6 resultados para Systems software

em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany


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In rural areas of the Mekong Countries, the problem of electricity supplying rural communities is particularly alarming. Supplying power to these areas requires facilities that are not economically viable. However, government programs are under way to provide this product that is vital to community well being. A nation priority of Mekong Countries is to provide electrical power to people in rural areas, within normal budgetary constraints. Electricity must be introduced into rural areas in such a way that maximize the technical, economic and social benefit. Another consideration is the source of electrical generation and the effects on the natural environment. The main research purpose is to implement field tests, monitoring and evaluation of the PV-Diesel Hybrid System (PVHS) at the Energy Park of School of Renewable Energy Technology (SERT) in order to test the PVSH working under the meteorological conditions of the Mekong Countries and to develop a software simulation called RES, which studies the technical and economic performance of rural electrification options. This software must be easy to use and understand for the energy planner on rural electrification projects, to evaluate the technical and economic performance of the PVHS based on the renewable energy potential for rural electrification of the Mekong Country by using RES. Finally, this project aims to give guidance for the possible use of PVHS application in this region, particularly in regard to its technical and economic sustainability. PVHS should be promoted according to the principles of proper design and adequate follow up with maintenance, so that the number of satisfied users will be achieved. PVHS is not the only possible technology for rural electrification, but for the Mekong Countries it is one of the most proper choices. Other renewable energy options such as wind, biomass and hydro power need to be studied in future.


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With this document, we provide a compilation of in-depth discussions on some of the most current security issues in distributed systems. The six contributions have been collected and presented at the 1st Kassel Student Workshop on Security in Distributed Systems (KaSWoSDS’08). We are pleased to present a collection of papers not only shedding light on the theoretical aspects of their topics, but also being accompanied with elaborate practical examples. In Chapter 1, Stephan Opfer discusses Viruses, one of the oldest threats to system security. For years there has been an arms race between virus producers and anti-virus software providers, with no end in sight. Stefan Triller demonstrates how malicious code can be injected in a target process using a buffer overflow in Chapter 2. Websites usually store their data and user information in data bases. Like buffer overflows, the possibilities of performing SQL injection attacks targeting such data bases are left open by unwary programmers. Stephan Scheuermann gives us a deeper insight into the mechanisms behind such attacks in Chapter 3. Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a method to insert malicious code into websites viewed by other users. Michael Blumenstein explains this issue in Chapter 4. Code can be injected in other websites via XSS attacks in order to spy out data of internet users, spoofing subsumes all methods that directly involve taking on a false identity. In Chapter 5, Till Amma shows us different ways how this can be done and how it is prevented. Last but not least, cryptographic methods are used to encode confidential data in a way that even if it got in the wrong hands, the culprits cannot decode it. Over the centuries, many different ciphers have been developed, applied, and finally broken. Ilhan Glogic sketches this history in Chapter 6.


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Nach einem einleitenden ersten Kapitel wird im zweiten Kapitel der Stand der Technik für Regelungs- und Monitoringsysteme mit vernetzten Systemen dargestellt. Daraus wird die Motivation zur Entwicklung neuer, kostengünstiger Systeme abgeleitet. Im dritten Kapitel folgt eine Darstellung der verschiedenen Arten marktverfügbarer Embedded Systems und dafür geeigneter Betriebs­systeme. Anforderungen an verteilte Regelungssysteme, unterschiedliche Strukturen dieser Systeme und deren Vor- und Nachteile sind Gegenstand des vierten Kapitels. Anhand von Beispielen aus den Bereichen Erzeugungsmanagement für den Betrieb von KWK-Anlagen, Energieverbrauchsmonitoring und Smart-Metering wird der Einsatz von verteilten Regelungs- und Monitoringsystemen im fünften Kapitel dargestellt. Im folgenden sechsten Kapitel wird die Bedeutung normierter Kommunikation für den Einsatz in verteilten Systemen sowie dafür vorhandene Standards aus der elektrischen Energieversorgungstechnik und der Automatisierungstechnik behandelt. Der Stand der Internet-Technik für verteilte Systeme ist Gegenstand des siebten Kapitels. Dabei werden zunächst die verschiedenen drahtlosen und drahtgebundenen Kommunikationsmedien vorgestellt und ihre Eigenschaften und die Rand­bedingungen für ihren Einsatz erörtert. Ebenso werden technische Probleme beim Einsatz der Internet-Technik aufgezeigt und Lösungsmöglichkeiten für diese Probleme dargestellt. Es folgt eine Übersicht von Netzwerkdiensten, die für den Betrieb von verteilten Systemen notwendig sind. Außerdem werden Techniken zur Überwachung von verteilten Systemen behandelt. Kapitel acht zeigt Sicherheitsrisiken bei der Nutzung des Internets auf und bewertet verschiedene Techniken zur Absicherung des Netzwerkverkehrs. Kapitel neun stellt ein Internet-basiertes Client-Server-System zur Online-Visualisierung von Anlagendaten im Webbrowser mit Hilfe von Java-Applets und XML-RPC vor. Die Visualisierung von Anlagendaten auf Mobiltelefonen mit Hilfe des Wireless Application Protocol sowie die dafür notwendige Software und Infrastruktur ist Gegenstand des zehnten Kapitels. Im elften Kapitel wird eine neuartige Software für die Simulation von dezentralen Energiesystemen und deren Regelungs­systemen auf Basis von virtuellen Maschinen, virtuellen Netzwerken und einer thermischen Simulationsumgebung vorgestellt sowie deren Anwendung für die Reglerentwicklung erklärt. Verschiedene Techniken für die Installation von Betriebssystemen und Software für die Embedded Systems eines verteilten Systems werden im Kapitel zwölf untersucht. Im Kapitel 13 werden verschiedene Technologien zur Konfiguration und Parametrierung von Regelungssystemen in der industriellen Prozess- und Fertigungs­automatisierung hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für dezentrale Energiesysteme analysiert. Anschließend wird eine Software zur Installation und Parametrierung von Monitoringsystemen sowie der dazugehörigen Infrastruktur vorgestellt. Kapitel 14 beschäftigt sich mit Anforderungen an die Hardware für verteilte Systeme und mit Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung der Betriebs- und der Datensicherheit. Im 15. Kapitel werden die in den bisherigen Kapiteln vorgestellten Techniken anhand eines großen verteilten Monitoringsystems und anhand eines Power Flow and Power Quality Management Systems auf Basis von verteilten Embedded Systems evaluiert. Kapitel 16 fasst die Ergebnisse der Arbeit zusammen und enthält einen Ausblick auf zukünftige Entwicklungen.


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Die Modellierung und Spezifikation von Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) als prozessnah operierende Software-Systeme stellt eine Herausforderung interdisziplinärer Kommunikation dar. Bisher existiert kein grafisches Beschreibungsmittel, das diesen Prozess ausdrücklich unterstützt. In diesem Diskussionspapier werden bestehende Beschreibungsmittel aus angrenzenden Bereichen, wie die Business Process Modeling Notation, Petrinetze, die formalisierte Prozessbeschreibung oder die Unified Modelling Language anhand allgemeiner und MES-spezifischer Anforderungen auf ihre Eignung untersucht. Es wurden erhebliche Lücken bei der Erfüllung der Anforderungen durch bestehende Beschreibungsmittel identifiziert.


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Intensification processes in homegardens of the Nuba Mountains, Sudan, raise concerns about strongly positive carbon (C) and nutrient balances which are expected to lead to substantial element losses from these agroecosystems, in particular via soil gaseous emissions. Therefore, this thesis aimed at the quantification of C, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) input and output fluxes with a special focus on soil gaseous losses, and the calculation of respective element balances. A further focus in this thesis was rainfall, a valuable resource for rain-fed agriculture in the Nuba Mountains. To minimize negative consequences of the high variability of rainfall, risk reducing mechanisms were developed by rain-fed farmers that may lose their efficacy in the course of climate change effects predicted for East Africa. Therefore, the second objective of this study was to examine possible changes in rainfall amounts during the last 60 years and to provide reliable risk and probability statements of rainfall-induced events of agricultural importance to rain-fed farmers in the Nuba Mountains. Soil gaseous emissions of C (in form of CO2) and N (in form of NH3 and N2O) of two traditional and two intensified homegardens were determined with a portable dynamic closed chamber system. For C gaseous emission rates reached their peak at the onset of the rainy season (2,325 g CO2-C ha-1 h-1 in an intensified garden type) and for N during the rainy season (16 g NH3-N ha-1 h-1 and 11.3 g N2O-N ha-1 h-1, in a traditional garden type). Data indicated cumulative annual emissions of 5,893 kg CO2-C ha-1, 37 kg NH3-N ha-1, and 16 kg N2O-N ha-1. For the assessment of the long-term productivity of the two types of homegardens and the identification of pathways of substantial element losses, a C and nutrient budget approach was used. In three traditional and three intensified homegardens observation plots were selected. The following variables were quantified on each plot between June and December in 2010: soil amendments, irrigation, biomass removal, symbiotic N2 fixation, C fixation by photosynthesis, atmospheric wet and dry deposition, leaching and soil gaseous emissions. Annual balances for C and nutrients amounted to -21 kg C ha-1, -70 kg N ha-1, 9 kg P ha-1 and -117 kg K ha-1 in intensified homegardens and to -1,722 kg C ha-1, -167 kg N ha-1, -9 kg P ha-1 and -74 kg K ha-1 in traditional homegardens. For the analysis of rainfall data, the INSTAT+ software allowed to aggregate long-term daily rainfall records from the Kadugli and Rashad weather stations into daily, monthly and annual intervals and to calculate rainfall-induced events of agricultural importance. Subsequently, these calculated values and events were checked for possible monotonic trends by Mann-Kendall tests. Over the period from 1970 to 2009, annual rainfall did not change significantly for either station. However, during this period an increase of low rainfall events coinciding with a decline in the number of medium daily rainfall events was observed in Rashad. Furthermore, the availability of daily rainfall data enabled frequency and conditional probability calculations that showed either no statistically significant changes or trends resulting only in minor changes of probabilities.


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At first a small overview is given about the disposition of document ser- vers in the scientific publication process. Then, institutional repositories are introduced by their key features and the benefits of establishing them as a central repository in the university context. A specific solution was chosen on behalf of the requirements of the Uni- versity Library of Kassel, Germany. The software Dspace was chosen but needs to be extended by • internationalization • use of the urn:nbn scheme as persisten identifier. DSpace’s features are shortly described, followed by the process of rever- se engeneering to achieve requirements needed for the implementation of the missing functionality. Adjacent tasks implement the needed featu- res using SUN’s Standard Tag Library for internationalization and some modifications in two classes for use of the urn:nbn scheme as persistent identifier. At the end, a short view on the future of institutional repositories is taken, furthermore some local long-term objectives on DSpace are dis- cussed.