em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany


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Ausgangspunkt der Dissertation ist ein von V. Maz'ya entwickeltes Verfahren, eine gegebene Funktion f : Rn ! R durch eine Linearkombination fh radialer glatter exponentiell fallender Basisfunktionen zu approximieren, die im Gegensatz zu den Splines lediglich eine näherungsweise Zerlegung der Eins bilden und somit ein für h ! 0 nicht konvergentes Verfahren definieren. Dieses Verfahren wurde unter dem Namen Approximate Approximations bekannt. Es zeigt sich jedoch, dass diese fehlende Konvergenz für die Praxis nicht relevant ist, da der Fehler zwischen f und der Approximation fh über gewisse Parameter unterhalb der Maschinengenauigkeit heutiger Rechner eingestellt werden kann. Darüber hinaus besitzt das Verfahren große Vorteile bei der numerischen Lösung von Cauchy-Problemen der Form Lu = f mit einem geeigneten linearen partiellen Differentialoperator L im Rn. Approximiert man die rechte Seite f durch fh, so lassen sich in vielen Fällen explizite Formeln für die entsprechenden approximativen Volumenpotentiale uh angeben, die nur noch eine eindimensionale Integration (z.B. die Errorfunktion) enthalten. Zur numerischen Lösung von Randwertproblemen ist das von Maz'ya entwickelte Verfahren bisher noch nicht genutzt worden, mit Ausnahme heuristischer bzw. experimenteller Betrachtungen zur sogenannten Randpunktmethode. Hier setzt die Dissertation ein. Auf der Grundlage radialer Basisfunktionen wird ein neues Approximationsverfahren entwickelt, welches die Vorzüge der von Maz'ya für Cauchy-Probleme entwickelten Methode auf die numerische Lösung von Randwertproblemen überträgt. Dabei werden stellvertretend das innere Dirichlet-Problem für die Laplace-Gleichung und für die Stokes-Gleichungen im R2 behandelt, wobei für jeden der einzelnen Approximationsschritte Konvergenzuntersuchungen durchgeführt und Fehlerabschätzungen angegeben werden.


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We discuss the possibility of identifying superheavy elements from the observation of their M-shell x-ray spectra, which might occur during the collision of a superheavy element with a heavy target. The same question is discussed for the possible observation of the x-rays from the quasimolecule (quasi-superheavy element) which is formed during such a heavy-ion collision. It is shown that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to determine any information about the interesting quantum electrodynamical effects from the M-shell x-ray spectra of these quasimolecules.


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Due to the tremendous spin-orbit splitting of quasi-molecular levels in superheavy collision systems (Z = Z_1 + Z_2 {\ge\approx} 137) bombarding energy 0.5-6 MeV N{^-1}, unusual couplings may occur around Z \simeq 165. Experimental evidence for such a theoretically predicted coupling is discussed.


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The potential energy curve of the system Ne-Ne is calculated for small internuclear distances from 0.005 to 3.0 au using a newly developed relativistic molecular Dirac-Fock-Slater code. A significant structure in the potential energy curve is found which leads to a nearly complete agreement with experimental differential elastic scattering cross sections. This demonstrates the presence of quasi-molecular effects in elastic ion-atom collisions at keV energies.


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Research on transition-metal nanoalloy clusters composed of a few atoms is fascinating by their unusual properties due to the interplay among the structure, chemical order and magnetism. Such nanoalloy clusters, can be used to construct nanometer devices for technological applications by manipulating their remarkable magnetic, chemical and optical properties. Determining the nanoscopic features exhibited by the magnetic alloy clusters signifies the need for a systematic global and local exploration of their potential-energy surface in order to identify all the relevant energetically low-lying magnetic isomers. In this thesis the sampling of the potential-energy surface has been performed by employing the state-of-the-art spin-polarized density-functional theory in combination with graph theory and the basin-hopping global optimization techniques. This combination is vital for a quantitative analysis of the quantum mechanical energetics. The first approach, i.e., spin-polarized density-functional theory together with the graph theory method, is applied to study the Fe$_m$Rh$_n$ and Co$_m$Pd$_n$ clusters having $N = m+n \leq 8$ atoms. We carried out a thorough and systematic sampling of the potential-energy surface by taking into account all possible initial cluster topologies, all different distributions of the two kinds of atoms within the cluster, the entire concentration range between the pure limits, and different initial magnetic configurations such as ferro- and anti-ferromagnetic coupling. The remarkable magnetic properties shown by FeRh and CoPd nanoclusters are attributed to the extremely reduced coordination number together with the charge transfer from 3$d$ to 4$d$ elements. The second approach, i.e., spin-polarized density-functional theory together with the basin-hopping method is applied to study the small Fe$_6$, Fe$_3$Rh$_3$ and Rh$_6$ and the larger Fe$_{13}$, Fe$_6$Rh$_7$ and Rh$_{13}$ clusters as illustrative benchmark systems. This method is able to identify the true ground-state structures of Fe$_6$ and Fe$_3$Rh$_3$ which were not obtained by using the first approach. However, both approaches predict a similar cluster for the ground-state of Rh$_6$. Moreover, the computational time taken by this approach is found to be significantly lower than the first approach. The ground-state structure of Fe$_{13}$ cluster is found to be an icosahedral structure, whereas Rh$_{13}$ and Fe$_6$Rh$_7$ isomers relax into cage-like and layered-like structures, respectively. All the clusters display a remarkable variety of structural and magnetic behaviors. It is observed that the isomers having similar shape with small distortion with respect to each other can exhibit quite different magnetic moments. This has been interpreted as a probable artifact of spin-rotational symmetry breaking introduced by the spin-polarized GGA. The possibility of combining the spin-polarized density-functional theory with some other global optimization techniques such as minima-hopping method could be the next step in this direction. This combination is expected to be an ideal sampling approach having the advantage of avoiding efficiently the search over irrelevant regions of the potential energy surface.