5 resultados para STOP SIGNAL

em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany


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By the end of the first day of embryonic development, zebrafish primordial germ cells (PGCs) arrive at the site where the gonad develops. In our study we investigated the mechanisms controlling the precision of primordial germ cell arrival at their target. We found that in contrast with our expectations which were based on findings in Drosophila and mouse, the endoderm does not constitute a preferred migration substrate for the PGCs. Rather, endoderm derivatives are important for later stages of organogenesis keeping the PGC clusters separated. It would be interesting to investigate the precise mechanism by which endoderm controls germ cell position in the gonad. In their migration towards the gonad, zebrafish germ cells follow the gradient of chemokine SDF-1a, which they detect using the receptor CXCR4b that is expressed on their membrane. Here we show that the C-terminal region of CXCR4b is responsible for down-regulation of receptor activity as well as for receptor internalization. We demonstrate that receptor molecules unable to internalize are less potent in guiding germ cells to the site where the gonad develops, thereby implicating chemokine receptor internalization in facilitating precision of migration during chemotaxis in vivo. We demonstrate that while CXCR4b activity positively regulates the duration of the active migration phases, the down-regulation of CXCR4b signalling by internalization limits the duration of this phase. This way, receptor signalling contributes to the persistence of germ cell migration, whereas receptor down-regulation enables the cells to stop and correct their migration path close to the target where germ cells encounter the highest chemokine signal. Chemokine receptors are involved in directing cell migration in different processes such as lymphocyte trafficking, cancer and in the development of the vascular system. The C-terminal domain of many chemokine receptors was shown to be essential for controlling receptor signalling and internalization. It would therefore be important to determine whether the role for receptor internalization in vivo as described here (allowing periodical corrections to the migration route) and the mechanisms involved (reducing the level of signalling) apply for those other events, too.


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The rapid growth in high data rate communication systems has introduced new high spectral efficient modulation techniques and standards such as LTE-A (long term evolution-advanced) for 4G (4th generation) systems. These techniques have provided a broader bandwidth but introduced high peak-to-average power ratio (PAR) problem at the high power amplifier (HPA) level of the communication system base transceiver station (BTS). To avoid spectral spreading due to high PAR, stringent requirement on linearity is needed which brings the HPA to operate at large back-off power at the expense of power efficiency. Consequently, high power devices are fundamental in HPAs for high linearity and efficiency. Recent development in wide bandgap power devices, in particular AlGaN/GaN HEMT, has offered higher power level with superior linearity-efficiency trade-off in microwaves communication. For cost-effective HPA design to production cycle, rigorous computer aided design (CAD) AlGaN/GaN HEMT models are essential to reflect real response with increasing power level and channel temperature. Therefore, large-size AlGaN/GaN HEMT large-signal electrothermal modeling procedure is proposed. The HEMT structure analysis, characterization, data processing, model extraction and model implementation phases have been covered in this thesis including trapping and self-heating dispersion accounting for nonlinear drain current collapse. The small-signal model is extracted using the 22-element modeling procedure developed in our department. The intrinsic large-signal model is deeply investigated in conjunction with linearity prediction. The accuracy of the nonlinear drain current has been enhanced through several issues such as trapping and self-heating characterization. Also, the HEMT structure thermal profile has been investigated and corresponding thermal resistance has been extracted through thermal simulation and chuck-controlled temperature pulsed I(V) and static DC measurements. Higher-order equivalent thermal model is extracted and implemented in the HEMT large-signal model to accurately estimate instantaneous channel temperature. Moreover, trapping and self-heating transients has been characterized through transient measurements. The obtained time constants are represented by equivalent sub-circuits and integrated in the nonlinear drain current implementation to account for complex communication signals dynamic prediction. The obtained verification of this table-based large-size large-signal electrothermal model implementation has illustrated high accuracy in terms of output power, gain, efficiency and nonlinearity prediction with respect to standard large-signal test signals.


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In this work investigation of the QDs formation and the fabrication of QD based semiconductor lasers for telecom applications are presented. InAs QDs grown on AlGaInAs lattice matched to InP substrates are used to fabricate lasers operating at 1.55 µm, which is the central wavelength for far distance data transmission. This wavelength is used due to its minimum attenuation in standard glass fibers. The incorporation of QDs in this material system is more complicated in comparison to InAs QDs in the GaAs system. Due to smaller lattice mismatch the formation of circular QDs, elongated QDs and quantum wires is possible. The influence of the different growth conditions, such as the growth temperature, beam equivalent pressure, amount of deposited material on the formation of the QDs is investigated. It was already demonstrated that the formation process of QDs can be changed by the arsenic species. The formation of more round shaped QDs was observed during the growth of QDs with As2, while for As4 dash-like QDs. In this work only As2 was used for the QD growth. Different growth parameters were investigated to optimize the optical properties, like photoluminescence linewidth, and to implement those QD ensembles into laser structures as active medium. By the implementation of those QDs into laser structures a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 30 meV was achieved. Another part of the research includes the investigation of the influence of the layer design of lasers on its lasing properties. QD lasers were demonstrated with a modal gain of more than 10 cm-1 per QD layer. Another achievement is the large signal modulation with a maximum data rate of 15 Gbit/s. The implementation of optimized QDs in the laser structure allows to increase the modal gain up to 12 cm-1 per QD layer. A reduction of the waveguide layer thickness leads to a shorter transport time of the carriers into the active region and as a result a data rate up to 22 Gbit/s was achieved, which is so far the highest digital modulation rate obtained with any 1.55 µm QD laser. The implementation of etch stop layers into the laser structure provide the possibility to fabricate feedback gratings with well defined geometries for the realization of DFB lasers. These DFB lasers were fabricated by using a combination of dry and wet etching. Single mode operation at 1.55 µm with a high side mode suppression ratio of 50 dB was achieved.


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Neben der Verbreitung von gefährlichen Krankheiten sind Insekten für enorme agrarwirtschaftliche Schäden verantwortlich. Ein Großteil der Verhaltensweisen bei Insekten wird über den Geruchssinn gesteuert, der somit einen möglichen Angriffspunkt zur Bekämpfung von Schadinsekten darstellt. Hierzu ist es allerdings nötig, die Mechanismen der olfaktorischen Signalübertragung im Detail zu verstehen. Neben den duftstoffbindenden olfaktorischen Rezeptoren spielt hier auch ein konservierter Korezeptor (Orco) eine entscheidende Rolle. Inwieweit bei diesen Proteinen ionotrope bzw. metabotrope Prozesse involviert sind ist bislang nicht vollständig aufgeklärt. Um weitere Einzelheiten aufzuklären wurden daher Einzelsensillenableitungen am Tabakschwärmer Manduca sexta durchgeführt. Orco-Agonisten und Antagonisten wurden eingesetzt, um die Funktion des Korezeptors besser zu verstehen. Bei dem Einsatz des Orco-Agonisten VUAA1 konnte keine Verstärkung der Pheromonantworten bzw. eine Sensitivierung beobachtet werden, wie im Falle einer ionotropen Signalweiterleitung zu erwarten gewesen wäre. Ein ionotroper Signalweg über den OR/Orco-Komplex in M. sexta ist daher unwahrscheinlich. Der Orco-Antagonist OLC15 beeinflusste die gleichen Parameter wie VUAA1 und konnte die von VUAA1 generierte Spontanaktivität blocken. Daher ist es wahrscheinlich, dass dieser einen spezifischen Orco-Blocker darstellt. Sowohl VUAA1 als auch OLC15 hatten großen Effekt auf die langanhaltende Pheromonantwort, welches die Vermutung nahelegt, dass Orco modulierend auf die Sensitivität der Nervenzelle einwirkt. Von OLC15 abweichende Effekte durch die getesteten Amiloride HMA und MIA auf die Pheromonantwort lassen nicht auf eine spezifische Wirkung dieser Agenzien auf Orco schließen und zusätzliche Wirkorte sind anzunehmen. Um die These eines metabotropen Signalwegs zu überprüfen wurde ebenfalls der G-Protein-Blocker GDP-β-S eingesetzt. Alle Parameter der Pheromonantwort die innerhalb der ersten Millisekunden analysiert wurden wiesen eine Reduktion der Sensitivität auf. Im Gegensatz dazu hatte GDP-β-S keinen Effekt auf die langanhaltende Pheromonantwort. Somit scheint ausschließlich die schnelle Pheromonantwort über einen Ligand-bindenden G-Protein-gesteuerten Rezeptor gesteuert zu werden.