125 resultados para Integrated rural development

em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany


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Since pre-colonial times the indigenous communities of Mayan origin in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico, widely practice home gardens on a sustainable basis as the principal form of family agriculture. This study analyzes the structural complexity, functional diversity and management strategy of these indigenous home gardens in order to attempt to propose recommendations for improved family farming. The Mayan home gardens are structured into three or more vertical layers of multiple plant species of herbs, shrubs and trees, and horizontally into well-defined zones for production of both domestic and wild animals. The home gardens provide multiple services apart from food and nutrition security. For sustainable bottom-up rural development, we recommend the continuation of multifunctional home gardens.


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Due to growing land scarcity and lack of nutrient inputs, African farmers switched from shifting cultivation to continuous cropping and extended crop area by bringing fragile lands such as river banks and hill slopes into production. This accelerated soil fertility decline caused by erosion, harvesting and insufficient nutrient replenishment. We explored the feasibility to reduce nutrient depletion by increasing nutrient utilization efficiencies, while diversifying and increasing food production through the development of integrated aquaculture – agriculture (IAA). Considering the climatic conditions prevailing in Kenyan highlands, aquaculture production scenarios were ideotyped per agro-ecological zone. These aquaculture production scenarios were integrated into existing NUTrient MONitoring (NUTMON) farm survey data for the area. The nutrient balances and flows of the resulting IAA-systems were compared to present land use. The effects of IAA development on nutrient depletion and total food production were evaluated. With the development of IAA systems, nutrient depletion rates dropped by 23–35%, agricultural production increased by 2–26% and overall farm food production increased by 22–70%. The study demonstrates that from a bio-physical point of view, the development of IAA-systems in Africa is technically possible and could raise soil fertility and total farm production. Further studies that evaluate the economic feasibility and impacts on the livelihood of farming households are recommended.


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India’s rural women are involved in various types of work and contribute considerably to the economy. However much of their work is not systematically accounted in the official statistics. India’s governmental and non-governmental data collection agencies admit that there is an under-estimation of tribal women’s contribution as rural workers. This study describes in detail a research project that focuses on the indicators for socioeconomic development in the least developed rural villages by examining the impact of floriculture on the lives of impoverished tribal women who inhabit the harsh drylands of western India.


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Faisalabad city is surrounded by agricultural lands, where farmers are growing vegetables, grain crops, and fodder for auto-consumption and local marketing. To study the socioeconomic impact and resource use in these urban and peri-urban agricultural production (UPA) systems, a baseline survey was conducted during 2009–2010. A total of 140 households were selected using a stratified sampling method and interviewed with a structured questionnaire. The results revealed that 96 % of the households rely on agriculture as their main occupation. Thirty percent of the households were owners of the land and the rest cultivated either rented or sharecropped land. Most of the families (70 %) were headed by a member with primary education, and only 10 % of the household head had a secondary school certificate. Irrigationwater was obtained from waste water (37 %), canals (27 %), and mixed alternative sources (36 %). A total of 35 species were cultivated in the UPA systems of which were 65% vegetables, 15% grain and fodder crops, and 5% medicinal plants. Fifty-nine percent of the households cultivated wheat, mostly for auto-consumption. The 51 % of the respondents grew cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L.) and gourds (Cucurbitaceae) in the winter and summer seasons, respectively. Group marketing was uncommon and most of the farmers sold their produce at the farm gate (45 %) and on local markets (43 %). Seeds and fertilizers were available from commission agents and dealers on a credit basis with the obligation to pay by harvested produce. A major problem reported by the UPA farmers of Faisalabad was the scarcity of high quality irrigation water, especially during the hot dry summer months, in addition to lacking adequate quantities of mineral fertilizers and other inputs during sowing time. Half of the respondents estimated their daily income to be less than 1.25 US$ and spent almost half of it on food. Monthly average household income and expenses were 334 and 237 US$, respectively.


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Angesichts der Geschichte der Entwicklungspolitik, ist diese Arbeit darauf ausgerichtet, einige Beobachtungen in Bezug auf die so genannte Entwicklung hervorzuheben; insbesondere auf die andauernde prekäre Situation und Armut in ländlichen afrikanischen Gebieten. Armut ist nach Amartya SEN – weiter präzisiert von J.L. Dubois – die Deprivation von „Fähigkeiten“, die Individuen und lokale Gemeinschaften zu ausgeschlossenen und vergessenen Akteuren des Systems machen. Das nennt Paulo Freire, das Menschen zu „Objekten“ gemacht werden. Es rechtfertigt die starke Annahme, die in dieser Studie getroffen wird, dass vielmehr die Menschen als „Subjekte“ ihrer Veränderung und Entwicklung im Mittelpunkt stehen. Die Arbeit zeigt und erklärt in historischer Chronologie, wie die Entwicklungspolitiken und unterschiedliche Beteiligte auf allen Ebenen diese Situation verursachen. Trotz alledem bleiben die Individuen und lokalen Gemeinschaften, die in Symbiose mit ihrer natürlichen Umwelt leben, die reich an verschiedenen Ressourcen und Potentialen ist, als Reaktion darauf und gleichzeitig als Überlebensstrategie zutiefst verbunden mit dem, was sie vor Ort haben, womit sie eine tiefere und intensive Beziehung besitzen, wenn man von ihrer Geschichte, ihrer Kultur und der Handlungslogik ausgeht. Für externe Akteure, die sie über das vorhandene System dominieren und beeinflussen bleiben sie „Objekte“, aber in der Vielzahl ihrer endogenen Initiativen, zeigen sie die Fähigkeit und Substanz, die beweisen, dass sie auf ihrer Ebene das eigentliche Subjekt sind, die dynamischen Akteure. Aber isolierte Initiativen auf spezifische reale Bedürfnisse bei gleichzeitiger Dominierung durch das System mit seiner Marktlogik, führt dies langfristig nur zu dem Zirkulus Vitiosus der Armut. Daher ist eine ganzheitliche Sicht entscheidend für nachhaltige Entwicklung und für die notwendige Veränderung. Es geht nicht nur um die Veränderung des Systems und die Wahl politischer Maßnahmen, sondern genau genommen um das Verhalten der Akteure auf allen Ebenen und die Art der Beziehungen zwischen ihnen allen. Es ist eine Frage des erneuten Überdenkens des Entwicklungspfades, der andere Logik, Visionen, Interessen und Strategien aller Beteiligten, unserer so genannten Akteure einschließt. Ob dies von endogenen Initiativen oder neuen gemeinsamen Projekten ausgeht: man wird in einen Prozess kollektiven Lernens eintreten, den Paul Singer und Clarita Müller-Plantenberg erläutern und entwickeln in dem Konzept der Inkubation und Solidarischen Ökonomie, die Eigeninitiative, Selbstbestimmung und Selbstverwaltung von lokalen Gemeinschaften und die Öffnung für eine Neu-Konzeptualisierung und Institutionalisierung einschließt. So ein Prozess ist nur mit einem interdisziplinären Rahmen möglich. Dieser Rahmen soll auf einer zusätzlicher Kommunikation zwischen den Akteuren und Sozialwissenschaften beruhen und mit jenen, die auf dem Feld der Technologie arbeiten. So können dann technische „Experten“ angesichts eines technischen Projektfehlers, der aufgrund von bestimmten sozialen und kulturellen Realitäten zustande kam sagen, „es ist kein Scheitern ; es war ein Schritt innerhalb eines Lernprozesse der in die technischen Projekte und Studien einbezogen werden muss“. Wir haben das Energiethema gewählt; und insbesondere, Energie für eine nachhaltige ländliche Entwicklung in Subsahara-Afrika, um den Weg von der Theorie in die Praxis zu illustrieren und experimentell auszuprobieren, den Weg von den Beobachtungen zu der Veränderung, wobei Fragen, Annahmen, Strategien und konkrete Aktionen für den Wandel behandelt werden. Wir nennen unseren experimentellen Weg: DRIEE, das heißt auf Deutsch Ländliche Entwicklung und Inkubation von Energieunternehmen. Dabei gehen wir davon aus, dass: - Energie im Allgemeinen auf der internationalen Ebene fast gleichbedeutend mit Elektrizität ist. Heute bestehen die wichtigsten Bedürfnisse nach Energie dort wo die agro-pastorale Produktion, das Kochen, die Nahrungsmittelkonservierung und Verarbeitung …etc. stattfindet. - Diese ländliche Bevölkerung zu etwa 80% der nationalen Wirtschaft ausmacht. Dass sie gleichzeitig aber nur zu weniger als 5% der Energieproduktion Zugang hat, was oft auf Licht reduziert ist und nicht einmal ihrer Produktion zugute kommen kann. - Die Projekte für Energie und Elektrizität vor allem auf die Technologischen Fragen konzentriert sind und weniger auf die Bedürfnisse. Fast die Gesamtheit der Fonds für Energie wird in Bezug auf die Investitionen Infrastruktur der Produktion und Verteilung durch die konventionellen zentralisierten Netze geplant. Angesichts dieser Analysen gehen die in dieser Arbeit vorgenommenen Studien in Gambia und Kamerun von Bestandsaufnahmen und / oder beschreibenden regionalen Analysen aus: - von Bedürfnissen, von Praktiken und lokalen Initiativen von Fragen der Energie, für einzelne Professionen, Haushalte, Gruppen, spezifische Gruppen, wie Frauen, ländliche Gemeinden mit ihren spezifischen Charakteristika. - Von Potentialen: natürliche lokale Energieressourcen, soziokulturelle Ressourcen – so z.B. die empirisch feststellbaren menschliche Ressourcen wie endogenes Wissen und praktische organisatorische Fähigkeiten gegenüber den Problemen der Energie. Dieser experimentelle Schritt von Handlungsforschung (DRIEE) in Kamerun führte zu der Gründung einer Organisation, über die und mit der wir die Logik der Inkubation und Solidarischen Ökonomie einführen. Das ist FERDEDSI, das heißt auf Deutsch „Forum für Erneuerbare Energie – Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Internationale Solidarität“. Zunächst war dies eine Energiegenossenschaft und dann (im Prozess) wurde es zu einer institutionellen Nische von mehreren Mikro Initiativen in ländlichen Gebieten. FERDEDSI ist ein Prozess der Inkubation und ein Inkubator ist also gleichzeitig ein inkubiertes Energieunternehmen aber auch ein Inkubator für lokale Organisationen. Die ersten Aktionen finden in den Departments von Noun und Ménoua in der westlichen Provinz von Kamerun statt. Während der Forschungsperiode findet akademische Austausch statt (Nord-Süd und Süd-Süd), diese ist dabei zu formalen Partnerschaften zu werden, nicht nur zwischen Universitäten sondern genauer lokale Organisationen und Universitäten. Dieser letzte Typ von Partnerschaften, die die solidarische Ökonomie ausmachen ist auch eine Innovation des Prozesses für die afrikanischen Fälle, die dem Beispiel dessen, was in Lateinamerika geschieht, folgen. So kommt es zu gegenseitiger sinnvoller Ausbildung in den internationalen Arbeitsgruppen und Seminaren der Universität.


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Organic agriculture requires farmers with the ability to develop profitable agro-enterprises on their own. By drawing on four years of experiences with the Enabling Rural Innovation approach in Uganda, we outline how smallholder farmers transition to organic agriculture and, at the same time, increase their entrepreneurial skills and competences through learning. In order to document this learning we operationalised the Kirkpatrick learning evaluation model, which subsequently informed the collection of qualitative data in two study sites. Our analysis suggests that the Enabling Rural Innovation approach helps farmers to develop essential capabilities for identifying organic markets and new organic commodities, for testing these organic commodities under varying organic farm management scenarios, and for negotiating contracts with organic traders. We also observed several obstacles that confront farmers’ transition to organic agriculture when using the Enabling Rural Innovation approach. These include the long duration of agronomic experimentation and seed multiplication, expensive organic certification procedures and the absence of adequate mechanism for farmers to access crop finance services. Despite prevailing obstacles we conclude that the Enabling Rural Innovation approach provides a starting point for farmers to develop entrepreneurial competences and profitable agro-enterprises on their own.


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The understanding of poverty dynamics is crucial for the design of appropriate poverty reduction strategies. Taking the case of Central Sulawesi, we investigate the determinants of both chronic and transitory poverty using data from 264 randomly selected households interviewed in 2005 and 2007. Regarding the US 1$/day poverty line, the headcount index declined from 19.3% in 2005 to 18.2% in 2007. However, we observed an increasing number of people living on less than US 2$/day expressed in purchasing power parity (PPP). The results of the estimated multinomial logit model applied in this study indicate that a lack of non-agricultural employment opportunities and low endowment of social capital are major determinants of chronic as well as transitory poverty in this province of Indonesia. These results are used to draw policy conclusions with respect to the alleviation of transitory and chronic poverty in Central Sulawesi.


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Food farming in Oyo North, Nigeria is characterised by an increasing use of Intermediary Mode of Transportation (IMT) to ease inputs and outputs mobility and farm access. To assess the influence on food farmer’s productivity, a random sample of 230 respondents was selected and data collected on their socio-economic and farm specific characteristics. Descriptive statistics, Herfindhal Index and Technical Efficiency Approach were used to analyse the data. The results indicate that majority of food farmers were in their middle age with mean age of 50 years and most of them used one plot at a location between 5 and 10km to their village of residence. They acquired land by inheritance and practiced intensive crop diversification as risk management strategy. The transportation modes used in addition to walking include bicycle, motorcycle, and car with increasing trend in the use of motorcycle. The mean Technical Efficiency (TE) of food farmers was 0.82 with significant inefficiency effects. The inefficiency analysis indicates positive effect of distance, crop diversification and un-tarred type of road on farmer’s productivity, while poor level of education among farmers, use of bicycle; trekking and weekly working time negatively affect farmer’s efficiency. The negative effect of trekking and use of bicycle and the excess working time suggest the adoption of more IMT of motorized type to optimize farming time and increase farmer’s productivity.


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Since the Thai economy experiences rapid growth, agricultural systems, i.e. crop-livestock systems, are changing rapidly. On account of these changes, buffalo and cattle production has to be re-examined in terms of performance characteristics and roles of livestock for farm households in order to initiate suitable development programmes. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the present characteristics of beef buffalo and beef cattle farms in Northeast Thailand. Using a semi-structured questionnaire, 121 randomly selected beef buffalo and beef cattle farms were interviewed in Nakhon Ratchasima province between October 2007 and May 2008. Both buffaloes and cattle were mostly integrated in mixed crop-livestock systems with medium to large farm sizes (7.9 ha), whereof less than half of the area was used for livestock. Family members were mainly responsible for the different activities of livestock farming and salaried labourers were only found on large-scale farms. The dominant roles of livestock were income generation to build up wealth or savings, the coverage of expected and unexpected expenses and earning of regular and additional income. Another important issue was the improvement of the social status, which increased with herd size. In order to improve farmers’ livelihoods and develop sustainable farming systems in Northeast Thailand the changing economic circumstances of cattle and especially buffalo production should receive more attention of researchers, governmental institutions and stakeholders.


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Households in much of the tropics depend for their livelihoods on the variety and continued production of food and other products that are provided by their own farms. In such systems, maintenance of agrobiodiversity and ensuring food security are important for the well being of the population. The enset-coffee agroforestry homegardens of Southern Ethiopia that are dominated by two native perennial crops, Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) and Enset (Enset ventricosum Welw. Cheesman), are examples of such agricultural systems. This study was conducted in Sidama administrative zone of Southern Ethiopia to determine the factors that influence the diversity and composition of crops in the systems. Data were collected from 144 sample homegardens selected from four districts. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to relate indices of crop diversity and area share of major crops with the physical and socioeconomic factors. The study revealed that socioeconomic factors, mainly proximity to markets, affected negatively crop species richness. The production area of the main crops enset and coffee decreased with increasing proximity to market and road while that of maize and khat increased. At household level, farm size had a significant effect on area share of enset and coffee. As farm size increased the share of the cash crop, coffee increased but that of the staple, enset declined. Enset, which is the backbone of the system in terms of food security, is declining on small farms and the share of monoculture maize system is increasing. The trend towards declining agrobiodiversity, and reduction in the production area of the main perennial crops and their gradual replacement with monoculture fields could make the systems liable to instability and collapse. As these sites are high potential agricultural areas, intensification can be achieved by integrating high-value and more productive crops, such as fruits, spices and vegetables, while maintaining the integrated and complex nature of the systems.


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Moringa oleifera is becoming increasingly popular as an industrial crop due to its multitude of useful attributes as water purifier, nutritional supplement and biofuel feedstock. Given its tolerance to sub-optimal growing conditions, most of the current and anticipated cultivation areas are in medium to low rainfall areas. This study aimed to assess the effect of various irrigation levels on floral initiation, flowering and fruit set. Three treatments namely, a 900 mm (900IT), 600 mm (600IT) and 300 mm (300IT) per annum irrigation treatment were administered through drip irrigation, simulating three total annual rainfall amounts. Individual inflorescences from each treatment were tagged during floral initiation and monitored throughout until fruit set. Flower bud initiation was highest at the 300IT and lowest at the 900IT for two consecutive growing seasons. Fruit set on the other hand, decreased with the decrease in irrigation treatment. Floral abortion, reduced pollen viability as well as moisture stress in the style were contributing factors to the reduction in fruiting/yield observed at the 300IT. Moderate water stress prior to floral initiation could stimulate flower initiation, however, this should be followed by sufficient irrigation to ensure good pollination, fruit set and yield.


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In a household or nations production system, social capital has been recognized as an input having major implications for project design as well as policy development. Using a structured questionnaire, household level data was obtained from a representative sample of 300 rural households in Msinga, KwaZulu-Natal. This study employed the conventional household economic behaviour model under constrained utility maximisation to examine the effect of social capital on the welfare of household, testing the hypothesis that the possession of social capital improves household welfare. The result shows that social capital endowments have a statistically significant positive effect on household welfare, in addition to the some household’s demographic and socio-economic characteristics. The study concluded that, access to social capital among other factors, is very crucial for improved rural household welfare and poverty reduction. It is therefore important for government to have knowledge of existing social groups and networks as this will improve the effectiveness of the present strategies aimed at reducing poverty.


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In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), pigs are raised almost exclusively by smallholders either in periurban areas of major cities such as Kinshasa or in rural villages. Unfortunately, little information is available regarding pig production in the Western part of the DRC, wherefore a survey was carried out to characterize and compare 319 pig production systems in their management and feeding strategies, along a periurban - rural gradient inWestern provinces of the DRC. Pig breeding was the main source of income (43%) and half of respondents were active in mixed pig and crop production, mainly vegetable garden. Depending on the location, smallholders owned on average 18 pigs, including four sows. Piglet mortality rate varied from 9.5 to 21.8% while average weaned age ranged between 2.2 and 2.8 months. The major causes of mortality reported by the farmers were African swine fever 98 %, swine erysipelas (60 %), erysipelas trypanosomiasis (31 %), swine worm infection (17 %), and diarrhoea (12 %). The majority of the pigs were reared in pens without free roaming and fed essentially with locally available by-products and forage plants whose nature varied according with the location of the farm. The pig production systems depended on the local environment; particularly in terms of workforces, herd structure and characteristics, production parameters, pig building materials, selling price and in feed resources. It can be concluded that an improvement of Congolese pig production systems should consider (1) a reduction of inbreeding, (2) an improvement in biosafety to reduce the incidence of African swine fever and the spread of other diseases, and (3) an improvement in feeding practices.


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This paper analyses the determinants for rural Ecuadorian households to participate in community works, to exchange labour, and to use paid labour. The results show that participation in community work is more common among indigenous peoples who are more committed with community and live in areas with relatively high population densities. Exchange labour agreements are more common among indigenous households settled in areas where industrial agriculture has not penetrated yet. Instead, paid labour is used by small and educated households which have access to credit.


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This study uses data from a sample survey of 200 households drawn from a mountainous commune in Vietnam’s North Central Coast region to measure and explain relative poverty. Principal components analysis is used to construct a multidimensional index of poverty outcomes from variables measuring household income and the value of domestic assets. This index of poverty is then regressed on likely causes of poverty including different forms of resource endowment and social exclusion defined by gender and ethnicity. The ordinary least squares estimates indicate that poverty is indeed influenced by ethnicity, partly through its interaction with social capital. However, poverty is most strongly affected by differences in human and social capital. Differences in the amount of livestock and high quality farmland owned also matter. Thai households are poorer than their Kinh counterparts even when endowed with the same levels of human, social, physical and natural capital considered in the study. This empirical result provides a rationale for further research on the causal relationship between ethnicity and poverty outcomes.