state calculation of neutral clusters, and in addition from negative clusters charged by half an electron in order to account for part of the relaxation. These energies are compared with experimental photoelectron spectra.


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The magnetic properties and interactions between transition metal (TM) impurities and clusters in low-dimensional metallic hosts are studied using a first principles theoretical method. In the first part of this work, the effect of magnetic order in 3d-5d systems is addressed from the perspective of its influence on the enhancement of the magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE). In the second part, the possibility of using external electric fields (EFs) to control the magnetic properties and interactions between nanoparticles deposited at noble metal surfaces is investigated. The influence of 3d composition and magnetic order on the spin polarization of the substrate and its consequences on the MAE are analyzed for the case of 3d impurities in one- and two-dimensional polarizable hosts. It is shown that the MAE and easy- axis of monoatomic free standing 3d-Pt wires is mainly determined by the atomic spin-orbit (SO) coupling contributions. The competition between ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AF) order in FePtn wires is studied in detail for n=1-4 as a function of the relative position between Fe atoms. Our results show an oscillatory behavior of the magnetic polarization of Pt atoms as a function of their distance from the magnetic impurities, which can be correlated to a long-ranged magnetic coupling of the Fe atoms. Exceptionally large variations of the induced spin and orbital moments at the Pt atoms are found as a function of concentration and magnetic order. Along with a violation of the third Hund’s rule at the Fe sites, these variations result in a non trivial behavior of the MAE. In the case of TM impurities and dimers at the Cu(111), the effects of surface charging and applied EFs on the magnetic properties and substrate-mediated magnetic interactions have been investigated. The modifications of the surface electronic structure, impurity local moments and magnetic exchange coupling as a result of the EF-induced metallic screening and charge rearrangements are analysed. In a first study, the properties of surface substitutional Co and Fe impurities are investigated as a function of the external charge per surface atom q. At large inter-impurity distances the effective magnetic exchange coupling ∆E between impurities shows RKKY-like oscillations as a function of the distance which are not significantly affected by the considered values of q. For distances r < 10 Å, important modifications in the magnitude of ∆E, involving changes from FM to AF coupling, are found depending non-monotonously on the value and polarity of q. The interaction energies are analysed from a local perspective. In a second study, the interplay between external EF effects, internal magnetic order and substrate-mediated magnetic coupling has been investigated for Mn dimers on Cu(111). Our calculations show that EF (∼ 1eV/Å) can induce a switching from AF to FM ground-state magnetic order within single Mn dimers. The relative coupling between a pair of dimers also shows RKKY-like oscillations as a function of the inter-dimer distance. Their effective magnetic exchange interaction is found to depend significantly on the magnetic order within the Mn dimers and on their relative orientation on the surface. The dependence of the substrate-mediated interaction on the magnetic state of the dimers is qualitatively explained in terms of the differences in the scattering of surface electrons. At short inter-dimer distances, the ground-state configuration is determined by an interplay between exchange interactions and EF effects. These results demonstrate that external surface charging and applied EFs offer remarkable possibilities of manipulating the sign and strength of the magnetic coupling of surface supported nanoparticles.


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Die Summation ueber des vollstaendige Spektrum des Atoms, die in der Stoehrungstheorie zweiter Ordnung vorkommt, wurde mit Hilfe der Greenschen Funktion Methode berechnet. Die Methode der Greenschen Funktion verlangt die Berechnung der unterschiedlichen Greenschen Funktionen: eine Coulomb-Greensche-Funktion im Fall von wasserstoffaehnlichen Ionen und eine Zentral-feld-Greensche-Funktion im Fall des Vielelektronen-Atoms. Die entwickelte Greensche Funktion erlaubte uns die folgenden atomaren Systeme in die Zweiphotonenionisierung der folgenden atomaren Systeme zu untersuchen: - wasserstoffaehnliche Ionen, um relativistische und Multipol-Effekte aufzudecken, - die aeussere Schale des Lithium; Helium und Helium-aehnliches Neon im Grundzustand, um taugliche Modelle des atomaren Feldes zu erhalten, - K- und L-Schalen des Argon, um die Vielelektronen-Effekte abzuschaetzen. Zusammenfassend, die relativistische Effekte ergeben sich in einer allgemeinen Reduzierung der Zweiphotonen Wirkungsquerschnitte. Zum Beispiel, betraegt das Verhaeltnis zwischen den nichtrelativistischen und relativistischen Wirkungsquerschnitten einen Faktor zwei fuer wasserstoffaehnliches Uran. Ausser dieser relativistischen Kontraktion, ist auch die relativistische Aufspaltung der Zwischenzustaende fuer mittelschwere Ionen sichtbar. Im Gegensatz zu den relativistischen Effekten, beeinflussen die Multipol-Effekte die totalen Wirkungsquerschnitte sehr wenig, so dass die Langwellennaeherung mit der exakten Naeherung fuer schwere Ionen sogar innerhalb von 5 Prozent uebereinstimmt. Die winkelaufgeloesten Wirkungsquerschnitte werden durch die relativistischen Effekte auf eine beeindruckende Weise beeinflusst: die Form der differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitte aendert sich (qualitativ) abhaengig von der Photonenenergie. Ausserdem kann die Beruecksichtigung der hoeheren Multipole die elektronische Ausbeute um einen Faktor drei aendern. Die Vielelektronen-Effekte in der Zweiphotonenionisierung wurden am Beispiel der K- und L-Schalen des Argon analysiert. Hiermit wurden die totalen Wirkungsquerschnitte in einer Ein-aktives-Elektron-Naeherung (single-active-electron approximation) berechnet. Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass die Elektron--Elektron-Wechselwirkung sehr wichtig fuer die L-Schale und vernachlaessigbar fuer die K-Schale ist. Das bedeutet, dass man die totalen Wirkungsquerschnitte mit wasserstoffaehnlichen Modellen im Fall der K-Schale beschreiben kann, aber fuer die L-Schale fortgeschrittene Modelle erforderlich sind. Die Ergebnisse fuer Vielelektronen-Atome wurden mittels einer Dirac-Zentral-feld-Greenschen Funktion erlangt. Ein numerischer Algorithmus wurde urspruenglich von McGuire (1981) fuer der Schroedinger-Zentral-feld-Greensche Funktion eingefuehrt. Der Algorithmus wurde in dieser Arbeit zum ersten Mal fuer die Dirac-Gleichung angewandt. Unser Algorithmus benutzt die Kummer- und Tricomi-Funktionen, die mit Hilfe eines zuverlaessigen, aber noch immer langsamen Programmes berechnet wurden. Die Langsamkeit des Programms begrenzt den Bereich der Aufgaben, die effizient geloest werden koennen. Die Zentral-feld-Greensche Funktion konnte bei den folgenden Problemen benutzt werden: - Berechnung der Zweiphotonen-Zerfallsraten, - Berechnung der Zweiphotonenanregung und -ionisierungs-Wirkungsquerschnitte, - Berechnung die Multiphotonenanregung und -ionisierungs-Wirkungsquerschnitte, - Berechnung einer atomaren Vielelektronen-Green-Funktion. Von diesen Aufgaben koennen nur die ersten beiden in angemessener Zeit geloest werden. Fuer die letzten beiden Aufgaben ist unsere Implementierung zu langsam und muss weiter verbessert werden.


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For the theoretical investigation of local phenomena (adsorption at surfaces, defects or impurities within a crystal, etc.) one can assume that the effects caused by the local disturbance are only limited to the neighbouring particles. With this model, that is well-known as cluster-approximation, an infinite system can be simulated by a much smaller segment of the surface (Cluster). The size of this segment varies strongly for different systems. Calculations to the convergence of bond distance and binding energy of an adsorbed aluminum atom on an Al(100)-surface showed that more than 100 atoms are necessary to get a sufficient description of surface properties. However with a full-quantummechanical approach these system sizes cannot be calculated because of the effort in computer memory and processor speed. Therefore we developed an embedding procedure for the simulation of surfaces and solids, where the whole system is partitioned in several parts which itsself are treated differently: the internal part (cluster), which is located near the place of the adsorbate, is calculated completely self-consistently and is embedded into an environment, whereas the influence of the environment on the cluster enters as an additional, external potential to the relativistic Kohn-Sham-equations. The basis of the procedure represents the density functional theory. However this means that the choice of the electronic density of the environment constitutes the quality of the embedding procedure. The environment density was modelled in three different ways: atomic densities; of a large prepended calculation without embedding transferred densities; bulk-densities (copied). The embedding procedure was tested on the atomic adsorptions of 'Al on Al(100) and Cu on Cu(100). The result was that if the environment is choices appropriately for the Al-system one needs only 9 embedded atoms to reproduce the results of exact slab-calculations. For the Cu-system first calculations without embedding procedures were accomplished, with the result that already 60 atoms are sufficient as a surface-cluster. Using the embedding procedure the same values with only 25 atoms were obtained. This means a substantial improvement if one takes into consideration that the calculation time increased cubically with the number of atoms. With the embedding method Infinite systems can be treated by molecular methods. Additionally the program code was extended by the possibility to make molecular-dynamic simulations. Now it is possible apart from the past calculations of fixed cores to investigate also structures of small clusters and surfaces. A first application we made with the adsorption of Cu on Cu(100). We calculated the relaxed positions of the atoms that were located close to the adsorption site and afterwards made the full-quantummechanical calculation of this system. We did that procedure for different distances to the surface. Thus a realistic adsorption process could be examined for the first time. It should be remarked that when doing the Cu reference-calculations (without embedding) we begun to parallelize the entire program code. Only because of this aspect the investigations for the 100 atomic Cu surface-clusters were possible. Due to the good efficiency of both the parallelization and the developed embedding procedure we will be able to apply the combination in future. This will help to work on more these areas it will be possible to bring in results of full-relativistic molecular calculations, what will be very interesting especially for the regime of heavy systems.


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This thesis work is dedicated to use the computer-algebraic approach for dealing with the group symmetries and studying the symmetry properties of molecules and clusters. The Maple package Bethe, created to extract and manipulate the group-theoretical data and to simplify some of the symmetry applications, is introduced. First of all the advantages of using Bethe to generate the group theoretical data are demonstrated. In the current version, the data of 72 frequently applied point groups can be used, together with the data for all of the corresponding double groups. The emphasize of this work is placed to the applications of this package in physics of molecules and clusters. Apart from the analysis of the spectral activity of molecules with point-group symmetry, it is demonstrated how Bethe can be used to understand the field splitting in crystals or to construct the corresponding wave functions. Several examples are worked out to display (some of) the present features of the Bethe program. While we cannot show all the details explicitly, these examples certainly demonstrate the great potential in applying computer algebraic techniques to study the symmetry properties of molecules and clusters. A special attention is placed in this thesis work on the flexibility of the Bethe package, which makes it possible to implement another applications of symmetry. This implementation is very reasonable, because some of the most complicated steps of the possible future applications are already realized within the Bethe. For instance, the vibrational coordinates in terms of the internal displacement vectors for the Wilson's method and the same coordinates in terms of cartesian displacement vectors as well as the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for the Jahn-Teller problem are generated in the present version of the program. For the Jahn-Teller problem, moreover, use of the computer-algebraic tool seems to be even inevitable, because this problem demands an analytical access to the adiabatic potential and, therefore, can not be realized by the numerical algorithm. However, the ability of the Bethe package is not exhausted by applications, mentioned in this thesis work. There are various directions in which the Bethe program could be developed in the future. Apart from (i) studying of the magnetic properties of materials and (ii) optical transitions, interest can be pointed out for (iii) the vibronic spectroscopy, and many others. Implementation of these applications into the package can make Bethe a much more powerful tool.


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This work deals with the optical properties of supported noble metal nanoparticles, which are dominated by the so-called Mie resonance and are strongly dependent on the particles’ morphology. For this reason, characterization and control of the dimension of these systems are desired in order to optimize their applications. Gold and silver nanoparticles have been produced on dielectric supports like quartz glass, sapphire and rutile, by the technique of vapor deposition under ultra-high vacuum conditions. During the preparation, coalescence is observed as an important mechanism of cluster growth. The particles have been studied in situ by optical transmission spectroscopy and ex situ by atomic force microscopy. It is shown that the morphology of the aggregates can be regarded as oblate spheroids. A theoretical treatment of their optical properties, based on the quasistatic approximation, and its combination with results obtained by atomic force microscopy give a detailed characterization of the nanoparticles. This method has been compared with transmission electron microscopy and the results are in excellent agreement. Tailoring of the clusters’ dimensions by irradiation with nanosecond-pulsed laser light has been investigated. Selected particles are heated within the ensemble by excitation of the Mie resonance under irradiation with a tunable laser source. Laser-induced coalescence prevents strongly tailoring of the particle size. Nevertheless, control of the particle shape is possible. Laser-tailored ensembles have been tested as substrates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), leading to an improvement of the results. Moreover, they constitute reproducible, robust and tunable SERS-substrates with a high potential for specific applications, in the present case focused on environmental protection. Thereby, these SERS-substrates are ideally suited for routine measurements.


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The size dependence of the ionization potential I_p(n) of van der Waals (vdW) bound clusters has been calculated by using a model Hamiltonian, which includes electron hopping, vdW interactions, and charge-dipole interactions. The charge-density and dipole-density distributions for both neutral and ionized n-atom clusters are determined self-consistently. The competition between the polarization energy of the neutral atoms surrounding a partially localized hole and the tendency toward hole delocalization in the ionized clusters is found to dominate the size dependence of I_p(n). To test our theory, we culculate I_p(Xe_n) and I_p(Kr_n) for n \le 300. Good quantitative agreement with experiment is obtained. The theory is also applied to calculate I_p(Hg_n). Comparison with experiments suggests that in Hg_n^+ clusters with n \le 20 the positive charge is mainly distributed within a trimer which is situated at the center of the cluster and which polarizes the n - 3 surrounding neutral atoms.


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The ionization potential of small Hg_n clusters has been calculated. For the first time good agreement with experimental results has been obtained. It is shown that interatomic Coulomb interactions are important. The energy of Hg_n^+ is calculated using the unrestricted inhomogeneous Hartree-Fock approximation. As a consequence of a change in the charge distribution in Hg_n^+ , we obtain an abrupt change in the slope of the ionization potential at the critical cluster size n_cr ~ 14. The presented results are expected to be valid for covalent clusters in between ionized van der Waals clusters and metallic clusters.


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The electronic properties of neutral and ionized divalent-metal clusters have been studied using a microscopic theory, which takes into account the interplay between van der Waals (vdW) and covalent bonding in the neutral clusters, and the competition between hole delocalization and polarization energy in the ionized clusters. By calculating the ground-state energies of neutral and ionized. Hg_n clusters, we determine the size dependence of the bond character and the ionization potential I_p(n). For neutral Hg_n clusters we obtain a transition from van del Waals to covalent behaviour at the critical size n_c ~ 10-20 atoms. Results for I_p(Hg_n) with n \le 20 are in good agreement with experiments, and suggest that small Hg_n^+ clusters can be viewed as consisting of a positive trimer core Hg_3^+ surrounded by n - 3 polarized neutral atoms.


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We have used a microscopic theory to study the size dependence of the degree of localization of the valence electrons and holes in neutral an ionized rare-gas and Hg_n clusters. We discuss under which circumstances localization of the electrons and holes is favoured. We have calculated the ionization potential of Xe_n, Kr_n and small Hg_n clusters. Good agreement with experiments is obtained. We have also determined the dependence of the ionization potential on cluster structure.


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The transition from van der Waals to covalent bonding, which is expected to occur in divalent-metal clusters with increasing cluster size, is discussed. We propose a model which takes into account, within the same electronic theory, the three main competing contributions, namely the kinetic energy of the electrons, the Coulomb interactions between electrons, and the s \gdw p intraatomic transitions responsible for van der Waals like bonding. The model is solved by taking into account electron correlations using a generalized Gutzwiller approximation (slave boson method). The occurrence of electron localization is studied as a function of the interaction parameters and cluster size.


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To determine the size dependence of the bonding in divalent-metal clusters we use a many-electron Hamiltonian describing the interplay between van der Waals (vdW) and covalent interactions. Using a saddle-point slave-boson method and taking into account the size-dependent screening of charge fluctuations, we obtain for Hg_n a sharp transition from vdW to covalent bonding for increasing n. We show also, by solving the model Hamiltonian exactly, that for divalent metals vdW and covalent bonding coexist already in the dimers.


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We use a microscopic theory to describe the dynamics of the valence electrons in divalent-metal clusters. The theory is based on a many-body model Harniltonian H which takes into account, on the same electronic level, the van der Waals and the covalent bonding. In order to study the ground-state properties of H we have developed an extended slave-boson method. We have studied the bonding character and the degree of electronic delocalization in Hg_n clusters as a function of cluster size. Results show that, for increasing cluster size, an abrupt change occurs in the bond character from van der Waals to covalent bonding at a critical cluster size n_c ~ 10-20. This change also involves a transition from localized to delocalized valence electrons, as a consequence of the competition between both bonding mechanisms.