10 resultados para Communicating environmental geoscience
em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany
This paper contributes to the study of Freely Rewriting Restarting Automata (FRR-automata) and Parallel Communicating Grammar Systems (PCGS), which both are useful models in computational linguistics. For PCGSs we study two complexity measures called 'generation complexity' and 'distribution complexity', and we prove that a PCGS Pi, for which the generation complexity and the distribution complexity are both bounded by constants, can be transformed into a freely rewriting restarting automaton of a very restricted form. From this characterization it follows that the language L(Pi) generated by Pi is semi-linear, that its characteristic analysis is of polynomial size, and that this analysis can be computed in polynomial time.
Urban environmental depletion has been a critical problem among industrialized-transformed societies, especially at the local level where administrative authorities’ capacity lags behind changes. Derived from governance concept, the idea of civil society inclusion is highlighted. Focusing on an agglomerated case study, Bang Plee Community in Thailand, this research investigates on a non-state sector, 201-Community organization, as an agent for changes to improve urban environments on solid waste collection. Two roles are contested: as an agent for neighborhood internal change and as an intermediary toward governance changes in state-civil society interaction. By employing longitudinal analysis via a project intervention as research experiment, the outcomes of both roles are detected portrayed in three spheres: state, state-civil society interaction, and civil society sphere. It discovers in the research regarding agglomerated context that as an internal changes for environmental betterment, 201-Community organization operation brings on waste reduction at the minimal level. Community-based organization as an agent for changes – despite capacity input it still limited in efficiency and effectiveness – can mobilize fruitfully only at the individual and network level of civil society sectors, while fails managing at the organizational level. The positive outcomes result by economic waste incentive associated with a limited-bonded group rather than the rise of awareness at large. As an intermediary agent for shared governance, the community-based organization cannot bring on mutual dialogue with state as much as cannot change the state’s operation arena of solid waste management. The findings confine the shared governance concept that it does not applicable in agglomerated locality as an effective outcome, both in terms of being instrumental toward civil society inclusion and being provocative of internal change. Shared environmental governance as summarized in this research can last merely a community development action. It distances significantly from civil society inclusion and empowerment. However, the research proposes that community-based environmental management and shared governance toward civil society inclusion in urban environmental improvement are still an expectable option and reachable if their factors and conditions of key success and failure are intersected with a particular context. Further studies demand more precise on scale, scope, and theses factors of environmental management operation operated by civil society sectors.
Many plant strengtheners are promoted for their supposed effects on nutrient uptake and/or resistance induction (IR). In addition, many organic fertilizers are supposed to enhance plant health and several studies have shown that tomatoes grown organically are more resistant to late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans to tomatoes grown conventionally. Much is known about the mechanisms underlying IR. In contrast, there is no systematic knowledge about genetic variation for IR. Therefore, the following questions were addressed in the presented dissertation: (i) Is there genetic variation among tomato genotypes for inducibility of resistance to P. infestans? (ii) How do different PS compare with the chemical inducer BABA in their ability to IR? (iii) Does IR interact with the inducer used and different organic fertilizers? A varietal screening showed that contrary to the commonly held belief IR in tomatoes is genotype and isolate specific. These results indicate that it should be possible to select for inducibility of resistance in tomato breeding. However, isolate specificity also suggests that there could be pathogen adaptation. The three tested PS as well as two of the three tested organic fertilisers all induced resistance in the tomatoes. Depending on PS or BABA variety and isolate effects varied. In contrast, there were no variety and isolate specific effects of the fertilisers and no interactions with the PS and fertilisers. This suggests that the different PS should work independent of the soil substrate used. In contrast the results were markedly different when isolate mixtures were used for challenge inoculations. Plants were generally less susceptible to isolate mixtures than to single isolates. In addition, the effectiveness of the PS was greater and more similar to BABA when isolate mixtures were used. The fact that the different PS and BABA differed in their ability to induce resistance in different host genotype -pathogen isolate combinations puts the usefulness of IR as a breeding goal in question. This would result in varieties depending on specific inducers. The results with the isolate mixtures are highly relevant. On the one hand they increase the effectiveness of the resistance inducers. On the other hand, measures that increase the pathogen diversity such as the use of diversified host populations will also increase the overall resistance of the hosts. For organic tomato production the results indicate that it is possible to enhance the tomato growing system with respect to plant health management by using optimal fertilisers, plant strengtheners and any measures that increase system diversity.
This study evaluates the effects of environmental variables on traditional and alternative agroecosystems in three Ejidos (communal lands) in the Chiapas rainforest in Mexico. The tests occurred within two seasonal agricultural cycles. In spring-summer, experiments were performed with the traditional slash, fell and burn (S-F-B) system, no-burn systems and rotating systems with Mucuna deeringiana Bort., and in the autumn-winter agricultural cycle, three no-burn systems were compared to evaluate the effect of alternative sowing with corn (no-burn and topological modification of sowing). The results show a high floristic diversity in the study area (S_S = 4 - 23%), with no significant differences among the systems evaluated. In the first cycle, the analysis of the agronomical variables of the corn indicated better properties in the fallowing systems, with an average yield of 1950 kg ha^‑1, but there was variation related to the number of years left fallow. In the second cycle, the yields were positive for the alternative technology (average yield 3100 kg ha^‑1). The traditional S-F-B systems had reduced pests and increased organic matter and soil phosphorous content. These results are the consequence of fallow periods and adaptation to the environment; thus, this practice in the Chiapas rainforest constitutes an ethnocultural reality, which is unlikely to change in the near future if the agrosystems are managed based on historical principles.
In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden Systeme von parallel arbeitenden und miteinander kommunizierenden Restart-Automaten (engl.: systems of parallel communicating restarting automata; abgekürzt PCRA-Systeme) vorgestellt und untersucht. Dabei werden zwei bekannte Konzepte aus den Bereichen Formale Sprachen und Automatentheorie miteinander vescrknüpft: das Modell der Restart-Automaten und die sogenannten PC-Systeme (systems of parallel communicating components). Ein PCRA-System besteht aus endlich vielen Restart-Automaten, welche einerseits parallel und unabhängig voneinander lokale Berechnungen durchführen und andererseits miteinander kommunizieren dürfen. Die Kommunikation erfolgt dabei durch ein festgelegtes Kommunikationsprotokoll, das mithilfe von speziellen Kommunikationszuständen realisiert wird. Ein wesentliches Merkmal hinsichtlich der Kommunikationsstruktur in Systemen von miteinander kooperierenden Komponenten ist, ob die Kommunikation zentralisiert oder nichtzentralisiert erfolgt. Während in einer nichtzentralisierten Kommunikationsstruktur jede Komponente mit jeder anderen Komponente kommunizieren darf, findet jegliche Kommunikation innerhalb einer zentralisierten Kommunikationsstruktur ausschließlich mit einer ausgewählten Master-Komponente statt. Eines der wichtigsten Resultate dieser Arbeit zeigt, dass zentralisierte Systeme und nichtzentralisierte Systeme die gleiche Berechnungsstärke besitzen (das ist im Allgemeinen bei PC-Systemen nicht so). Darüber hinaus bewirkt auch die Verwendung von Multicast- oder Broadcast-Kommunikationsansätzen neben Punkt-zu-Punkt-Kommunikationen keine Erhöhung der Berechnungsstärke. Desweiteren wird die Ausdrucksstärke von PCRA-Systemen untersucht und mit der von PC-Systemen von endlichen Automaten und mit der von Mehrkopfautomaten verglichen. PC-Systeme von endlichen Automaten besitzen bekanntermaßen die gleiche Ausdrucksstärke wie Einwegmehrkopfautomaten und bilden eine untere Schranke für die Ausdrucksstärke von PCRA-Systemen mit Einwegkomponenten. Tatsächlich sind PCRA-Systeme auch dann stärker als PC-Systeme von endlichen Automaten, wenn die Komponenten für sich genommen die gleiche Ausdrucksstärke besitzen, also die regulären Sprachen charakterisieren. Für PCRA-Systeme mit Zweiwegekomponenten werden als untere Schranke die Sprachklassen der Zweiwegemehrkopfautomaten im deterministischen und im nichtdeterministischen Fall gezeigt, welche wiederum den bekannten Komplexitätsklassen L (deterministisch logarithmischer Platz) und NL (nichtdeterministisch logarithmischer Platz) entsprechen. Als obere Schranke wird die Klasse der kontextsensitiven Sprachen gezeigt. Außerdem werden Erweiterungen von Restart-Automaten betrachtet (nonforgetting-Eigenschaft, shrinking-Eigenschaft), welche bei einzelnen Komponenten eine Erhöhung der Berechnungsstärke bewirken, in Systemen jedoch deren Stärke nicht erhöhen. Die von PCRA-Systemen charakterisierten Sprachklassen sind unter diversen Sprachoperationen abgeschlossen und einige Sprachklassen sind sogar abstrakte Sprachfamilien (sogenannte AFL's). Abschließend werden für PCRA-Systeme spezifische Probleme auf ihre Entscheidbarkeit hin untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass Leerheit, Universalität, Inklusion, Gleichheit und Endlichkeit bereits für Systeme mit zwei Restart-Automaten des schwächsten Typs nicht semientscheidbar sind. Für das Wortproblem wird gezeigt, dass es im deterministischen Fall in quadratischer Zeit und im nichtdeterministischen Fall in exponentieller Zeit entscheidbar ist.
This paper critically explores how development policies tend to ignore pressing environmental concerns. In the first section development in the North and South and the Bhopal disaster will be juxtaposed to show how development without environmental governance can be deadly. The article then turns to the way in which the Sri Lankan government’s Moragahakanda Development Project strives for economic development without concern for the environment. It will be contended in this article that governments and big companies in the North and South have tended to carelessly use scarce resources for development.
Soil microorganisms have evolved two possible mechanisms for their uptake of organic N: the direct route and the mobilization-immobilization-turnover (MIT) route. In the direct route, simple organic molecules are taken up via various mechanisms directly into the cell. In the MIT route, the deamination occurs outside the cell and all N is mineralized to NH4+ before assimilation. A better understanding of the mechanisms controlling the different uptake routes of soil microorganisms under different environmental conditions is crucial for understanding mineralization processes of organic material in soil. For the first experiment we incubated soil samples from the long term trial in Bad Lauchstädt with corn residues with different C to N ratios and inorganic N for 21 days at 20 °C. Under the assumption that all added amino acids were taken up or mineralized, the direct uptake route was more important in soil amended with corn residues with a wide C to N ratio. After 21 days of incubation the direct uptake of added amino acids increased in the order addition of corn residue with a: “C to N ratio of 40 & (NH4)2SO4 and no addition (control)” (69% and 68%, respectively) < “C to N ratio of 20” (73%) < “C to N ratio of 40” (95%). In all treatments the proportion of the added amino acids that were mineralized increased with time, indicating that the MIT route became more important over time. To investigate the effects of soil depth on the N uptake route of soil microorganisms (experiment II), soil samples in two soil depths (0-5 cm; 30-40 cm) were incubated with corn residues with different C to N ratios and inorganic N for 21 days at 20 °C and 60% (WHC). The addition of corn residue resulted in a marked increase of protease activity in both depths due to the induction from the added substrate. Addition of corn residue with a wide C to N ratio resulted in a significantly greater part of the direct uptake (97% and 94%) than without the addition of residues (85% and 80%) or addition of residue with a small C to N ratio (90% and 84%) or inorganic N (91% and 79% in the surface soil and subsoil, respectively), suggesting that under conditions of sufficient mineralizable N (C to N ratio of 20) or increased concentrations of NH4+, the enzyme system involved in the direct uptake is slightly repressed. Substrate additions resulted in an initially significantly higher increase of the direct uptake in the surface soil than in the subsoil. As a large proportion of the organic N input into soil is in form of proteinaceous material, the deamination of amino acids is a key reaction of the MIT route. Therefore the enzyme amino acid oxidase contribute to the extracellular N mineralization in soil. The objective of experiment III was to adapt a method to determine amino acid oxidase in soil. The detection via synthetic fluorescent Lucifer Yellow derivatives of the amino acid lysine is possible in soil. However, it was not possible to find the substrate concentration at which the reaction rate is independent of substrate concentration and therefore we were not able to develop a valid soil enzyme assay.
Recent research on payments for environmental services (PES) has observed that high transaction costs (TCs) are incurred through the implementation of PES schemes and farmer participation. TCs incurred by households are considered to be an obstacle to the participation in and efficiency of PES policies. This study aims to understand transactions related to previous forest plantation programmes and to estimate the actual TCs incurred by farmers who participated in these programmes in a mountainous area of northwestern Vietnam. In addition, this study examines determinants of households’ TCs to test the hypothesis of whether the amount of TCs varies according to household characteristics. Results show that average TCs are not likely to be a constraint for participation since they are about 200,000 VND (USD 10) per household per contract, which is equivalent to one person’s average earnings for about two days of labour. However, TCs amount to more than one-third of the programmes’ benefits, which is relatively high compared to PES programmes in developed countries. This implies that rather than aiming to reduce TCs, an appropriate agenda for policy improvement is to balance the level of TCs with PES programme benefits to enhance the overall attractiveness of afforestation programmes for smallholder farmers. Regression analysis reveals that education, gender and perception towards PES programmes have significant effects on the magnitude of TCs. The analyses also points out the importance of local conditions on the level of TCs, with some unexpected results.