6 resultados para Nutrient-uptake Rates

em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany


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In ago-pastoral systems of the semi-arid West African Sahel, targeted applications of ruminant manure to the cropland is a widespread practice to maintain soil productivity. However, studies exploring the decomposition and mineralisation processes of manure under farmers' conditions are scarce. The present research in south-west Niger was undertaken to examine the role of micro-organisms and meso-fauna on in situ release rates of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) from cattle and sheep-goat manure collected from village corrals during the rainy season. The results show tha (1) macro-organisms played a dominant role in the initial phase of manure decomposition; (2) manure decomposition was faster on crusted than on sandy soils; (3) throughout the study N and P release rates closely followed the dry matter decomposition; (4) during the first 6 weeks after application the K concentration in the manure declined much faster than N or P. At the applied dry matter rate of 18.8 Mg ha^-1, the quantities of N, P and K released from the manure during the rainy season were up to 10-fold larger than the annual nutrient uptake of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), the dominant crop in the traditional agro-pastoral systems. The results indicate considerable nutrient losses with the scarce but heavy rainfalls which could be alleviated by smaller rates of manure application. Those, however, would require a more labour intensive system of corralling or manure distribution.


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"Funktionelle Analyse der LC-FACS in Dictyostelium discoideum" Das Dictyostelium discoideum Gen fcsA kodiert für ein 75 kDa großes Protein. Es kann durch Homologieanyalysen der Amino-säuresequenz zu den "long-chain fatty acyl-CoA"-Synthetasen ge-rechnet werden, die lang-kettige Fettsäuren durch die kovalente Bindung von Coenzym A akti-vie-ren und damit für diverse Reak-tionen in Stoffwechsel und Molekül-Synthese der Zelle verfügbar machen. Die hier untersuchte D. discoideum LC-FACS lokalisiert als peripher assoziiertes Protein an der cytosolischen Seite der Membran von Endo-somen und kleiner Vesikel. Bereits kurz nach der Bildung in der frühen sauren Phase kann die Lokalisation der LC-FACS auf Endosomen ge-zeigt werden. Sie dissoziiert im Laufe ihrer Neutra-li-sierung und kann auf späten Endosomen, die vor ihrer Exocytose stehen nicht mehr nach-gewiesen werden. Ein Teil der kleinen die in der gesamte Zelle verteilten kleinen Vesikel zeigt eine Kolokalisation mit lysosomalen Enzymen. Trotz des intrazellulären Verteilungs-mus-ters, das eine Beteiligung dieses Pro-teins an der Endocytose nahe-legt, konnte kein signifikanter Rückgang der Pino- und Phagocytose-Rate in LC-FACS Nullmutanten beobachtet werden. Der endo-cy-to-ti-sche Transit ist in diesen Zellen etwas verlängert, außerdem zeigen die Endosomen einen deutlich erhöhten pH-Wert, was zu einer weniger effektiven Prozessierung eines lysosomalen Enzyms führt (a-Mannosidase). Die Funktion der LC-FACS ist die Aufnahme von langkettigen Fettsäuren aus dem Lumen der Endosomen.


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Many plant strengtheners are promoted for their supposed effects on nutrient uptake and/or resistance induction (IR). In addition, many organic fertilizers are supposed to enhance plant health and several studies have shown that tomatoes grown organically are more resistant to late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans to tomatoes grown conventionally. Much is known about the mechanisms underlying IR. In contrast, there is no systematic knowledge about genetic variation for IR. Therefore, the following questions were addressed in the presented dissertation: (i) Is there genetic variation among tomato genotypes for inducibility of resistance to P. infestans? (ii) How do different PS compare with the chemical inducer BABA in their ability to IR? (iii) Does IR interact with the inducer used and different organic fertilizers? A varietal screening showed that contrary to the commonly held belief IR in tomatoes is genotype and isolate specific. These results indicate that it should be possible to select for inducibility of resistance in tomato breeding. However, isolate specificity also suggests that there could be pathogen adaptation. The three tested PS as well as two of the three tested organic fertilisers all induced resistance in the tomatoes. Depending on PS or BABA variety and isolate effects varied. In contrast, there were no variety and isolate specific effects of the fertilisers and no interactions with the PS and fertilisers. This suggests that the different PS should work independent of the soil substrate used. In contrast the results were markedly different when isolate mixtures were used for challenge inoculations. Plants were generally less susceptible to isolate mixtures than to single isolates. In addition, the effectiveness of the PS was greater and more similar to BABA when isolate mixtures were used. The fact that the different PS and BABA differed in their ability to induce resistance in different host genotype -pathogen isolate combinations puts the usefulness of IR as a breeding goal in question. This would result in varieties depending on specific inducers. The results with the isolate mixtures are highly relevant. On the one hand they increase the effectiveness of the resistance inducers. On the other hand, measures that increase the pathogen diversity such as the use of diversified host populations will also increase the overall resistance of the hosts. For organic tomato production the results indicate that it is possible to enhance the tomato growing system with respect to plant health management by using optimal fertilisers, plant strengtheners and any measures that increase system diversity.


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Due to growing land scarcity and lack of nutrient inputs, African farmers switched from shifting cultivation to continuous cropping and extended crop area by bringing fragile lands such as river banks and hill slopes into production. This accelerated soil fertility decline caused by erosion, harvesting and insufficient nutrient replenishment. We explored the feasibility to reduce nutrient depletion by increasing nutrient utilization efficiencies, while diversifying and increasing food production through the development of integrated aquaculture – agriculture (IAA). Considering the climatic conditions prevailing in Kenyan highlands, aquaculture production scenarios were ideotyped per agro-ecological zone. These aquaculture production scenarios were integrated into existing NUTrient MONitoring (NUTMON) farm survey data for the area. The nutrient balances and flows of the resulting IAA-systems were compared to present land use. The effects of IAA development on nutrient depletion and total food production were evaluated. With the development of IAA systems, nutrient depletion rates dropped by 23–35%, agricultural production increased by 2–26% and overall farm food production increased by 22–70%. The study demonstrates that from a bio-physical point of view, the development of IAA-systems in Africa is technically possible and could raise soil fertility and total farm production. Further studies that evaluate the economic feasibility and impacts on the livelihood of farming households are recommended.


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A field experiment with millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) and groundnut (Arachnis hypogeae L.) was conducted on severely P-deficient acid sandy soils of Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso to measure changes in pH and nutrient availability as affected by distance from the root surface and by mineral fertiliser application. Treatments included three rates of phosphorus (P) and four levels of nitrogen (N) application. Bulk, rhizosphere and rhizoplane soils were sampled at 35, 45 and 75 DAS in 1997 and at 55 and 65 DAS in 1998. Regardless of the cropping system and level of mineral fertiliser applied, soil pH consistently increased between 0.7 and two units from the bulk soil to the rhizoplane of millet. Similar pH gradients were observed in cowpea, but pH changes were much smaller in sorghum with a difference of only 0.3 units. Shifts in pH led to large increases in nutrient availability close to the roots. Compared with the bulk soil, available P in the rhizoplane was between 190 and 270% higher for P-Bray and between 360 and 600% higher for P-water. Exchangeable calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) levels were also higher in the millet rhizoplane than in the bulk soil, whereas exchangeable aluminium (Al) levels decreased with increasing pH close to the root surface. The results suggest an important role of root-induced pH increases for crops to cope with acidity-induced nutrient deficiency and Al stress of soils in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa.


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Intensification processes in homegardens of the Nuba Mountains, Sudan, raise concerns about strongly positive carbon (C) and nutrient balances which are expected to lead to substantial element losses from these agroecosystems, in particular via soil gaseous emissions. Therefore, this thesis aimed at the quantification of C, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) input and output fluxes with a special focus on soil gaseous losses, and the calculation of respective element balances. A further focus in this thesis was rainfall, a valuable resource for rain-fed agriculture in the Nuba Mountains. To minimize negative consequences of the high variability of rainfall, risk reducing mechanisms were developed by rain-fed farmers that may lose their efficacy in the course of climate change effects predicted for East Africa. Therefore, the second objective of this study was to examine possible changes in rainfall amounts during the last 60 years and to provide reliable risk and probability statements of rainfall-induced events of agricultural importance to rain-fed farmers in the Nuba Mountains. Soil gaseous emissions of C (in form of CO2) and N (in form of NH3 and N2O) of two traditional and two intensified homegardens were determined with a portable dynamic closed chamber system. For C gaseous emission rates reached their peak at the onset of the rainy season (2,325 g CO2-C ha-1 h-1 in an intensified garden type) and for N during the rainy season (16 g NH3-N ha-1 h-1 and 11.3 g N2O-N ha-1 h-1, in a traditional garden type). Data indicated cumulative annual emissions of 5,893 kg CO2-C ha-1, 37 kg NH3-N ha-1, and 16 kg N2O-N ha-1. For the assessment of the long-term productivity of the two types of homegardens and the identification of pathways of substantial element losses, a C and nutrient budget approach was used. In three traditional and three intensified homegardens observation plots were selected. The following variables were quantified on each plot between June and December in 2010: soil amendments, irrigation, biomass removal, symbiotic N2 fixation, C fixation by photosynthesis, atmospheric wet and dry deposition, leaching and soil gaseous emissions. Annual balances for C and nutrients amounted to -21 kg C ha-1, -70 kg N ha-1, 9 kg P ha-1 and -117 kg K ha-1 in intensified homegardens and to -1,722 kg C ha-1, -167 kg N ha-1, -9 kg P ha-1 and -74 kg K ha-1 in traditional homegardens. For the analysis of rainfall data, the INSTAT+ software allowed to aggregate long-term daily rainfall records from the Kadugli and Rashad weather stations into daily, monthly and annual intervals and to calculate rainfall-induced events of agricultural importance. Subsequently, these calculated values and events were checked for possible monotonic trends by Mann-Kendall tests. Over the period from 1970 to 2009, annual rainfall did not change significantly for either station. However, during this period an increase of low rainfall events coinciding with a decline in the number of medium daily rainfall events was observed in Rashad. Furthermore, the availability of daily rainfall data enabled frequency and conditional probability calculations that showed either no statistically significant changes or trends resulting only in minor changes of probabilities.