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em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany


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This study was conducted to investigate soil biological and chemical factors that give rise to cereal yield enhancing effects of legume rotations on sandy, nutrient poor West African soils. The aim was not only to gain more information on the role of legume residues and microorganisms in the soil nutrient cycle. But the study aimed at evaluating if differences in substrate qualities (e.g. root residues) cause changes in the microbial community structure due to specific and highly complex microbe-root-soil interactions. Site and system specific reactions of microorganisms towards rewetting, simulating the onset of rainy season, were observed. Higher respiration rates, higher amounts of microbial biomass carbon (Cmic) and nitrogen (Nmic) as well as higher ergosterol, muramic acid, glucosamine and adenylate concentrations were measured in CL soils of Koukombo and in both soils from Fada. The immediate increase in ATP concentrations after rewetting was likely caused by rehydration of microbial cells where N was not immobilized and, thus, available for plants facilitating their rapid development. Legume root residues led only to slightly better plant performances compared to the control, while the application of cereal roots reduced seedling growth. In contrast to sorghum seedlings, the microbial community did not react to the mineral treatment. Thus the energy supply in form of organic amendments increased microbial indices compared to mineral P application and the control. The results of basal respiration rates, Cmic and Corg levels indicate that the microbial community in the soil from Koukombo is less efficient in substrate use compared to microorganisms in the soil from Fada. However, the continuous carbon input by legume root residues might have contributed to these differences in soil fertility. With the 33P isotopic exchange method a low buffering capacity was detected in both soils irrespective of treatments. Calculated E values (E1min to E1min-1d and E1d-3m) indicated a slowly release of P due to root turnover while applied mineral P is taken up by plants or fixed to the soil. Due to the fact that sorghum growth reacted mainly to the application of mineral P and the microorganisms solely to the organic inputs, the combination of both amendments seems to be the best approach to a sustainable increase of crop production on many nutrient-poor, sandy West African soils. In a pot experiment, were CC and CL soils from Fada and Koukombo were adjusted to the same level of P and N concentrations, crop growth was significantly higher on CL soils, compared to the respective treatments on CC soils. Mycorrhizal infection of roots was increased and the number of nematodes, predominantly free living nematodes, was almost halfed on rotation soils. In conclusion, increased nutrient availability (especially P and N) through the introduction of legumes is not the only reason for the observed yield increasing effects. Soil biological factors seem to also play an important role. In a root chamber experiment the pH gradient along the root-soil-interface was measured at three times using an antimony microelectrode. For Fada soils, pH values were higher on CL than CC soils while the opposite was true for the Koukombo soils. Site-specific differences between Fada and Koukombo soils in N content and microbial community structures might have created varying crop performances leading to the contrasting pH findings. However, the mechanisms involved in this highly complex microbe-root-soil interaction remain unclear.


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This thesis investigates a method for human-robot interaction (HRI) in order to uphold productivity of industrial robots like minimization of the shortest operation time, while ensuring human safety like collision avoidance. For solving such problems an online motion planning approach for robotic manipulators with HRI has been proposed. The approach is based on model predictive control (MPC) with embedded mixed integer programming. The planning strategies of the robotic manipulators mainly considered in the thesis are directly performed in the workspace for easy obstacle representation. The non-convex optimization problem is approximated by a mixed-integer program (MIP). It is further effectively reformulated such that the number of binary variables and the number of feasible integer solutions are drastically decreased. Safety-relevant regions, which are potentially occupied by the human operators, can be generated online by a proposed method based on hidden Markov models. In contrast to previous approaches, which derive predictions based on probability density functions in the form of single points, such as most likely or expected human positions, the proposed method computes safety-relevant subsets of the workspace as a region which is possibly occupied by the human at future instances of time. The method is further enhanced by combining reachability analysis to increase the prediction accuracy. These safety-relevant regions can subsequently serve as safety constraints when the motion is planned by optimization. This way one arrives at motion plans that are safe, i.e. plans that avoid collision with a probability not less than a predefined threshold. The developed methods have been successfully applied to a developed demonstrator, where an industrial robot works in the same space as a human operator. The task of the industrial robot is to drive its end-effector according to a nominal sequence of grippingmotion-releasing operations while no collision with a human arm occurs.


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Personality traits have often been highlighted to relate to how people cope with stressful events. The present paper focuses on character strengths as positive personality traits and examines two basic assumptions that were derived from a core characteristic of character strengths (i.e., to determine how individuals deal with adversities): (1) character strengths correlate with coping and (2) buffer the effects of work-related stress on job satisfaction. Two different samples (i.e., a mixed sample representing various occupations [N = 214] and a nurses sample [N = 175]) filled in measures for character strengths, coping, work-related stress, and job satisfaction. As expected, intellectual, emotional, and interpersonal strengths were related to coping. Interpersonal strengths played a greater role for coping among nurses, as interactions with others are an essential part of their workday. Furthermore, intellectual strengths partially mediated the negative effect of work-related stress on job satisfaction. These findings open a new field for research on the role of personality in coping with work-related stress. Character strengths are trainable personal characteristics, and therefore valuable resources to improve coping with work-related stress and to decrease the negative effects of stress. Further research is needed to investigate this assumed causality.


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Agriculture in semi-arid and arid regions is constantly gaining importance for the security of the nutrition of humankind because of the rapid population growth. At the same time, especially these regions are more and more endangered by soil degradation, limited resources and extreme climatic conditions. One way to retain soil fertility under these conditions in the long run is to increase the soil organic matter. Thus, a two-year field experiment was conducted to test the efficiency of activated charcoal and quebracho tannin extract as stabilizers of soil organic matter on a sandy soil low in nutrients in Northern Oman. Both activated charcoal and quebracho tannin extract were either fed to goats and after defecation applied to the soil or directly applied to the soil in combination with dried goat manure. Regardless of the application method, both additives reduced decomposition of soil-applied organic matter and thus stabilized and increased soil organic carbon. The nutrient release from goat manure was altered by the application of activated charcoal and quebracho tannin extract as well, however, nutrient release was not always slowed down. While activated charcoal fed to goats, was more effective in stabilising soil organic matter and in reducing nutrient release than mixing it, for quebracho tannin extract the opposite was the case. Moreover, the efficiency of the additives was influenced by the cultivated crop (sweet corn and radish), leading to unexplained interactions. The reduced nutrient release caused by the stabilization of the organic matter might be the reason for the reduced yields for sweet corn caused by the application of manure amended with activated charcoal and quebracho tannin extract. Radish, on the other hand, was only inhibited by the presence of quebracho tannin extract but not by activated charcoal. This might be caused by a possible allelopathic effect of tannins on crops. To understand the mechanisms behind the changes in manure, in the soil, in the mineralisation and the plant development and to resolve detrimental effects, further research as recommended in this dissertation is necessary. Particularly in developing countries poor in resources and capital, feeding charcoal or tannins to animals and using their faeces as manure may be promising to increase soil fertility, sequester carbon and reduce nutrient losses, when yield reductions can be resolved.


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• Aim: The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of trainees’ interpersonal behavior on work involvement (WI) and compared their social behavior within professional and private relationships as well as between different psychotherapeutic orientations. • Methods: The interpersonal scales of the Intrex short-form questionnaire and the Work Involvement Scale (WIS) were used to evaluate two samples of German psychotherapy trainees in psychoanalytic, psychodynamic, and cognitive behavioral therapy training. Trainees from Sample 1 (N = 184) were asked to describe their interpersonal behavior in relation to their patients when filling out the Intrex, whereas trainees from Sample 2 (N = 135) were asked to describe the private relationship with a significant other. • Results: Interpersonal affiliation in professional relationships significantly predicted the level of healing involvement, while stress involvement was predicted by interpersonal affiliation and interdependence in trainees’ relationships with their patients. Social behavior within professional relationships provided higher correlations with WI than private interpersonal behavior. Significant differences were found between private and professional relation settings in trainees’ interpersonal behavior with higher levels of affiliation and interdependence with significant others. Differences between therapeutic orientation and social behavior could only be found when comparing trainees’ level of interdependence with the particular relationship setting. • Conclusion: Trainees’ interpersonal level of affiliation in professional relationships is a predictor for a successful psychotherapeutic development. Vice versa, controlling behavior in professional settings can be understood as a risk factor against psychotherapeutic growth. Both results strengthen an evidence-based approach for competence development during psychotherapy training.


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Ultrahochfester Beton besitzt aufgrund seiner Zusammensetzung eine sehr hohe Druckfestigkeit von 150 bis über 200 N/mm² und eine außergewöhnlich hohe Dichtigkeit. Damit werden Anwendungen in stark belasteten Bereichen und mit hohen Anforderungen an die Dauerhaftigkeit des Materials ermöglicht. Gleichzeitig zeigt ultrahochfester Beton bei Erreichen seiner Festigkeit ein sehr sprödes Verhalten. Zur Verhinderung eines explosionsartigen Versagens werden einer UHPC-Mischung Fasern zugegeben oder wird eine Umschnürung mit Stahlrohren ausgebildet. Die Zugabe von Fasern zur Betonmatrix beeinflusst neben der Verformungsfähigkeit auch die Tragfähigkeit des UHPC. Das Versagen der Fasern ist abhängig von Fasergeometrie, Fasergehalt, Verbundverhalten sowie Zugfestigkeit der Faser und gekennzeichnet durch Faserauszug oder Faserreißen. Zur Sicherstellung der Tragfähigkeit kann daher auf konventionelle Bewehrung außer bei sehr dünnen Bauteilen nicht verzichtet werden. Im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogramms SPP 1182 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) wurden in dem dieser Arbeit zugrunde liegenden Forschungsprojekt die Fragen nach der Beschreibung des Querkrafttragverhaltens von UHPC-Bauteilen mit kombinierter Querkraftbewehrung und der Übertragbarkeit bestehender Querkraftmodelle auf UHPC untersucht. Neben einer umfassenden Darstellung vorhandener Querkraftmodelle für Stahlbetonbauteile ohne Querkraftbewehrung und mit verschiedenen Querkraftbewehrungsarten bilden experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Querkrafttragverhalten an UHPC-Balken mit verschiedener Querkraftbewehrung den Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit. Die experimentellen Untersuchungen beinhalteten zehn Querkraftversuche an UHPC-Balken. Diese Balken waren in Abmessungen und Biegezugbewehrung identisch. Sie unterschieden sich nur in der Art der Querkraftbewehrung. Die Querkraftbewehrungsarten umfassten eine Querkraftbewehrung aus Stahlfasern oder Vertikalstäben, eine kombinierte Querkraftbewehrung aus Stahlfasern und Vertikalstäben und einen Balken ohne Querkraftbewehrung. Obwohl für die in diesem Projekt untersuchten Balken Fasergehalte gewählt wurden, die zu einem entfestigenden Nachrissverhalten des Faserbetons führten, zeigten die Balkenversuche, dass die Zugabe von Stahlfasern die Querkrafttragfähigkeit steigerte. Durch die gewählte Querkraftbewehrungskonfiguration bei ansonsten identischen Balken konnte außerdem eine quantitative Abschätzung der einzelnen Traganteile aus den Versuchen abgeleitet werden. Der profilierte Querschnitt ließ einen großen Einfluss auf das Querkrafttragverhalten im Nachbruchbereich erkennen. Ein relativ stabiles Lastniveau nach Erreichen der Höchstlast konnte einer Vierendeelwirkung zugeordnet werden. Auf Basis dieser Versuchsergebnisse und analytischer Überlegungen zu vorhandenen Querkraftmodellen wurde ein additiver Modellansatz zur Beschreibung des Querkrafttragverhaltens von UHPCBalken mit einer kombinierten Querkraftbewehrung aus Stahlfasern und Vertikalstäben formuliert. Für die Formulierung der Traganteile des Betonquerschnitts und der konventionellen Querkraftbewehrung wurden bekannte Ansätze verwendet. Für die Ermittlung des Fasertraganteils wurde die Faserwirksamkeit zugrunde gelegt. Das Lastniveau im Nachbruchbereich aus Viendeelwirkung ergibt sich aus geometrischen Überlegungen.


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With the present research, we investigated effects of existential threat on veracity judgments. According to several meta-analyses, people judge potentially deceptive messages of other people as true rather than as false (so-called truth bias). This judgmental bias has been shown to depend on how people weigh the error of judging a true message as a lie (error 1) and the error of judging a lie as a true message (error 2). The weight of these errors has been further shown to be affected by situational variables. Given that research on terror management theory has found evidence that mortality salience (MS) increases the sensitivity toward the compliance of cultural norms, especially when they are of focal attention, we assumed that when the honesty norm is activated, MS affects judgmental error weighing and, consequently, judgmental biases. Specifically, activating the norm of honesty should decrease the weight of error 1 (the error of judging a true message as a lie) and increase the weight of error 2 (the error of judging a lie as a true message) when mortality is salient. In a first study, we found initial evidence for this assumption. Furthermore, the change in error weighing should reduce the truth bias, automatically resulting in better detection accuracy of actual lies and worse accuracy of actual true statements. In two further studies, we manipulated MS and honesty norm activation before participants judged several videos containing actual truths or lies. Results revealed evidence for our prediction. Moreover, in Study 3, the truth bias was increased after MS when group solidarity was previously emphasized.


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Low perceptual familiarity with relatively rarer left-handed as opposed to more common right-handed individuals may result in athletes' poorer ability to anticipate the former's action intentions. Part of such left-right asymmetry in visual anticipation could be due to an inefficient gaze strategy during confrontation with left-handed individuals. To exemplify, observers may not mirror their gaze when viewing left- vs. right-handed actions but preferentially fixate on an opponent's right body side, irrespective of an opponent's handedness, owing to the predominant exposure to right-handed actions. So far empirical verification of such assumption, however, is lacking. Here we report on an experiment where team-handball goalkeepers' and non-goalkeepers' gaze behavior was recorded while they predicted throw direction of left- and right-handed 7-m penalties shown as videos on a computer monitor. As expected, goalkeepers were considerably more accurate than non-goalkeepers and prediction was better against right- than left-handed penalties. However, there was no indication of differences in gaze measures (i.e., number of fixations, overall and final fixation duration, time-course of horizontal or vertical fixation deviation) as a function of skill group or the penalty-takers' handedness. Findings suggest that inferior anticipation of left-handed compared to right-handed individuals' action intentions may not be associated with misalignment in gaze behavior. Rather, albeit looking similarly, accuracy differences could be due to observers' differential ability of picking up and interpreting the visual information provided by left- vs. right-handed movements.


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In this work, we present an atomistic-continuum model for simulations of ultrafast laser-induced melting processes in semiconductors on the example of silicon. The kinetics of transient non-equilibrium phase transition mechanisms is addressed with MD method on the atomic level, whereas the laser light absorption, strong generated electron-phonon nonequilibrium, fast heat conduction, and photo-excited free carrier diffusion are accounted for with a continuum TTM-like model (called nTTM). First, we independently consider the applications of nTTM and MD for the description of silicon, and then construct the combined MD-nTTM model. Its development and thorough testing is followed by a comprehensive computational study of fast nonequilibrium processes induced in silicon by an ultrashort laser irradiation. The new model allowed to investigate the effect of laser-induced pressure and temperature of the lattice on the melting kinetics. Two competing melting mechanisms, heterogeneous and homogeneous, were identified in our big-scale simulations. Apart from the classical heterogeneous melting mechanism, the nucleation of the liquid phase homogeneously inside the material significantly contributes to the melting process. The simulations showed, that due to the open diamond structure of the crystal, the laser-generated internal compressive stresses reduce the crystal stability against the homogeneous melting. Consequently, the latter can take a massive character within several picoseconds upon the laser heating. Due to the large negative volume of melting of silicon, the material contracts upon the phase transition, relaxes the compressive stresses, and the subsequent melting proceeds heterogeneously until the excess of thermal energy is consumed. A series of simulations for a range of absorbed fluences allowed us to find the threshold fluence value at which homogeneous liquid nucleation starts contributing to the classical heterogeneous propagation of the solid-liquid interface. A series of simulations for a range of the material thicknesses showed that the sample width we chosen in our simulations (800 nm) corresponds to a thick sample. Additionally, in order to support the main conclusions, the results were verified for a different interatomic potential. Possible improvements of the model to account for nonthermal effects are discussed and certain restrictions on the suitable interatomic potentials are found. As a first step towards the inclusion of these effects into MD-nTTM, we performed nanometer-scale MD simulations with a new interatomic potential, designed to reproduce ab initio calculations at the laser-induced electronic temperature of 18946 K. The simulations demonstrated that, similarly to thermal melting, nonthermal phase transition occurs through nucleation. A series of simulations showed that higher (lower) initial pressure reinforces (hinders) the creation and the growth of nonthermal liquid nuclei. For the example of Si, the laser melting kinetics of semiconductors was found to be noticeably different from that of metals with a face-centered cubic crystal structure. The results of this study, therefore, have important implications for interpretation of experimental data on the kinetics of melting process of semiconductors.