5 resultados para Endocytosis, Polymersomes, Nanoparticles, Model System, Light Scattering

em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany


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During synaptic transmission, NT-filled synaptic vesicles are released by Ca2+-triggered exocytosis at the active zone. Following exocytosis, SV membrane is immediately re-internalized and synaptic vesicles (SVs) are regenerated by a local recycling mechanism within the presynaptic terminal. It is debated whether an endosomal compartment is involved in this recycling process. In contrast, it is well known from cultured mammalian cells, that endocytic vesicles fuse to the early sorting endosome. The early endosome is a major sorting station of the cell where cargo is send into the degradative pathway to late endosome and lysosome or towards recycling. Each trafficking step is mediated by a certain protein of the Rab family. Rab proteins are small GTPases belonging to the Ras superfamily. They accumulate at their target compartments and have thereby been used as markers for the different endocytic organelles in cultured mammalian cells. Rab5 controls trafficking from the PM to the early endosome and has thereby been used as marker for this compartment. A second marker is based on the specific binding of the FYVE zinc finger protein domain to the lipid PI(3)P that is specifically generated at the early endosomal membrane. This study used the Drosophila NMJ as a model system to investigate the SV recycling process. In particular, three questions were addressed: First, is an endosomal compartment present at the synapse? Second, do SVs recycle through an endosome? Third, is Rab5 involved in SV recycling? We used GFP fusions of Rab5 and 2xFYVE to visualize endosomal compartments at the presynaptic terminal of Drosophila third instar larval NMJs. Furthermore, the endosomes are located within the pool of recycling SVs, labeled with the styryl-dye FM5-95. Using the temperature-sensitive mutation in Dynamin, shibirets, we showed that SV recycling involves trafficking through an intermediate endosomal compartment. In cultured mammalian cells, interfering with Rab5 function by expressing the dominant negative version, Rab5SN causes the fragmentation of the endosome and the accumulation of endocytic vesicles. In contrast, when Rab5 is overexpressed enlarged endosomal compartments were observed. In Drosophila, the endosomal compartment was disrupted when loss of function and dominant negative mutants of Rab5 were expressed. In addition, at the ultrastructural we observed an accumulation of endocytic vesicles in Rab5S43N expressing terminals and enlarged endosomes when Rab5 was overexpressed. Furthermore, interfering with Rab5 function using the dominant negative Rab5S43N caused a decrease in the SV recycling kinetics as shown by FM1-43 experiments. In contrast, overexpression of Rab5 or GFP-Rab5 caused an increase in the FM1-43 internalization rate. Finally, standard electrophysiological techniques were used to measure synaptic function. We found that the Rab5-mediated endosomal SV recycling pathway generates vesicles with a higher fusion efficacy during Ca2+-triggered release, compared to SVs recycled when Rab5 function was impaired. We therefore suggest a model in which the endosome serves as organelle to control the SV fusion efficacy and thereby the synaptic strength. Since changes in the synaptic strength are occuring during learning and memory processes, controlling endosomal SV recycling might be a new molecular mechanism involved in learning and memory.


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Dictyostelium discoideum is a social amoeba that serves as a model system for RNA interference and related mechanisms. Its position between plants and animals enables evolutionary snapshot of mechanisms and protein machinery involved in investigated subjects. MiRNAs are small regulatory RNAs that are evolutionary conserved and present in animals, plants, viruses and some prokaryotes. They have roles in development, cell growth and differentiation, apoptosis and their miss-regulation is associated with many diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and diabetes. Recently, through sequencing of DNA libraries miRNAs have been discovered in D. discoideum. In this work, it has been shown that heterologues miRNA let-7 can be expressed and processed in D. discoideum. Expression of let-7 miRNA in social amoeba resulted in a strong developmental phenotype suggesting an overload of the processing/silencing system or/and endogenous targets. The various effects on prel-7 strain have been observed and characterized, serving as a background for postulation of miRNA roles. An artificial miRNA system has been established and imposed to D. discoideum, showing that miRNAs in Dictyostelium could mediate gene expression on the level of mRNA stability and on the posttranscriptional level. Furthermore, presence of translational inhibition as a type of gene control was shown for the first time in this organism. Due to it new structures representing co-localities of miRNA and target mRNA have been detected. Taken together, this work shows functional artificial miRNA system and postulates roles of endogenous small RNA in social amoeba.


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Since 1999, with the adoption of expansion policy in higher education by the Chinese government, enrollment and graduate numbers have been increasing at an unprecedented speed. Accustomed to a system in which university graduates were placed, many students are not trained in “selling themselves”, which exacerbates the situation leading to a skyrocketing unemployment rate among new graduates. The idea of emphasizing career services comes with increasing employment pressure among university graduates in recent years. The 1998 “Higher Education Act” made it a legislative requirement. Thereafter, the Ministry of Education issued a series of documents in order to promote the development of career services. All higher education institutions are required to set up special career service centers and to set a ratio of 1:500 between career staff and the total number of students. Related career management courses, especially career planning classes, are required to be clearly included as specific modules into the teaching plan with a requirement of no less than 38 sessions in one semester at all universities. Developing career services in higher education has thus become a hot issue. One of the more notable trends in higher education in recent years has been the transformation of university career service centers from merely being the coordinators of on-campus placement into full service centers for international career development. The traditional core of career services in higher education had been built around guidance, information and placements (Watts, 1997). This core was still in place, but the role of higher education career services has changed considerably in recent years and the nature of each part is being transformed (Watts, 1997). Most services are undertaking a range of additional activities, and the career guidance issue is emphasized much more than before. Career management courses, especially career planning classes, are given special focus in developing career services in the Chinese case. This links career services clearly and directly with the course provision function. In China, most career service centers are engaging in the transformation period from a “management-oriented” organization to a “service-oriented” organization. Besides guidance services, information services and placement activities, there is a need to blend them together with the new additional teaching function, which follows the general trend as regulated by the government. The role of career services has been expanding and this has brought more challenges to its development in Chinese higher education. Chinese universities still remain in the period of exploration and establishment in developing their own career services. In the face of the new situation, it is very important and meaningful to explore and establish a comprehensive career services system to address student needs in the universities. A key part in developing this system is the introduction of career courses and delivering related career management skills to the students. So there is the need to restructure the career service sectors within the Chinese universities in general. The career service centers will operate as a hub and function as a spoke in the wheel of this model system, providing support and information to staff located in individual teaching departments who are responsible for the delivery of career education, information, advice and guidance. The career service centers will also provide training and career planning classes. The purpose of establishing a comprehensive career services system is to provide a strong base for student career development. The students can prepare themselves well in psychology, ideology and ability before employment with the assistance of effective career services. To conclude, according to the different characteristics and needs of students, there will be appropriate services and guidance in different stages and different ways. In other words, related career services and career guidance activities would be started for newly enrolled freshmen and continue throughout their whole university process. For the operation of a comprehensive services system, there is a need for strong support by the government in the form of macro-control and policy guarantee, but support by the government in the form of macro-control and policy guarantee, but also a need for close cooperation with the academic administration and faculties to be actively involved in career planning and employment programs. As an integral function within the universities, career services must develop and maintain productive relationships with relevant campus offices and key stakeholders both within the universities and externally.


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The scope of this work is the fundamental growth, tailoring and characterization of self-organized indium arsenide quantum dots (QDs) and their exploitation as active region for diode lasers emitting in the 1.55 µm range. This wavelength regime is especially interesting for long-haul telecommunications as optical fibers made from silica glass have the lowest optical absorption. Molecular Beam Epitaxy is utilized as fabrication technique for the quantum dots and laser structures. The results presented in this thesis depict the first experimental work for which this reactor was used at the University of Kassel. Most research in the field of self-organized quantum dots has been conducted in the InAs/GaAs material system. It can be seen as the model system of self-organized quantum dots, but is not suitable for the targeted emission wavelength. Light emission from this system at 1.55 µm is hard to accomplish. To stay as close as possible to existing processing technology, the In(AlGa)As/InP (100) material system is deployed. Depending on the epitaxial growth technique and growth parameters this system has the drawback of producing a wide range of nano species besides quantum dots. Best known are the elongated quantum dashes (QDash). Such structures are preferentially formed, if InAs is deposited on InP. This is related to the low lattice-mismatch of 3.2 %, which is less than half of the value in the InAs/GaAs system. The task of creating round-shaped and uniform QDs is rendered more complex considering exchange effects of arsenic and phosphorus as well as anisotropic effects on the surface that do not need to be dealt with in the InAs/GaAs case. While QDash structures haven been studied fundamentally as well as in laser structures, they do not represent the theoretical ideal case of a zero-dimensional material. Creating round-shaped quantum dots on the InP(100) substrate remains a challenging task. Details of the self-organization process are still unknown and the formation of the QDs is not fully understood yet. In the course of the experimental work a novel growth concept was discovered and analyzed that eases the fabrication of QDs. It is based on different crystal growth and ad-atom diffusion processes under supply of different modifications of the arsenic atmosphere in the MBE reactor. The reactor is equipped with special valved cracking effusion cells for arsenic and phosphorus. It represents an all-solid source configuration that does not rely on toxic gas supply. The cracking effusion cell are able to create different species of arsenic and phosphorus. This constitutes the basis of the growth concept. With this method round-shaped QD ensembles with superior optical properties and record-low photoluminescence linewidth were achieved. By systematically varying the growth parameters and working out a detailed analysis of the experimental data a range of parameter values, for which the formation of QDs is favored, was found. A qualitative explanation of the formation characteristics based on the surface migration of In ad-atoms is developed. Such tailored QDs are finally implemented as active region in a self-designed diode laser structure. A basic characterization of the static and temperature-dependent properties was carried out. The QD lasers exceed a reference quantum well laser in terms of inversion conditions and temperature-dependent characteristics. Pulsed output powers of several hundred milli watt were measured at room temperature. In particular, the lasers feature a high modal gain that even allowed cw-emission at room temperature of a processed ridge wave guide device as short as 340 µm with output powers of 17 mW. Modulation experiments performed at the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) showed a complex behavior of the QDs in the laser cavity. Despite the fact that the laser structure is not fully optimized for a high-speed device, data transmission capabilities of 15 Gb/s combined with low noise were achieved. To the best of the author`s knowledge, this renders the lasers the fastest QD devices operating at 1.55 µm. The thesis starts with an introductory chapter that pronounces the advantages of optical fiber communication in general. Chapter 2 will introduce the fundamental knowledge that is necessary to understand the importance of the active region`s dimensions for the performance of a diode laser. The novel growth concept and its experimental analysis are presented in chapter 3. Chapter 4 finally contains the work on diode lasers.


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To various degrees, insects in nature adapt to and live with two fundamental environmental rhythms around them: (1) the daily rhythm of light and dark, and (2) the yearly seasonal rhythm of the changing photoperiod (length of light per day). It is hypothesized that two biological clocks evolved in organisms on earth which allow them to harmonize successfully with the two environmental rhythms: (1) the circadian clock, which orchestrates circadian rhythms in physiology and behavior, and (2) the photoperiodic clock, which allows for physiological adaptations to changes in photoperiod during the course of the year (insect photoperiodism). The circadian rhythm is endogenous and continues in constant conditions, while photoperiodism requires specific light inputs of a minimal duration. Output pathways from both clocks control neurosecretory cells which regulate growth and reproduction. This dissertation focuses on the question whether different photoperiods change the network and physiology of the circadian clock of an originally equatorial cockroach species. It is assumed that photoperiod-dependent plasticity of the cockroach circadian clock allows for adaptations in physiology and behavior without the need for a separate photoperiodic clock circuit. The Madeira cockroach Rhyparobia maderae is a well established circadian clock model system. Lesion and transplantation studies identified the accessory medulla (aMe), a small neuropil with about 250 neurons, as the cockroach circadian pacemaker. Among them, the pigment-dispersing factor immunoreactive (PDF-ir) neurons anterior to the aMe (aPDFMes) play a key role as inputs to and outputs of the circadian clock system. The aim of my doctoral thesis was to examine whether and how different photoperiods modify the circadian clock system. With immunocytochemical studies, three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction, standardization and Ca2+-imaging technique, my studies revealed that raising cockroaches in different photoperiods changed the neuronal network of the circadian clock (Wei and Stengl, 2011). In addition, different photoperiods affected the physiology of single, isolated circadian pacemaker neurons. This thesis provides new evidence for the involvement of the circadian clock in insect photoperiodism. The data suggest that the circadian pacemaker system of the Madeira cockroach has the plasticity and potential to allow for physiological adaptations to different photoperiods. Therefore, it may express also properties of a photoperiodic clock.