15 resultados para UOCTaskMan (application) -- Development

em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) differ from conventional distributed systems in many aspects. The resource limitation of sensor nodes, the ad-hoc communication and topology of the network, coupled with an unpredictable deployment environment are difficult non-functional constraints that must be carefully taken into account when developing software systems for a WSN. Thus, more research needs to be done on designing, implementing and maintaining software for WSNs. This thesis aims to contribute to research being done in this area by presenting an approach to WSN application development that will improve the reusability, flexibility, and maintainability of the software. Firstly, we present a programming model and software architecture aimed at describing WSN applications, independently of the underlying operating system and hardware. The proposed architecture is described and realized using the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) standard in order to achieve satisfactory levels of encapsulation and abstraction when programming sensor nodes. Besides, we study different non-functional constrains of WSN application and propose two approaches to optimize the application to satisfy these constrains. A real prototype framework was built to demonstrate the developed solutions in the thesis. The framework implemented the programming model and the multi-layered software architecture as components. A graphical interface, code generation components and supporting tools were also included to help developers design, implement, optimize, and test the WSN software. Finally, we evaluate and critically assess the proposed concepts. Two case studies are provided to support the evaluation. The first case study, a framework evaluation, is designed to assess the ease at which novice and intermediate users can develop correct and power efficient WSN applications, the portability level achieved by developing applications at a high-level of abstraction, and the estimated overhead due to usage of the framework in terms of the footprint and executable code size of the application. In the second case study, we discuss the design, implementation and optimization of a real-world application named TempSense, where a sensor network is used to monitor the temperature within an area.


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Kern der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Erforschung von Methoden, Techniken und Werkzeugen zur Fehlersuche in modellbasierten Softwareentwicklungsprozessen. Hierzu wird zuerst ein von mir mitentwickelter, neuartiger und modellbasierter Softwareentwicklungsprozess, der sogenannte Fujaba Process, vorgestellt. Dieser Prozess wird von Usecase Szenarien getrieben, die durch spezielle Kollaborationsdiagramme formalisiert werden. Auch die weiteren Artefakte des Prozess bishin zur fertigen Applikation werden durch UML Diagrammarten modelliert. Es ist keine Programmierung im Quelltext nötig. Werkzeugunterstützung für den vorgestellte Prozess wird von dem Fujaba CASE Tool bereitgestellt. Große Teile der Werkzeugunterstützung für den Fujaba Process, darunter die Toolunterstützung für das Testen und Debuggen, wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird der Fujaba Process im Detail erklärt und unsere Erfahrungen mit dem Einsatz des Prozesses in Industrieprojekten sowie in der Lehre dargestellt. Der zweite Teil beschreibt die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Testgenerierung, die zu einem wichtigen Teil des Fujaba Process geworden ist. Hierbei werden aus den formalisierten Usecase Szenarien ausführbare Testfälle generiert. Es wird das zugrunde liegende Konzept, die konkrete technische Umsetzung und die Erfahrungen aus der Praxis mit der entwickelten Testgenerierung dargestellt. Der letzte Teil beschäftigt sich mit dem Debuggen im Fujaba Process. Es werden verschiedene im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Konzepte und Techniken vorgestellt, die die Fehlersuche während der Applikationsentwicklung vereinfachen. Hierbei wurde darauf geachtet, dass das Debuggen, wie alle anderen Schritte im Fujaba Process, ausschließlich auf Modellebene passiert. Unter anderem werden Techniken zur schrittweisen Ausführung von Modellen, ein Objekt Browser und ein Debugger, der die rückwärtige Ausführung von Programmen erlaubt (back-in-time debugging), vorgestellt. Alle beschriebenen Konzepte wurden in dieser Arbeit als Plugins für die Eclipse Version von Fujaba, Fujaba4Eclipse, implementiert und erprobt. Bei der Implementierung der Plugins wurde auf eine enge Integration mit Fujaba zum einen und mit Eclipse auf der anderen Seite geachtet. Zusammenfassend wird also ein Entwicklungsprozess vorgestellt, die Möglichkeit in diesem mit automatischen Tests Fehler zu identifizieren und diese Fehler dann mittels spezieller Debuggingtechniken im Programm zu lokalisieren und schließlich zu beheben. Dabei läuft der komplette Prozess auf Modellebene ab. Für die Test- und Debuggingtechniken wurden in dieser Arbeit Plugins für Fujaba4Eclipse entwickelt, die den Entwickler bestmöglich bei der zugehörigen Tätigkeit unterstützen.


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The progress in microsystem technology or nano technology places extended requirements to the fabrication processes. The trend is moving towards structuring within the nanometer scale on the one hand, and towards fabrication of structures with high aspect ratio (ratio of vertical vs. lateral dimensions) and large depths in the 100 µm scale on the other hand. Current procedures for the microstructuring of silicon are wet chemical etching and dry or plasma etching. A modern plasma etching technique for the structuring of silicon is the so-called "gas chopping" etching technique (also called "time-multiplexed etching"). In this etching technique, passivation cycles, which prevent lateral underetching of sidewalls, and etching cycles, which etch preferably in the vertical direction because of the sidewall passivation, are constantly alternated during the complete etching process. To do this, a CHF3/CH4 plasma, which generates CF monomeres is employed during the passivation cycle, and a SF6/Ar, which generates fluorine radicals and ions plasma is employed during the etching cycle. Depending on the requirements on the etched profile, the durations of the individual passivation and etching cycles are in the range of a few seconds up to several minutes. The profiles achieved with this etching process crucially depend on the flow of reactants, i.e. CF monomeres during the passivation cycle, and ions and fluorine radicals during the etching cycle, to the bottom of the profile, especially for profiles with high aspect ratio. With regard to the predictability of the etching processes, knowledge of the fundamental effects taking place during a gas chopping etching process, and their impact onto the resulting profile is required. For this purpose in the context of this work, a model for the description of the profile evolution of such etching processes is proposed, which considers the reactions (etching or deposition) at the sample surface on a phenomenological basis. Furthermore, the reactant transport inside the etching trench is modelled, based on angular distribution functions and on absorption probabilities at the sidewalls and bottom of the trench. A comparison of the simulated profiles with corresponding experimental profiles reveals that the proposed model reproduces the experimental profiles, if the angular distribution functions and absorption probabilities employed in the model is in agreement with data found in the literature. Therefor the model developed in the context of this work is an adequate description of the effects taking place during a gas chopping plasma etching process.


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The collection of X chromosome insertions (PX) lethal lines, which was isolated from a screen for essential genes on the X chromosome, was characterized by means of cloning the insertion sites, mapping the sites within genomic DNA and determination of the associated reporter gene expresssion patterns. The established STS flanking the P element insertion sites were submitted to EMBL nucleotide databases and their in situ data together with the enhancer trap expression patterns have been deposited in the FlyView database. The characterized lines are now available to be used by the scientific community for a detailed analysis of the newly established lethal gene functions. One of the isolated genes on the X chromosome was the Drosophila gene Wnt5 (DWnt5). From two independent screens, one lethal and three homozygous viable alleles were recovered, allowing the identification of two distinct functions for DWnt5 in the fly. Observations on the developing nervous system of mutant embryos suggest that DWnt5 activity affects axon projection pattern. Elevated levels of DWNT5 activity in the midline cells of the central nervous system causes improper establishment and maintenance of the axonal pathways. Our analysis of the expression and mutant phenotype indicates that DWnt5 function in a process needed for proper organization of the nervous system. A second and novel function of DWnt5 is the control of the body size by regulation of the cell number rather than affecting the size of cells. Moreover, experimentally increased DWnt5 levels in a post-mitotic region of the eye imaginal disc causes abnormal cell cycle progression, resulting in additional ommatidia in the adult eye when compared to wild type. The increased cell number and the effects on the cell cycle after exposure to high DWNT5 levels is the result of a failure to downregulate cyclin B and therefore the unsuccessful establishment of a G1 arrest.


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Cell-cell interactions during embryonic development are crucial in the co-ordination of growth, differentiation and maintenance of many different cell types. To achieve this co-ordination each cell must properly translate signals received from neighbouring cells, into spatially and temporally appropriate developmental responses. A surprisingly limited number of signal pathways are responsible for the differentiation of enormous variety of cell types. As a result, pathways are frequently 'reused' during development. Thus, in mammals the JAK/STAT pathway is required during early embryogenesis, mammary gland formation, hematopoiesis and, finally, plays a pivotal role in immune response. In the canonical way, the JAK/STAT pathway is represented by a transmembrane receptor associated with a Janus kinase (JAK), which upon stimulation by an extra-cellular ligand, phosphorylates itself, the receptor and, finally, the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) molecules. Phosphorylated STATs dimerise and translocate to the nucleus where they activate transcription of target genes. The JAK/STAT pathway has been conserved throughout evolution, and all known components are present in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster. Besides hematopoietic and immunity functions, the pathway is also required during development for processes including embryonic segmentation, tracheal morphogenesis, posterior spiracle formation etc. This study describes Drosophila Ken&Barbie (Ken) as a selective regulator of JAK/STAT signalling. ken mutations identified in a screen for modulators of an eye overgrowth phenotype, caused by over-expression of the pathway ligand unpaired, also interact genetically with the pathway receptor domeless (dome) and the transcription factor stat92E. Over-expression of Ken can phenocopy developmental defects known to be caused by the loss of JAK/STAT signalling. These genetic interactions suggest that Ken may function as a negative regulator of the pathway. Ken has C-terminal Zn-finger domain, presumably for DNA binding, and N-terminal BTB/POZ domain, often found in transcriptional repressors. Using EGFP-fused construct expressed in vivo revealed nuclear accumulation of Ken. Therefore, it is proposed that Ken may act as a suppresser of STAT92E target genes. An in vitro assay, termed SELEX, determined that Ken specifically binds to a DNA sequence, with the essential for DNA recognition core overlapping that of STAT92E. This interesting observation suggests that not all STAT92E sites may also allow Ken binding. Strikingly, when effects of ectopic Ken on the expression of putative JAK/STAT pathway target genes were examined, only a subset of the genes tested, namely vvl, trh and kni, were down-regulated by Ken, whereas some others, such as eve and fj, appeared to be unresponsive. Further analysis of vvl, one of the genes susceptible to ectopic Ken, was undertaken. In the developing hindgut, expression of vvl is JAK/STAT pathway dependent, but remains repressed in the posterior spiracles, despite the stimulation of STAT92E by Upd in their primordia. Importantly, ken is also expressed in the developing posterior spiracles. Strikingly, up-regulation of vvl is observed in these tissues in ken mutant embryos. These imply that while ectopic Ken is sufficient to repress the expression of vvl in the hindgut, endogenous Ken is also necessary to prevent its activation in the posterior spiracles. It is therefore conceivable that ectopic vvl expression in the posterior spiracles of the ken mutants may be the result of de-repression of endogenous STAT92E activity. Another consequence of these observations is a fine balance that must exist between STAT92E and Ken activities. Apparently, endogenous level of Ken is sufficient to repress vvl, but not other, as yet unidentified, JAK/STAT pathway targets, whose presumable activation by STAT92E is required for posterior spiracle development as the embryos mutant for dome, the receptor of the pathway, show severe spiracle defects. These defects are also observed in the embryos mis-expressing Ken. Though it is possible that the posterior spiracle phenotype caused by higher levels of Ken results from a JAK/STAT pathway independent activity, it seems to be more likely that Ken acts in a dosage dependent manner, and extra Ken is able to further antagonise JAK/STAT pathway target genes. While STAT92E binding sites required for target gene expression have been poorly characterised, the existence of genome data allows the prediction of candidate STAT92E sites present in target genes promoters to be attempted. When a 6kb region containing the putative regulatory domains flanking the vvl locus are examined, only a single potential STAT92E binding site located 825bp upstream of the translational start can be detected. Strikingly, this site also includes a perfect Ken binding sequence. Such an in silico observation, though consistent with both Ken DNA binding assay in vitro and regulation of STAT92E target genes in vivo, however, requires further analysis. The JAK/STAT pathway is implicated in a variety of processes during embryonic and larval development as well as in imago. In each case, stimulation of the same transcription factor results in different developmental outcomes. While many potential mechanisms have been proposed and demonstrated to explain such pleiotropy, the present study indicates that Ken may represent another mechanism, with which signal transduction pathways are controlled. Ken selectively down-regulates a subset of potential target genes and so modifies the transcriptional profile generated by activated STAT92E - a mechanism, which may be partially responsible for differences in the morphogenetic processes elicited by JAK/STAT signalling during development.


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Genetic programming is known to provide good solutions for many problems like the evolution of network protocols and distributed algorithms. In such cases it is most likely a hardwired module of a design framework that assists the engineer to optimize specific aspects of the system to be developed. It provides its results in a fixed format through an internal interface. In this paper we show how the utility of genetic programming can be increased remarkably by isolating it as a component and integrating it into the model-driven software development process. Our genetic programming framework produces XMI-encoded UML models that can easily be loaded into widely available modeling tools which in turn posses code generation as well as additional analysis and test capabilities. We use the evolution of a distributed election algorithm as an example to illustrate how genetic programming can be combined with model-driven development. This example clearly illustrates the advantages of our approach – the generation of source code in different programming languages.


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This is an empirical study with theoretical interpretation and elaboration simultaneously on the migration process and the related spatial development in contemporary China. In so doing, there is always a combination of series of studies of the modernization of the migrants themselves with accumulation of forms of capital and changes of lebenswelt (life world) as well as the regions of their origins by the effective use of the gained resources from outgoing migration and remigration. With great efforts made to put the issues together for analysis, the author has taken three approaches to the study based on the political and economic institutional arrangements, the field work data and the elaboration of respective findings. First, as the analytical parts of the institutional changes, which have gone through the whole research, many of the policies from state level to townships involved in the migration, remigration and spatial development have been interpreted with Chinese political and cultural insight. The making of these, as the means of understanding the contexts of macro level and micro level cases is served as key linkages between scholarly imagination and social reality. Indeed most of the discussions made to explain the phenomena such as the sudden upsurge of migration flows, the emergence of three generations, the strong and weak trends of remigration as well as the related spatial development planning, etc are mainly due to the domination, at least the impact of governments decision-making in spite of growing market functioning in often operative manners. Secondly, case studies of the effects of migration and remigration are carried out between the years of 1995 and 2005 in the costal urban regions as designations and the interior rural regions as origins. Conducted mainly by the author, the cases drawn in the research focus on the process of migration with an accumulation of forms of capital away from home and the effective use of the resources flowing back to home areas. As a result, ways of accumulation and utilization of the economic, social and cultural capital are described and interpreted in terms of the development and modernization of both the migrants themselves and the regions where they come out from or move to in the future. Thirdly, in accordance with the findings generated from the cases, the author proposes in the final chapter an important argumentation as conclusion that the duel social-economic structure will inevitably be broken up and reformulated with flows of migrants and forms of capital they possess as types of future spatial development that will be put into practice. With scenarios and all the other conclusions worked out in the end, the research concludes that the pluralistic spatial development in the condition of constant space flows between regions can be a decisive line of thinking in the process of urbanization, industrialization and modernization in the long run in the future. Since this is an exploratory study of the past and present, the author has left some space open for academic debates and put forward suggestions on the inclusion of future research before implementing policies necessary for migration associated spatial practice and development.


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Land use is a crucial link between human activities and the natural environment and one of the main driving forces of global environmental change. Large parts of the terrestrial land surface are used for agriculture, forestry, settlements and infrastructure. Given the importance of land use, it is essential to understand the multitude of influential factors and resulting land use patterns. An essential methodology to study and quantify such interactions is provided by the adoption of land-use models. By the application of land-use models, it is possible to analyze the complex structure of linkages and feedbacks and to also determine the relevance of driving forces. Modeling land use and land use changes has a long-term tradition. In particular on the regional scale, a variety of models for different regions and research questions has been created. Modeling capabilities grow with steady advances in computer technology, which on the one hand are driven by increasing computing power on the other hand by new methods in software development, e.g. object- and component-oriented architectures. In this thesis, SITE (Simulation of Terrestrial Environments), a novel framework for integrated regional sland-use modeling, will be introduced and discussed. Particular features of SITE are the notably extended capability to integrate models and the strict separation of application and implementation. These features enable efficient development, test and usage of integrated land-use models. On its system side, SITE provides generic data structures (grid, grid cells, attributes etc.) and takes over the responsibility for their administration. By means of a scripting language (Python) that has been extended by language features specific for land-use modeling, these data structures can be utilized and manipulated by modeling applications. The scripting language interpreter is embedded in SITE. The integration of sub models can be achieved via the scripting language or by usage of a generic interface provided by SITE. Furthermore, functionalities important for land-use modeling like model calibration, model tests and analysis support of simulation results have been integrated into the generic framework. During the implementation of SITE, specific emphasis was laid on expandability, maintainability and usability. Along with the modeling framework a land use model for the analysis of the stability of tropical rainforest margins was developed in the context of the collaborative research project STORMA (SFB 552). In a research area in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, socio-environmental impacts of land-use changes were examined. SITE was used to simulate land-use dynamics in the historical period of 1981 to 2002. Analogous to that, a scenario that did not consider migration in the population dynamics, was analyzed. For the calculation of crop yields and trace gas emissions, the DAYCENT agro-ecosystem model was integrated. In this case study, it could be shown that land-use changes in the Indonesian research area could mainly be characterized by the expansion of agricultural areas at the expense of natural forest. For this reason, the situation had to be interpreted as unsustainable even though increased agricultural use implied economic improvements and higher farmers' incomes. Due to the importance of model calibration, it was explicitly addressed in the SITE architecture through the introduction of a specific component. The calibration functionality can be used by all SITE applications and enables largely automated model calibration. Calibration in SITE is understood as a process that finds an optimal or at least adequate solution for a set of arbitrarily selectable model parameters with respect to an objective function. In SITE, an objective function typically is a map comparison algorithm capable of comparing a simulation result to a reference map. Several map optimization and map comparison methodologies are available and can be combined. The STORMA land-use model was calibrated using a genetic algorithm for optimization and the figure of merit map comparison measure as objective function. The time period for the calibration ranged from 1981 to 2002. For this period, respective reference land-use maps were compiled. It could be shown, that an efficient automated model calibration with SITE is possible. Nevertheless, the selection of the calibration parameters required detailed knowledge about the underlying land-use model and cannot be automated. In another case study decreases in crop yields and resulting losses in income from coffee cultivation were analyzed and quantified under the assumption of four different deforestation scenarios. For this task, an empirical model, describing the dependence of bee pollination and resulting coffee fruit set from the distance to the closest natural forest, was integrated. Land-use simulations showed, that depending on the magnitude and location of ongoing forest conversion, pollination services are expected to decline continuously. This results in a reduction of coffee yields of up to 18% and a loss of net revenues per hectare of up to 14%. However, the study also showed that ecological and economic values can be preserved if patches of natural vegetation are conservated in the agricultural landscape. -----------------------------------------------------------------------


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TOSCANA is a graphical tool that supports the human-centered interactive processes of conceptual knowledge processing. The generality of the approach makes TOSCANA a universal tool applicable to a variety of domains. Only the so-called conceptual scales have to be designed for new applications. The presentation shows how the use of abstract scales allows the reuse of formerly defined conceptual scales. Furthermore it describes how thesauri and conceptual taxonomies can be integrated in the generation of conceptual scales.


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DIADEM, created by THOMSON-CSF, is a methodology for specifying and developing user interfaces. It improves productivity of the interface development process as well as quality of the interface. The method provides support to user interface development in three aspects. (1) DIADEM defines roles of people involved and their tasks and organises the sequence of activities. (2) It provides graphical formalisms supporting information exchange between people. (3) It offers a basic set of rules for optimum human-machine interfaces. The use of DIADEM in three areas (process control, sales support, and multimedia presentation) was observed and evaluated by our laboratory in the European project DIAMANTA (ESPRIT P20507). The method provides an open procedure that leaves room for adaptation to a specific application and environment. This paper gives an overview of DIADEM and shows how to extend formalisms for developing multimedia interfaces.


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Parasitic weeds of the genera Striga, Orobanche, and Phelipanche pose a severe problem for agriculture because they are difficult to control and are highly destructive to several crops. The present work was carried out during the period October, 2009 to February, 2012 to evaluate the potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to suppress P. ramosa on tomatoes and to investigate the effects of air-dried powder and aqueous extracts from Euphorbia hirta on germination and haustorium initiation in Phelipanche ramosa. The work was divided into three parts: a survey of the indigenous mycorrhizal flora in Sudan, second, laboratory and greenhouse experiments (conducted in Germany and Sudan) to construct a base for the third part, which was a field trial in Sudan. A survey was performed in 2009 in the White Nile state, Sudan to assess AMF spore densities and root colonization in nine fields planted with 13 different important agricultural crops. In addition, an attempt was made to study the relationship between soil physico-chemical properties and AMF spore density, colonization rate, species richness and other diversity indices. The mean percentage of AMF colonization was 34%, ranging from 19-50%. The spore densities (expressed as per 100 g dry soil) retrieved from the rhizosphere of different crops were relatively high, varying from 344 to 1222 with a mean of 798. There was no correlation between spore densities in soil and root colonization percentage. A total of 45 morphologically classifiable species representing ten genera of AMF were detected with no correlation between the number of species found in a soil sample and the spore density. The most abundant genus was Glomus (20 species). The AMF diversity expressed by the Shannon–Weaver index was highest in sorghum (H\= 2.27) and Jews mallow (H\= 2.13) and lowest in alfalfa (H\= 1.4). With respect to crop species, the genera Glomus and Entrophospora were encountered in almost all crops, except for Entrophospora in alfalfa. Kuklospora was found only in sugarcane and sorghum. The genus Ambispora was recovered only in mint and okra, while mint and onion were the only species on which no Acaulospora was found. The hierarchical cluster analysis based on the similarity among AMF communities with respect to crop species overall showed that species compositions were relatively similar with the highest dissimilarity of about 25% separating three of the mango samples and the four sorghum samples from all other samples. Laboratory experiments studied the influence of root and stem exudates of three tomato varieties infected by three different Glomus species on germination of P. ramosa. Root exudates were collected 21or 42 days after transplanting (DAT) and stem exudates 42 DAT and tested for their effects on germination of P. ramosa seeds in vitro. The tomato varieties studied did not have an effect on either mycorrhizal colonization or Phelipanche germination. Germination in response to exudates from 42 day old mycorrhizal plants was significantly reduced in comparison to non-mycorrhizal controls. Germination of P. ramosa in response to root exudates from 21 day old plants was consistently higher than for 42 day-old plants (F=121.6; P<.0001). Stem diffusates from non-mycorrhizal plants invariably elicited higher germination than diffusates from the corresponding mycorrhizal ones and differences were mostly statistically significant. A series of laboratory experiments was undertaken to investigate the effects of aqueous extracts from Euphorbia hirta on germination, radicle elongation, and haustorium initiation in P. ramosa. P. ramosa seeds conditioned in water and subsequently treated with diluted E. hirta extract (10-25% v/v) displayed considerable germination (47-62%). Increasing extract concentration to 50% or more reduced germination in response to the synthetic germination stimulants GR24 and Nijmegen-1 in a concentration dependent manner. P. ramosa germlings treated with diluted Euphorbia extract (10-75 % v/v) displayed haustorium initiation comparable to 2, 5-Dimethoxy-p-benzoquinon (DMBQ) at 20 µM. Euphorbia extract applied during conditioning reduced haustorium initiation in a concentration dependent manner. E. hirta extract or air-dried powder, applied to soil, induced considerable P. ramosa germination. Pot experiments were undertaken in a glasshouse at the University of Kassel, Germany, to investigate the effects of P. ramosa seed bank on tomato growth parameters. Different Phelipanche seed banks were established by mixing the parasite seeds (0 - 32 mg) with the potting medium in each pot. P. ramosa reduced all tomato growth parameters measured and the reduction progressively increased with seed bank. Root and total dry matter accumulation per tomato plant were most affected. P. ramosa emergence, number of tubercles, and tubercle dry weight increased with the seed bank and were, invariably, maximal with the highest seed bank. Another objective was to determine if different AM fungi differ in their effects on the colonization of tomatoes with P. ramosa and the performance of P. ramosa after colonization. Three AMF species viz. GIomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae and Glomus Sprint® were used in this study. For the infection, P. ramosa seeds (8 mg) were mixed with the top 5 cm soil in each pot. No mycorrhizal colonization was detected in un-inoculated control plants. P. ramosa infested, mycorrhiza inoculated tomato plants had significantly lower AMF colonization compared to plants not infested with P. ramosa. Inoculation with G. intraradices, G. mosseae and Glomus Sprint® reduced the number of emerged P. ramosa plants by 29.3, 45.3 and 62.7% and the number of tubercles by 22.2, 42 and 56.8%, respectively. Mycorrhizal root colonization was positively correlated with number of branches and total dry matter of tomatoes. Field experiments on tomato undertaken in 2010/12 were only partially successful because of insect infestations which resulted in the complete destruction of the second run of the experiment. The effects of the inoculation with AMF, the addition of 10 t ha-1 filter mud (FM), an organic residues from sugar processing and 36 or 72 kg N ha-1 on the infestation of tomatoes with P. ramosa were assessed. In un-inoculated control plants, AMF colonization ranged between 13.4 to 22.1% with no significant differences among FM and N treatments. Adding AMF or FM resulted in a significant increase of branching in the tomato plants with no additive effects. Dry weights were slightly increased through FM application when no N was applied and significantly at 36 kg N ha-1. There was no effect of FM on the time until the first Phelipanche emerged while AMF and N application interacted. Especially AMF inoculation resulted in a tendency to delayed P. ramosa emergence. The marketable yield was extremely low due to the strong fruit infestation with insects mainly whitefly Bemisia tabaci and tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta). Tomatoes inoculated with varied mycorrhiza species displayed different response to the insect infestation, as G. intraradices significantly reduced the infestation, while G. mosseae elicited higher insect infestation. The results of the present thesis indicate that there may be a potential of developing management strategies for P. ramosa targeting the pre-attachment stage namely germination and haustorial initiation using plant extracts. However, ways of practical use need to be developed. If such treatments can be combined with AMF inoculation also needs to be investigated. Overall, it will require a systematic approach to develop management tools that are easily applicable and affordable to Sudanese farmers. It is well-known that proper agronomical practices such as the design of an optimum crop rotation in cropping systems, reduced tillage, promotion of cover crops, the introduction of multi-microbial inoculants, and maintenance of proper phosphorus levels are advantageous if the mycorrhiza protection method is exploited against Phelipanche ramosa infestation. Without the knowledge about the biology of the parasitic weeds by the farmers and basic preventive measures such as hygiene and seed quality control no control strategy will be successful, however.


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Maize production in western Kenya is often limited by deficiencies of nitrogen and phosphorus. We assessed the effectiveness of Tithonia diversifolia green manure (tithonia), farmyard manure (FYM) and urea as sources of nitrogen (N) for maize when inorganic phosphorus (P) fertiliser was either broadcast (BR) or spot-placed in the planting hole (SP) for two consecutive seasons; October to December of 1998 and April to August of 1999 at two sites; Nyabeda and Khwisero in western Kenya. A randomised complete block design with four replications was used. Maize yields were higher at Nyabeda and responded to P application better than at Khwisero. At the same N rate, tithonia and FYM were as effective as urea in increasing maize yields at both sites. There were no significant differences in maize yields when phosphate fertiliser was either BR or SP regardless of the N source used in the first season. However, in the second season, the residual yields for the BR treatments were consistently higher than those of the SP. Our results suggest that tithonia and FYM can substitute for urea as N sources and that fertiliser P should be broadcast and incorporated together with the organic materials at the time of planting to save on labour costs.


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The present study examines the level of pure technical and scale efficiencies of cassava production system including its sub-processes (that is production and processing stages) of 278 cassava farmers/processors from three regions of Delta State, Nigeria by applying Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach. Results reveal that pure technical efficiency (PTE) is significantly lower at the production stage 0.41 vs 0.55 for the processing stage, but scale efficiency (SE) is high at both stages (0.84 and 0.87), implying that productivity can be improved substantially by reallocation of resources and adjusting operation size. The socio-economic determinants exert differential impacts on PTE and SE at each stage. Overall, education, experience and main occupation as farmer significantly improve SE while subsistence pressure reduces it. Extension contact significantly improves SE at the processing stage but reduces PTE and SE overall. Inverse size-PTE and size-SE relationships exist in cassava production system. In other words, large/medium farms are technically and scale inefficient. Gender gap exists in performance. Male farmers are technically efficient at processing stage but scale inefficient overall. Farmers in northern region are technically efficient. Investments in education, extension services and infrastructure are suggested as policy options to improve the cassava sector in Nigeria.


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The challenge of reducing carbon emission and achieving emission target until 2050, has become a key development strategy of energy distribution for each country. The automotive industries, as the important portion of implementing energy requirements, are making some related researches to meet energy requirements and customer requirements. For modern energy requirements, it should be clean, green and renewable. For customer requirements, it should be economic, reliable and long life time. Regarding increasing requirements on the market and enlarged customer quantity, EVs and PHEV are more and more important for automotive manufactures. Normally for EVs and PHEV there are two important key parts, which are battery package and power electronics composing of critical components. A rechargeable battery is a quite important element for achieving cost competitiveness, which is mainly used to story energy and provide continue energy to drive an electric motor. In order to recharge battery and drive the electric motor, power electronics group is an essential bridge to convert different energy types for both of them. In modern power electronics there are many different topologies such as non-isolated and isolated power converters which can be used to implement for charging battery. One of most used converter topology is multiphase interleaved power converter, pri- marily due to its prominent advantages, which is frequently employed to obtain optimal dynamic response, high effciency and compact converter size. Concerning its usage, many detailed investigations regarding topology, control strategy and devices have been done. In this thesis, the core research is to investigate some branched contents in term of issues analysis and optimization approaches of building magnetic component. This work starts with an introduction of reasons of developing EVs and PEHV and an overview of different possible topologies regarding specific application requirements. Because of less components, high reliability, high effciency and also no special safety requirement, non-isolated multiphase interleaved converter is selected as the basic research topology of founded W-charge project for investigating its advantages and potential branches on using optimized magnetic components. Following, all those proposed aspects and approaches are investigated and analyzed in details in order to verify constrains and advantages through using integrated coupled inductors. Furthermore, digital controller concept and a novel tapped-inductor topology is proposed for multiphase power converter and electric vehicle application.