2 resultados para Forced oscillations
em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany
Wenn man die Existenz von physikalischen Mechanismen ignoriert, die für die Struktur hydrologischer Zeitreihen verantwortlich sind, kann das zu falschen Schlussfolgerungen bzgl. des Vorhandenseins möglicher Gedächtnis (memory) -Effekte, d.h. von Persistenz, führen. Die hier vorgelegte Doktorarbeit spürt der niedrigfrequenten klimatischen Variabilität innerhalb den hydrologischen Zyklus nach und bietet auf dieser "Reise" neue Einsichten in die Transformation der charakteristischen Eigenschaften von Zeitreihen mit einem Langzeitgedächtnis. Diese Studie vereint statistische Methoden der Zeitreihenanalyse mit empirisch-basierten Modelltechniken, um operative Modelle zu entwickeln, die in der Lage sind (1) die Dynamik des Abflusses zu modellieren, (2) sein zukünftiges Verhalten zu prognostizieren und (3) die Abflusszeitreihen an unbeobachteten Stellen abzuschätzen. Als solches präsentiert die hier vorgelegte Dissertation eine ausführliche Untersuchung zu den Ursachen der niedrigfrequenten Variabilität von hydrologischen Zeitreihen im deutschen Teil des Elbe-Einzugsgebietes, den Folgen dieser Variabilität und den physikalisch basierten Reaktionen von Oberflächen- und Grundwassermodellen auf die niedrigfrequenten Niederschlags-Eingangsganglinien. Die Doktorarbeit gliedert sich wie folgt: In Kapitel 1 wird als Hintergrundinformation das Hurst Phänomen beschrieben und ein kurzer Rückblick auf diesbezügliche Studien gegeben. Das Kapitel 2 diskutiert den Einfluss der Präsenz von niedrigfrequenten periodischen Zeitreihen auf die Zuverlässigkeit verschiedener Hurst-Parameter-Schätztechniken. Kapitel 3 korreliert die niedrigfrequente Niederschlagsvariabilität mit dem Index der Nord-Atlantischen Ozillations (NAO). Kapitel 4-6 sind auf den deutschen Teil des Elbe-Einzugsgebietes fokussiert. So werden in Kapitel 4 die niedrigfrequenten Variabilitäten der unterschiedlichen hydro-meteorologischen Parameter untersucht und es werden Modelle beschrieben, die die Dynamik dieser Niedrigfrequenzen und deren zukünftiges Verhalten simulieren. Kapitel 5 diskutiert die mögliche Anwendung der Ergebnisse für die charakteristische Skalen und die Verfahren der Analyse der zeitlichen Variabilität auf praktische Fragestellungen im Wasserbau sowie auf die zeitliche Bestimmung des Gebiets-Abflusses an unbeobachteten Stellen. Kapitel 6 verfolgt die Spur der Niedrigfrequenzzyklen im Niederschlag durch die einzelnen Komponenten des hydrologischen Zyklus, nämlich dem Direktabfluss, dem Basisabfluss, der Grundwasserströmung und dem Gebiets-Abfluss durch empirische Modellierung. Die Schlussfolgerungen werden im Kapitel 7 präsentiert. In einem Anhang werden technische Einzelheiten zu den verwendeten statistischen Methoden und die entwickelten Software-Tools beschrieben.
Experimental and modeling studies of forced convection storage and drying systems for sweet potatoes
Sweet potato is an important strategic agricultural crop grown in many countries around the world. The roots and aerial vine components of the crop are used for both human consumption and, to some extent as a cheap source of animal feed. In spite of its economic value and growing contribution to health and nutrition, harvested sweet potato roots and aerial vine components has limited shelf-life and is easily susceptible to post-harvest losses. Although post-harvest losses of both sweet potato roots and aerial vine components is significant, there is no information available that will support the design and development of appropriate storage and preservation systems. In this context, the present study was initiated to improve scientific knowledge about sweet potato post-harvest handling. Additionally, the study also seeks to develop a PV ventilated mud storehouse for storage of sweet potato roots under tropical conditions. In study one, airflow resistance of sweet potato aerial vine components was investigated. The influence of different operating parameters such as airflow rate, moisture content and bulk depth at different levels on airflow resistance was analyzed. All the operating parameters were observed to have significant (P < 0.01) effect on airflow resistance. Prediction models were developed and were found to adequately describe the experimental pressure drop data. In study two, the resistance of airflow through unwashed and clean sweet potato roots was investigated. The effect of sweet potato roots shape factor, surface roughness, orientation to airflow, and presence of soil fraction on airflow resistance was also assessed. The pressure drop through unwashed and clean sweet potato roots was observed to increase with higher airflow, bed depth, root grade composition, and presence of soil fraction. The physical properties of the roots were incorporated into a modified Ergun model and compared with a modified Shedd’s model. The modified Ergun model provided the best fit to the experimental data when compared with the modified Shedd’s model. In study three, the effect of sweet potato root size (medium and large), different air velocity and temperature on the cooling/or heating rate and time of individual sweet potato roots were investigated. Also, a simulation model which is based on the fundamental solution of the transient equations was proposed for estimating the cooling and heating time at the centre of sweet potato roots. The results showed that increasing air velocity during cooling and heating significantly (P < 0.05) affects the cooling and heating times. Furthermore, the cooling and heating times were significantly different (P < 0.05) among medium and large size sweet potato roots. Comparison of the simulation results with experimental data confirmed that the transient simulation model can be used to accurately estimate the cooling and heating times of whole sweet potato roots under forced convection conditions. In study four, the performance of charcoal evaporative cooling pad configurations for integration into sweet potato roots storage systems was investigated. The experiments were carried out at different levels of air velocity, water flow rates, and three pad configurations: single layer pad (SLP), double layers pad (DLP) and triple layers pad (TLP) made out of small and large size charcoal particles. The results showed that higher air velocity has tremendous effect on pressure drop. Increasing the water flow rate above the range tested had no practical benefits in terms of cooling. It was observed that DLP and TLD configurations with larger wet surface area for both types of pads provided high cooling efficiencies. In study five, CFD technique in the ANSYS Fluent software was used to simulate airflow distribution in a low-cost mud storehouse. By theoretically investigating different geometries of air inlet, plenum chamber, and outlet as well as its placement using ANSYS Fluent software, an acceptable geometry with uniform air distribution was selected and constructed. Experimental measurements validated the selected design. In study six, the performance of the developed PV ventilated system was investigated. Field measurements showed satisfactory results of the directly coupled PV ventilated system. Furthermore, the option of integrating a low-cost evaporative cooling system into the mud storage structure was also investigated. The results showed a reduction of ambient temperature inside the mud storehouse while relative humidity was enhanced. The ability of the developed storage system to provide and maintain airflow, temperature and relative humidity which are the key parameters for shelf-life extension of sweet potato roots highlight its ability to reduce post-harvest losses at the farmer level, particularly under tropical climate conditions.