9 resultados para Targeting Sequence

em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany


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DNA methyltransferases of type Dnmt2 are a highly conserved protein family with enigmatic function. The aim of this work was to characterize DnmA, the Dnmt2 methyltransferase in Dictyostelium discoideum, and further to investigate its implication in DNA methylation and transcriptional gene silencing. The genome of the social amoeba Dictyostelium encodes DnmA as the sole DNA methyltransferase. The enzyme bears all ten characteristic DNA methyltransferase motifs in its catalytic domain. The DnmA mRNA was found by RT-PCR to be expressed during vegetative growth and down regulated during development. Investigations using fluorescence microscopy showed that both DnmA-myc and DnmA-GFP fusions predominantly localised to the nucleus. The function of DnmA remained initially unclear, but later experiment revealed that the enzyme is an active DNA methyltransferase responsible for all DNA (cytosine) methylation in Dictyostelium. Neither in gel retardation assays, nor by the yeast two hybrid system, clues on the functionality of DnmA could be obtained. However, immunological detection of the methylation mark with an α - 5mC antibody gave initial evidence that the DNA of Dictyostelium was methylated. Furthermore, addition of 5-aza-cytidine as demethylating agent to the Dictyostelium medium and subsequent in vitro incubation of the DNA isolated from these cells with recombinant DnmA showed that the enzyme binds slightly better to this target DNA. In order to investigate further the function of the protein, a gene knock-out for dnmA was generated. The gene was successfully disrupted by homologous recombination, the knock-out strain, however, did not show any obvious phenotype under normal laboratory conditions. To identify specific target sequences for DNA methylation, a microarray analysis was carried out. Setting a threshold of at least 1.5 fold for differences in the strength of gene expression, several such genes in the knock-out strain were chosen for further investigation. Among the up-regulated genes were the ESTs representing the gag and the RT genes respectively of the retrotransposon skipper. In addition Northern blot analysis confirmed the up-regulation of skipper in the DnmA knock-out strain. Bisufite treatment and sequencing of specific DNA stretches from skipper revealed that DnmA is responsible for methylation of mostly asymmetric cytosines. Together with skipper, DIRS-1 retrotransposon was found later also to be methylated but was not present on the microarray. Furthermore, skipper transcription was also up-regulated in strains that had genes disrupted encoding components of the RNA interference pathway. In contrast, DIRS 1 expression was not affected by a loss of DnmA but was strongly increased in the strain that had the RNA directed RNA polymerase gene rrpC disrupted. Strains generated by propagating the usual wild type Ax2 and the DnmA knock-out cells over 16 rounds in development were analyzed for transposon activity. Northern blot analysis revealed activation for skipper expression, but not for DIRS-1. A large number of siRNAs were found to be correspondent to the DIRS-1 sequence, suggesting concerted regulation of DIRS-1 expression by RNAi and DNA methylation. In contrast, no siRNAs corresponding to the standard skipper element were found. The data show that DNA methylation plays a crucial role in epigenetic gene regulation in Dictyostelium and that different, partially overlapping mechanisms control transposon silencing for skipper and DIRS-1. To elucidate the mechanism of targeting the protein to particular genes in the Dictyostelium genome, some more genes which were up-regulated in the DnmA knock-out strain were analyzed by bisulfite sequencing. The chosen genes are involved in the multidrug response in other species, but their function in Dictyostelium is uncertain. Bisulfite data showed that two of these genes were methylated at asymmetrical C-residues in the wild type, but not in DnmA knock-out cells. This suggested that DNA methylation in Dictyostelium is involved not only in transposon regulation but also in transcriptional silencing of specific genes.


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Der Endocytoseweg in Dictyostelium verläuft über definierte endosomale Reifestadien. Dabei werden die reifenden Endosomen im letzten Stadium durch eine Schicht aus filamentösem Aktin umhüllt. Über die biologische Funktion dieser Aktin-Hülle ist derzeit wenig bekannt. Zum weiteren Erkenntnisgewinn sollten daher unterschiedliche Aktin-interagierende Proteine an die endosomale Aktin-Hülle dirigiert und die sich daraus ergebenden Folgen untersucht werden. Dabei wurde der in Drengk et al., 2003 beschriebene Ansatz aufgegriffen, in dem Proteine durch die Fusion an Vacuolin an die späte endosomale Membran transportiert wurden. Die endosomale Lokalisation von DAip1 bewirkte den vollständigen Verlust der endosomalen Aktin-Hülle, ohne dabei das restliche zelluläre Cytoskelett zu beeinträchtigen. Dabei wird die Depolymerisation vermutlich über die nachgewiesene Interaktion von DAip1 mit dem Aktin-depolymerisierenden Protein Cofilin bewirkt. Einhergehend damit trat eine Aggregation der betroffenen Kompartimente, eine Verzögerung des endocytotischen Transits, sowie eine verstärkte Retention lysosomaler Enzyme auf. Diese Ergebnisse ließen auf eine Funktion der endosomalen Aktin-Hülle als Fusionsinhibitor oder in der Regulation von Recycling-Prozessen an späten Endosomen schließen. Die Verlängerung der endosomalen Verweilzeit des den Arp2/3-Komplex negativ regulierenden Proteins Coronin bewirkte dagegen keine offensichtlichen Veränderungen in den betroffenen Zellen. Diese Beoachtung könnte ein Indiz dafür sein, dass nach der Ausbildung der Aktin-Hülle keine weiteren essentiellen Arp2/3-abhängigen mehr an der endosomalen Membran auftreten. Die endosomale Lokalisation des Aktin-Crosslinkers ABP34 induzierte ebenfalls keine Abweichungen vom Wildtyp-Verhalten. Hierbei besteht allerdings die Möglichkeit, dass die Aktivität des Proteins durch die bereits zuvor beschriebene Calcium-Sensitivität beeintächtigt vorliegt. Eine Verstärkung der endosomalen Hülle konnte trotz der Verwendung unterschiedlicher Ansätze nicht hervorgerufen werden. Offensichtlich wirkt die zusätzliche Expression zentraler Regulatoren der Aktin-Polymerisation in der Zelle cytotoxisch. Die Bindung von VASP an die endosomale Membran bewirkte in den Zellen die Ausbildung voluminöser, cytoplasmatischer „Aktin-Bälle“. Diese riefen in den betroffenen Zellen Defekte in unterschiedlichen Aktin-abhängigen Prozessen, wie der Phago- und Pinocytose, sowie der Cytokinese hervor. Dabei gehen die beobachteten Veränderungen vermutlich auf die nachgewiesene Störung im Gleichgewicht zwischen G- und F-Aktin zurück. Obwohl die Aktin-Bälle an der endosomalen Membran entstehen, weisen sie nach vollendeter Entstehung keine inneren oder äußeren Membranen mehr auf und nehmen nicht mehr aktiv am endocytotischen Geschehen teil. Die nähere Charakterisierung offenbarte große Ähnlichkeit zu den mit unterschiedlichen neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen assoziierten Hirano-Bodies. Über das beobachtbare Lokalisationsverhalten der unterschiedlichen im ersten Teil der Arbeit eingesetzten Vacuolin-Hybridproteine ließ sich die Stärke der Lokalisationsinformationen der fusionierten Aktin-interagierenden Proteine miteinander vergleichen. Dies wurde verwendet, um die einzelnen Proteine gemäß ihres Targeting-Potenzials hierarchisch anzuordnen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden dieser Hierarchie die beiden cytoplasmatischen Targeting-Signale für Peroxisomen (PTS1) und den Zellkern (SV40-NLS) hinzugefügt. Der vorgenommene Vergleich dieser in vivo gewonnen Daten aus Dictyostelium mit unterschiedlichen in vitro-Bindungsstudien mit homologen Proteinen anderer Organismen zeigte eine erstaunlich gute Übereinstimmung. Diese Beobachtung lässt auf vergleichbare Targeting-Affinitäten innerhalb der Eukaryoten schließen und belegt, dass die zelluläre Lokalisation eines Proteins relativ sicher anhand der in ihm vorhandenen Bindungs-Affinitäten vorhergesagt werden kann. Durch die Kombination der in vivo- und in vitro-Daten war es auch ohne Kenntnis des Oligomerisierungsgrades und des Interaktionspartners erstmals möglich, die Bindungsstärke von Vacuolin an der endosomalen Membran auf einen definierten Bereich einzugrenzen.


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The ground state (J = 0) electronic correlation energy of the 4-electron Be-sequence is calculated in the Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock approximation for Z = 4-20. The 4 electrons were distributed over the configurations arising from the 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p and 3d orbitals. Theoretical values obtained here are in good agreement with experimental correlation energies.


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The present Thesis looks at the problem of protein folding using Monte Carlo and Langevin simulations, three topics in protein folding have been studied: 1) the effect of confining potential barriers, 2) the effect of a static external field and 3) the design of amino acid sequences which fold in a short time and which have a stable native state (global minimum). Regarding the first topic, we studied the confinement of a small protein of 16 amino acids known as 1NJ0 (PDB code) which has a beta-sheet structure as a native state. The confinement of proteins occurs frequently in the cell environment. Some molecules called Chaperones, present in the cytoplasm, capture the unfolded proteins in their interior and avoid the formation of aggregates and misfolded proteins. This mechanism of confinement mediated by Chaperones is not yet well understood. In the present work we considered two kinds of potential barriers which try to mimic the confinement induced by a Chaperon molecule. The first kind of potential was a purely repulsive barrier whose only effect is to create a cavity where the protein folds up correctly. The second kind of potential was a barrier which includes both attractive and repulsive effects. We performed Wang-Landau simulations to calculate the thermodynamical properties of 1NJ0. From the free energy landscape plot we found that 1NJ0 has two intermediate states in the bulk (without confinement) which are clearly separated from the native and the unfolded states. For the case of the purely repulsive barrier we found that the intermediate states get closer to each other in the free energy landscape plot and eventually they collapse into a single intermediate state. The unfolded state is more compact, compared to that in the bulk, as the size of the barrier decreases. For an attractive barrier modifications of the states (native, unfolded and intermediates) are observed depending on the degree of attraction between the protein and the walls of the barrier. The strength of the attraction is measured by the parameter $\epsilon$. A purely repulsive barrier is obtained for $\epsilon=0$ and a purely attractive barrier for $\epsilon=1$. The states are changed slightly for magnitudes of the attraction up to $\epsilon=0.4$. The disappearance of the intermediate states of 1NJ0 is already observed for $\epsilon =0.6$. A very high attractive barrier ($\epsilon \sim 1.0$) produces a completely denatured state. In the second topic of this Thesis we dealt with the interaction of a protein with an external electric field. We demonstrated by means of computer simulations, specifically by using the Wang-Landau algorithm, that the folded, unfolded, and intermediate states can be modified by means of a field. We have found that an external field can induce several modifications in the thermodynamics of these states: for relatively low magnitudes of the field ($<2.06 \times 10^8$ V/m) no major changes in the states are observed. However, for higher magnitudes than ($6.19 \times 10^8$ V/m) one observes the appearance of a new native state which exhibits a helix-like structure. In contrast, the original native state is a $\beta$-sheet structure. In the new native state all the dipoles in the backbone structure are aligned parallel to the field. The design of amino acid sequences constitutes the third topic of the present work. We have tested the Rate of Convergence criterion proposed by D. Gridnev and M. Garcia ({\it work unpublished}). We applied it to the study of off-lattice models. The Rate of Convergence criterion is used to decide if a certain sequence will fold up correctly within a relatively short time. Before the present work, the common way to decide if a certain sequence was a good/bad folder was by performing the whole dynamics until the sequence got its native state (if it existed), or by studying the curvature of the potential energy surface. There are some difficulties in the last two approaches. In the first approach, performing the complete dynamics for hundreds of sequences is a rather challenging task because of the CPU time needed. In the second approach, calculating the curvature of the potential energy surface is possible only for very smooth surfaces. The Rate of Convergence criterion seems to avoid the previous difficulties. With this criterion one does not need to perform the complete dynamics to find the good and bad sequences. Also, the criterion does not depend on the kind of force field used and therefore it can be used even for very rugged energy surfaces.


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A series of vectors for the over-expression of tagged proteins in Dictyostelium were designed, constructed and tested. These vectors allow the addition of an N- or C-terminal tag (GFP, RFP, 3xFLAG, 3xHA, 6xMYC and TAP) with an optimized polylinker sequence and no additional amino acid residues at the N or C terminus. Different selectable markers (Blasticidin and gentamicin) are available as well as an extra chromosomal version; these allow copy number and thus expression level to be controlled, as well as allowing for more options with regard to complementation, co- and super-transformation. Finally, the vectors share standardized cloning sites, allowing a gene of interest to be easily transfered between the different versions of the vectors as experimental requirements evolve. The organisation and dynamics of the Dictyostelium nucleus during the cell cycle was investigated. The centromeric histone H3 (CenH3) variant serves to target the kinetochore to the centromeres and thus ensures correct chromosome segregation during mitosis and meiosis. A number of Dictyostelium histone H3-domain containing proteins as GFP-tagged fusions were expressed and it was found that one of them functions as CenH3 in this species. Like CenH3 from some other species, Dictyostelium CenH3 has an extended N-terminal domain with no similarity to any other known proteins. The targeting domain, comprising α-helix 2 and loop 1 of the histone fold is required for targeting CenH3 to centromeres. Compared to the targeting domain of other known and putative CenH3 species, Dictyostelium CenH3 has a shorter loop 1 region. The localisation of a variety of histone modifications and histone modifying enzymes was examined. Using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and CenH3 chromatin-immunoprecipitation (ChIP) it was shown that the six telocentric centromeres contain all of the DIRS-1 and most of the DDT-A and skipper transposons. During interphase the centromeres remain attached to the centrosome resulting in a single CenH3 cluster which also contains the putative histone H3K9 methyltransferase SuvA, H3K9me3 and HP1 (heterochromatin protein 1). Except for the centromere cluster and a number of small foci at the nuclear periphery opposite the centromeres, the rest of the nucleus is largely devoid of transposons and heterochromatin associated histone modifications. At least some of the small foci correspond to the distal telomeres, suggesting that the chromosomes are organised in a Rabl-like manner. It was found that in contrast to metazoans, loading of CenH3 onto Dictyostelium centromeres occurs in late G2 phase. Transformation of Dictyostelium with vectors carrying the G418 resistance cassette typically results in the vector integrating into the genome in one or a few tandem arrays of approximately a hundred copies. In contrast, plasmids containing a Blasticidin resistance cassette integrate as single or a few copies. The behaviour of transgenes in the nucleus was examined by FISH, and it was found that low copy transgenes show apparently random distribution within the nucleus, while transgenes with more than approximately 10 copies cluster at or immediately adjacent to the centromeres in interphase cells regardless of the actual integration site along the chromosome. During mitosis the transgenes show centromere-like behaviour, and ChIP experiments show that transgenes contain the heterochromatin marker H3K9me2 and the centromeric histone variant H3v1. This clustering, and centromere-like behaviour was not observed on extrachromosomal transgenes, nor on a line where the transgene had integrated into the extrachromosomal rDNA palindrome. This suggests that it is the repetitive nature of the transgenes that causes the centromere-like behaviour. A Dictyostelium homolog of DET1, a protein largely restricted to multicellular eukaryotes where it has a role in developmental regulation was identified. As in other species Dictyostelium DET1 is nuclear localised. In ChIP experiments DET1 was found to bind the promoters of a number of developmentally regulated loci. In contrast to other species where it is an essential protein, loss of DET1 is not lethal in Dictyostelium, although viability is greatly reduced. Loss of DET1 results in delayed and abnormal development with enlarged aggregation territories. Mutant slugs displayed apparent cell type patterning with a bias towards pre-stalk cell types.


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This paper uses the data of 1338 rural households in the Northern Mountainous Region of Vietnam to examine the extent to which subsidised credit targets the poor and its impacts. Principal Component Analysis and Propensity Score Matching were used to evaluate the depth of outreach and the income impact of credit. To address the problem of model uncertainty, the approach of Bayesian Model Average applied to the probit model was used. Results showed that subsidised credit successfully targeted the poor households with 24.10% and 69.20% of clients falling into the poorest group and the three bottom groups respectively. Moreover, those who received subsidised credit make up 83% of ethnic minority households. These results indicate that governmental subsidies are necessary to reach the poor and low income households, who need capital but are normally bypassed by commercial banks. Analyses also showed that ethnicity and age of household heads, number of helpers, savings, as well as how affected households are by shocks were all factors that further explained the probability at which subsidised credit has been assessed. Furthermore, recipients obtained a 2.61% higher total income and a 5.93% higher farm income compared to non-recipients. However, these small magnitudes of effects are statistically insignificant at a 5% level. Although the subsidised credit is insufficient to significantly improve the income of the poor households, it possibly prevents these households of becoming even poorer.