4 resultados para THEOREMS
em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany
The object of research presented here is Vessiot's theory of partial differential equations: for a given differential equation one constructs a distribution both tangential to the differential equation and contained within the contact distribution of the jet bundle. Then within it, one seeks n-dimensional subdistributions which are transversal to the base manifold, the integral distributions. These consist of integral elements, and these again shall be adapted so that they make a subdistribution which closes under the Lie-bracket. This then is called a flat Vessiot connection. Solutions to the differential equation may be regarded as integral manifolds of these distributions. In the first part of the thesis, I give a survey of the present state of the formal theory of partial differential equations: one regards differential equations as fibred submanifolds in a suitable jet bundle and considers formal integrability and the stronger notion of involutivity of differential equations for analyzing their solvability. An arbitrary system may (locally) be represented in reduced Cartan normal form. This leads to a natural description of its geometric symbol. The Vessiot distribution now can be split into the direct sum of the symbol and a horizontal complement (which is not unique). The n-dimensional subdistributions which close under the Lie bracket and are transversal to the base manifold are the sought tangential approximations for the solutions of the differential equation. It is now possible to show their existence by analyzing the structure equations. Vessiot's theory is now based on a rigorous foundation. Furthermore, the relation between Vessiot's approach and the crucial notions of the formal theory (like formal integrability and involutivity of differential equations) is clarified. The possible obstructions to involution of a differential equation are deduced explicitly. In the second part of the thesis it is shown that Vessiot's approach for the construction of the wanted distributions step by step succeeds if, and only if, the given system is involutive. Firstly, an existence theorem for integral distributions is proven. Then an existence theorem for flat Vessiot connections is shown. The differential-geometric structure of the basic systems is analyzed and simplified, as compared to those of other approaches, in particular the structure equations which are considered for the proofs of the existence theorems: here, they are a set of linear equations and an involutive system of differential equations. The definition of integral elements given here links Vessiot theory and the dual Cartan-Kähler theory of exterior systems. The analysis of the structure equations not only yields theoretical insight but also produces an algorithm which can be used to derive the coefficients of the vector fields, which span the integral distributions, explicitly. Therefore implementing the algorithm in the computer algebra system MuPAD now is possible.
In dieser Doktorarbeit wird eine akkurate Methode zur Bestimmung von Grundzustandseigenschaften stark korrelierter Elektronen im Rahmen von Gittermodellen entwickelt und angewandt. In der Dichtematrix-Funktional-Theorie (LDFT, vom englischen lattice density functional theory) ist die Ein-Teilchen-Dichtematrix γ die fundamentale Variable. Auf der Basis eines verallgemeinerten Hohenberg-Kohn-Theorems ergibt sich die Grundzustandsenergie Egs[γgs] = min° E[γ] durch die Minimierung des Energiefunktionals E[γ] bezüglich aller physikalischer bzw. repräsentativer γ. Das Energiefunktional kann in zwei Beiträge aufgeteilt werden: Das Funktional der kinetischen Energie T[γ], dessen lineare Abhängigkeit von γ genau bekannt ist, und das Funktional der Korrelationsenergie W[γ], dessen Abhängigkeit von γ nicht explizit bekannt ist. Das Auffinden präziser Näherungen für W[γ] stellt die tatsächliche Herausforderung dieser These dar. Einem Teil dieser Arbeit liegen vorausgegangene Studien zu Grunde, in denen eine Näherung des Funktionals W[γ] für das Hubbardmodell, basierend auf Skalierungshypothesen und exakten analytischen Ergebnissen für das Dimer, hergeleitet wird. Jedoch ist dieser Ansatz begrenzt auf spin-unabhängige und homogene Systeme. Um den Anwendungsbereich von LDFT zu erweitern, entwickeln wir drei verschiedene Ansätze zur Herleitung von W[γ], die das Studium von Systemen mit gebrochener Symmetrie ermöglichen. Zuerst wird das bisherige Skalierungsfunktional erweitert auf Systeme mit Ladungstransfer. Eine systematische Untersuchung der Abhängigkeit des Funktionals W[γ] von der Ladungsverteilung ergibt ähnliche Skalierungseigenschaften wie für den homogenen Fall. Daraufhin wird eine Erweiterung auf das Hubbardmodell auf bipartiten Gittern hergeleitet und an sowohl endlichen als auch unendlichen Systemen mit repulsiver und attraktiver Wechselwirkung angewandt. Die hohe Genauigkeit dieses Funktionals wird aufgezeigt. Es erweist sich jedoch als schwierig, diesen Ansatz auf komplexere Systeme zu übertragen, da bei der Berechnung von W[γ] das System als ganzes betrachtet wird. Um dieses Problem zu bewältigen, leiten wir eine weitere Näherung basierend auf lokalen Skalierungseigenschaften her. Dieses Funktional ist lokal bezüglich der Gitterplätze formuliert und ist daher anwendbar auf jede Art von geordneten oder ungeordneten Hamiltonoperatoren mit lokalen Wechselwirkungen. Als Anwendungen untersuchen wir den Metall-Isolator-Übergang sowohl im ionischen Hubbardmodell in einer und zwei Dimensionen als auch in eindimensionalen Hubbardketten mit nächsten und übernächsten Nachbarn. Schließlich entwickeln wir ein numerisches Verfahren zur Berechnung von W[γ], basierend auf exakten Diagonalisierungen eines effektiven Vielteilchen-Hamilton-Operators, welcher einen von einem effektiven Medium umgebenen Cluster beschreibt. Dieser effektive Hamiltonoperator hängt von der Dichtematrix γ ab und erlaubt die Herleitung von Näherungen an W[γ], dessen Qualität sich systematisch mit steigender Clustergröße verbessert. Die Formulierung ist spinabhängig und ermöglicht eine direkte Verallgemeinerung auf korrelierte Systeme mit mehreren Orbitalen, wie zum Beispiel auf den spd-Hamilton-Operator. Darüber hinaus berücksichtigt sie die Effekte kurzreichweitiger Ladungs- und Spinfluktuationen in dem Funktional. Für das Hubbardmodell wird die Genauigkeit der Methode durch Vergleich mit Bethe-Ansatz-Resultaten (1D) und Quanten-Monte-Carlo-Simulationen (2D) veranschaulicht. Zum Abschluss wird ein Ausblick auf relevante zukünftige Entwicklungen dieser Theorie gegeben.
Since no physical system can ever be completely isolated from its environment, the study of open quantum systems is pivotal to reliably and accurately control complex quantum systems. In practice, reliability of the control field needs to be confirmed via certification of the target evolution while accuracy requires the derivation of high-fidelity control schemes in the presence of decoherence. In the first part of this thesis an algebraic framework is presented that allows to determine the minimal requirements on the unique characterisation of arbitrary unitary gates in open quantum systems, independent on the particular physical implementation of the employed quantum device. To this end, a set of theorems is devised that can be used to assess whether a given set of input states on a quantum channel is sufficient to judge whether a desired unitary gate is realised. This allows to determine the minimal input for such a task, which proves to be, quite remarkably, independent of system size. These results allow to elucidate the fundamental limits regarding certification and tomography of open quantum systems. The combination of these insights with state-of-the-art Monte Carlo process certification techniques permits a significant improvement of the scaling when certifying arbitrary unitary gates. This improvement is not only restricted to quantum information devices where the basic information carrier is the qubit but it also extends to systems where the fundamental informational entities can be of arbitary dimensionality, the so-called qudits. The second part of this thesis concerns the impact of these findings from the point of view of Optimal Control Theory (OCT). OCT for quantum systems utilises concepts from engineering such as feedback and optimisation to engineer constructive and destructive interferences in order to steer a physical process in a desired direction. It turns out that the aforementioned mathematical findings allow to deduce novel optimisation functionals that significantly reduce not only the required memory for numerical control algorithms but also the total CPU time required to obtain a certain fidelity for the optimised process. The thesis concludes by discussing two problems of fundamental interest in quantum information processing from the point of view of optimal control - the preparation of pure states and the implementation of unitary gates in open quantum systems. For both cases specific physical examples are considered: for the former the vibrational cooling of molecules via optical pumping and for the latter a superconducting phase qudit implementation. In particular, it is illustrated how features of the environment can be exploited to reach the desired targets.
We show that the theory of involutive bases can be combined with discrete algebraic Morse Theory. For a graded k[x0 ...,xn]-module M, this yields a free resolution G, which in general is not minimal. We see that G is isomorphic to the resolution induced by an involutive basis. It is possible to identify involutive bases inside the resolution G. The shape of G is given by a concrete description. Regarding the differential dG, several rules are established for its computation, which are based on the fact that in the computation of dG certain patterns appear at several positions. In particular, it is possible to compute the constants independent of the remainder of the differential. This allows us, starting from G, to determine the Betti numbers of M without computing a minimal free resolution: Thus we obtain a new algorithm to compute Betti numbers. This algorithm has been implemented in CoCoALib by Mario Albert. This way, in comparison to some other computer algebra system, Betti numbers can be computed faster in most of the examples we have considered. For Veronese subrings S(d), we have found a Pommaret basis, which yields new proofs for some known properties of these rings. Via the theoretical statements found for G, we can identify some generators of modules in G where no constants appear. As a direct consequence, some non-vanishing Betti numbers of S(d) can be given. Finally, we give a proof of the Hyperplane Restriction Theorem with the help of Pommaret bases. This part is largely independent of the other parts of this work.