em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany


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Ziel dieser Arbeit war, durch Aziridinierung homochiraler 5-Methyl-4H-1,3-dioxinen eine neue Methode zur Synthese von alpha-Aminoaldehyden und den ableitbaren Aminosäuren mit alpha-quartären Zentren zu entwickeln. Die chiralen 5-Methyl-4H-1,3-dioxine sind mit hohen Enantiomerenüberschüssen durch asymmetrische Doppelbindungsisomerisierung von 5-Methylen-1,3-dioxanen zugänglich. Die Metall-katalysierte Aziridinierung der 5-Methyl-4H-1,3-dioxine mit der Nitrenquelle (N-Tosylimino)phenyliodinan führte direkt zu N-Tosyl-geschützen 4-Methyl-1,3-oxazolidin-4-carbaldehyden. Vermutlich über ein Aziridin als nicht isolierbare Zwischenstufe werden über eine Ringöffnungs-/Ringverengungsreaktion die Oxazolidinderivate gebildet, vorzugsweise in Gegenwart von Cu(I)-Katalysatoren, während die Rhodium-katalysierte Reaktion ausschließlich zu Insertionsprodukten führt. In der Cu-katalysierten Aziridinierung ist das Verhältnis von Aziridinierung/Insertion abhängig von der Katalysatorkonzentration. Die Aziridinierung mit N-(p-Nitrobenzolsulfonyl)- und N-(Trimethylsilylethylsulfonyl)- substituierten Nitrenquellen führt zu Oxazolidinderivaten mit leichter abspaltbaren Schutzgruppen. Diese Nitrenquellen können in situ aus den korrespondierenden Sulfonamiden mit Iodosobenzol dargestellt werden. Bei dem Einsatz homochiraler 4H-1,3-Dioxine ist Erhalt der Stereoinformation abhängig vom Substituenten in 2-Position der Dioxine sowie von der Polarität des Lösungsmittels. Die höchsten Selektivitäten wurden in tert-Butylmethylether erzielt. In Falle des 2-tert-Butyl-4-methyl-3-(toluol-4-sulfonyl)-1,3-oxazolidin-4-carbaldehyds kristallisiert das Hauptdiastereomer in enantiomerenreiner Form. Die Absolutkonfiguration wurde durch Röntgenkristallstrukturanalyse ermittelt. Das Anwendungspotential dieser neuen Methode konnte durch Überführen der Serinale in Aminoalkohole und alpha-Methylserin-Derivate sowie in der Synthese der unnatürlichen Aminosäure alpha-Vinylalanin gezeigt werden.


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Ziel dieser Arbeit war, ausgehend von alpha-Aminoaldehyden eine kurze und effiziente Synthese zur Darstellung von Aminosäuren mit alpha-quartären Zentren in enantiomerenreiner Form und davon ableitbare wichtige Synthone in der organischen Synthese zu entwickeln. Der enantiomerenreine 2-tert-Butyl-4-methyl-1,3-oxazolidin-4-carbaldehyd ist via kupfer-katalysierter Aziridinierung des enantiomerenangereicherten 2-tert-Butyl-5-methyl-4H-1,3-dioxins mit der Nitrenquelle (N-Tosylimino)phenyliodinan zugänglich. Eine anschließende Oxidation mit Natriumhyperchlorid und Wasserstoffperoxid führt zur korrespondierenden Carbonsäure, die via sauer katalysierter Acetalspaltung und nachfolgender Abspaltung der Tosyl-Schutzgruppe in enantiomerenreines alpha-Methylserin in sehr guten Ausbeuten umgewandelt werden kann. Mit dem Einsatz von in C5-Position Ethyl-substituiertem 2-tert-Butyl-4H-1,3-dioxin ist analog das N-Tosyl geschützte alpha-Ethylserin darstellbar. Um die bestehende Lösungsmittelabhängigkeit in weniger polaren Losungsmitteln wie Dichlormethan oder Diethylether der Aziridinierung in Bezug auf ihre Diastereoselektivität und Reaktivität zu minimieren, wurden unterschiedliche Nitrenquellen untersucht. [N-(p-Methoxybenzolsulfonyl)imino]methoxyphenyliodinan stellte sich als die potenteste Nitrenquelle heraus und die Ausbeute konnte auf bis zu 70% gesteigert werden. Die Anwendbarkeit des N-Tosyl geschützten alpha-Methylserins konnte mit der Synthese des β-Lactons und 2-Carboxylethylether-2-aziridin unter Mitsunobu-Bedingungen gezeigt werden. Dabei ist die Reaktion durch einfache Variation des Lösungsmittels und der Reaktionstemperatur zu beiden Produkten in sehr guten Ausbeuten hin steuerbar. Das β-Lacton konnte anschließend erfolgreich in das N-Tosyl- und S-Acetyl- geschützte alpha-Methylcystein überführt werden.


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This work deals with the optical properties of supported noble metal nanoparticles, which are dominated by the so-called Mie resonance and are strongly dependent on the particles’ morphology. For this reason, characterization and control of the dimension of these systems are desired in order to optimize their applications. Gold and silver nanoparticles have been produced on dielectric supports like quartz glass, sapphire and rutile, by the technique of vapor deposition under ultra-high vacuum conditions. During the preparation, coalescence is observed as an important mechanism of cluster growth. The particles have been studied in situ by optical transmission spectroscopy and ex situ by atomic force microscopy. It is shown that the morphology of the aggregates can be regarded as oblate spheroids. A theoretical treatment of their optical properties, based on the quasistatic approximation, and its combination with results obtained by atomic force microscopy give a detailed characterization of the nanoparticles. This method has been compared with transmission electron microscopy and the results are in excellent agreement. Tailoring of the clusters’ dimensions by irradiation with nanosecond-pulsed laser light has been investigated. Selected particles are heated within the ensemble by excitation of the Mie resonance under irradiation with a tunable laser source. Laser-induced coalescence prevents strongly tailoring of the particle size. Nevertheless, control of the particle shape is possible. Laser-tailored ensembles have been tested as substrates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), leading to an improvement of the results. Moreover, they constitute reproducible, robust and tunable SERS-substrates with a high potential for specific applications, in the present case focused on environmental protection. Thereby, these SERS-substrates are ideally suited for routine measurements.


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The magnetic properties and interactions between transition metal (TM) impurities and clusters in low-dimensional metallic hosts are studied using a first principles theoretical method. In the first part of this work, the effect of magnetic order in 3d-5d systems is addressed from the perspective of its influence on the enhancement of the magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE). In the second part, the possibility of using external electric fields (EFs) to control the magnetic properties and interactions between nanoparticles deposited at noble metal surfaces is investigated. The influence of 3d composition and magnetic order on the spin polarization of the substrate and its consequences on the MAE are analyzed for the case of 3d impurities in one- and two-dimensional polarizable hosts. It is shown that the MAE and easy- axis of monoatomic free standing 3d-Pt wires is mainly determined by the atomic spin-orbit (SO) coupling contributions. The competition between ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AF) order in FePtn wires is studied in detail for n=1-4 as a function of the relative position between Fe atoms. Our results show an oscillatory behavior of the magnetic polarization of Pt atoms as a function of their distance from the magnetic impurities, which can be correlated to a long-ranged magnetic coupling of the Fe atoms. Exceptionally large variations of the induced spin and orbital moments at the Pt atoms are found as a function of concentration and magnetic order. Along with a violation of the third Hund’s rule at the Fe sites, these variations result in a non trivial behavior of the MAE. In the case of TM impurities and dimers at the Cu(111), the effects of surface charging and applied EFs on the magnetic properties and substrate-mediated magnetic interactions have been investigated. The modifications of the surface electronic structure, impurity local moments and magnetic exchange coupling as a result of the EF-induced metallic screening and charge rearrangements are analysed. In a first study, the properties of surface substitutional Co and Fe impurities are investigated as a function of the external charge per surface atom q. At large inter-impurity distances the effective magnetic exchange coupling ∆E between impurities shows RKKY-like oscillations as a function of the distance which are not significantly affected by the considered values of q. For distances r < 10 Å, important modifications in the magnitude of ∆E, involving changes from FM to AF coupling, are found depending non-monotonously on the value and polarity of q. The interaction energies are analysed from a local perspective. In a second study, the interplay between external EF effects, internal magnetic order and substrate-mediated magnetic coupling has been investigated for Mn dimers on Cu(111). Our calculations show that EF (∼ 1eV/Å) can induce a switching from AF to FM ground-state magnetic order within single Mn dimers. The relative coupling between a pair of dimers also shows RKKY-like oscillations as a function of the inter-dimer distance. Their effective magnetic exchange interaction is found to depend significantly on the magnetic order within the Mn dimers and on their relative orientation on the surface. The dependence of the substrate-mediated interaction on the magnetic state of the dimers is qualitatively explained in terms of the differences in the scattering of surface electrons. At short inter-dimer distances, the ground-state configuration is determined by an interplay between exchange interactions and EF effects. These results demonstrate that external surface charging and applied EFs offer remarkable possibilities of manipulating the sign and strength of the magnetic coupling of surface supported nanoparticles.