6 resultados para Coastal plain sequences

em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany


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The study aims to get deeper insight into the highly extensive system of animal husbandry in the Mahafaly region of southwestern Madagascar. It tries to understand the major drivers for pastoral dynamics, land and resource use along a gradient in altitude and vegetation to consider the area’s high spatial and temporal heterogeneity. The study also analyzes the reproductive performance of local livestock as well as the owners’ culling strategies to determine herd dynamics, opportunities for economic growth, and future potential for rural development. Across seasons, plateau herds from both livestock species covered longer distances (cattle 13.6±3.02 km, goats 12.3±3.48 km) and were found further away from the settlements (cattle 3.1±0.96 km, goats 2.8±0.98 km) than those from the coastal plain (walking_dist: cattle 9.5±3.25 km, goats 9.2±2.57 km; max_dist: cattle 2.6±1.28 km, goats 1.8±0.61 km). Transhumant cattle were detected more vulnerable through limited access to pasture land and water resources compared to local herds. Seasonal water shortage has been confirmed as a key constraint on the plateau while livestock keeping along the coast is more limited by dry season forage availability. However, recent security issues and land use conflicts with local crop farmers are gaining importance and force livestock owners to adapt their traditional grazing management, resulting in spatio-temporal variation of livestock numbers and in the impending risk of local overgrazing and degradation of rangelands. Among the 133 plant species consumed by livestock, 13 were determined of major importance for the animals’ nutrition. The nutritive value and digestibility of the natural forage, as well as its abundance in the coastal zone, substantially decreased over the course of the dry season and emphasized the importance of supplementary forage plants, in particular Euphorbia stenoclada. At the same time, an unsustainable utilization and overexploitation of its wild stocks may raise the pressure on the vegetation and pasture resources within the nearby Tsimanampetsotsa National Park. Age at first parturition was 40.5±0.59 months for cattle and 21.3±0.63 months for goats. Both species showed long parturition intervals (cattle 24.2±0.48 months, goats 12.4±0.30 months), mostly due to the maintenance of poorly performing breeding females within the herds. Reported offspring mortality, however, was low with 2.5% of cattle and 18.8% of goats dying before reaching maturity. The analysis of economic information revealed higher than expected market dynamics, especially for zebus, resulting in annual contribution margins of 33 € per cattle unit and 11 € per goat unit. The application of the PRY Herd Life model to simulate herd development for present management and two alternate scenarios confirmed the economic profitability of the current livestock system and showed potential for further productive and economic development. However, this might be clearly limited by the region’s restricted carrying capacity. Summarizing, this study illustrates the highly extensive and resources-driven character of the livestock system in the Mahafaly region, with herd mobility being a central element to cope with seasonal shortages in forage and water. But additional key drivers and external factors are gaining importance and increasingly affect migration decisions and grazing management. This leads to an increased risk of local overgrazing and overexploitation of natural pasture resources and intensifies the tension between pastoral and conservation interests. At the same time, it hampers the region’s agronomic development, which has not yet been fully exploited. The situation therefore demonstrates the need for practical improvement suggestions and implication measures, such as the systematic forestation of supplemental forage plant species in the coastal zone or a stronger integration of animal husbandry and crop production, to sustain the traditional livestock system without compromising peoples’ livelihoods while at the same time minimizing the pastoral impact on the area’s unique nature and environment.


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In this work, we present a generic formula for the polynomial solution families of the well-known differential equation of hypergeometric type s(x)y"n(x) + t(x)y'n(x) - lnyn(x) = 0 and show that all the three classical orthogonal polynomial families as well as three finite orthogonal polynomial families, extracted from this equation, can be identified as special cases of this derived polynomial sequence. Some general properties of this sequence are also given.


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Previous research has shown that site-specific nitrogen (N) fertilizer recommendations based on an assessment of a soil’s N supply (mineral N testing) and the crop’s N status (sap nitrate analysis) can help to decrease excessive N inputs for winter wheat on the North China Plain. However, the costs to derive such recommendations based on multiple sampling of a single field hamper the use of this approach at the on-farm level. In this study low-altitude aerial true-color photographs were used to examine the relationship between image-derived reflectance values and soil–plant data in an on-station experiment. Treatments comprised a conventional N treatment (typical farmers’ practice), an optimum N treatment (N application based on soil–plant testing) and six treatments without N (one to six cropping seasons without any N fertilizer input). Normalized intensities of the red, green and blue color bands on the photographs were highly correlated with total N concentrations, SPAD readings and stem sap nitrate of winter wheat. The results indicate the potential of aerial photography to determine in combination with on site soil–plant testing the optimum N fertilizer rate for larger fields and to thereby decrease the costs for N need assessments.


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The most widely used methods to assess the nitrogen (N) status of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) are the determination of plant total N by combustion, the testing of nitrate in the leaf tissue and the use of SPAD readings. However, due to their labor requirements or high costs these methods can hardly be applied to the huge wheat growing areas of the Northern China Plain. This study therefore examined an alternative method to measure the N status of wheat by using a digital camera to record the visible green light reflected from the plant canopy. The experiment was conducted near Beijing in a multi-factorial field trial with three levels of N. The intensity of green light reflected from the wheat canopy was compared to the total N concentration, to the nitrate concentration of the basal stem, and to the SPAD readings of leaves. The results show significant inverse relationships between greenness intensity, canopy total N, and SPAD readings at booting and flowering. At booting, sap nitrate <2000mgL^-1 was inversely related to greenness intensity and to sap nitrate concentration in the basal stem. At sap nitrate ~2000mgL^-1, the greenness intensity reached a plateau. At booting and flowering, significant inverse relationships between greenness intensity and shoot biomass were found. The results show the potential of the new method to assess the N status of winter wheat.


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In der Dissertation wurden die Effekte verschiedener C/N-Verhältnisse und verschiedener Verhältnisse von strukturellen zu löslichen Kohlenhydraten (NDF/SC) von Dung, der in bewässerten Gemüsekulturen im Norden Omans appliziert wurde, untersucht. Im auf sandigen Böden durchgeführten Experiment wurden zwei Büffeldungvarianten zum einen mit einem C/N-Verhältnis von 19 und einem NDF/SC-Verhältnis von 17 (ORG1) und zum anderen mit einem C/N-Verhältnis von 25 und einem NDF/SC-Verhältnis von 108 (ORG2) verwendet. Das relevante faktorielle Anbausystem war eine zweijährige Rotation, bestehend aus Rettich gefolgt von Blumenkohl und Karotte. Eine signifikante Zunahme der Erträge, des Sproßdurchmessers und der Pflanzenhöhe von Blumenkohl (P<0,001) sowie der Konzentration von Askorbinsäure in den Wurzeln von Rettich (P<0,01) mit erhöhter Verfügbarkeit von N, P und K von ORG2 über ORG1 bis hin zur Mineraldünger-Kontrollbehandlung (MIN) konnte festgestellt werden. Innerhalb von 260 Tagen wurden für die gesamte Anbauperiode mit einem photoakustischen Infrarot-Multigasmonitor und einer damit verbundenen Haube bodenbürtige Gasemissionen gemessen. Die errechneten Nettobilanzen zeigten Überschüsse von N und P, welche von Defiziten für K begleitet waren. Die Kohlenstoff Nettobilanzen waren während des Untersuchungszeitraums negativ oder nicht konsistent. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass unter extremen klimatischen Bedingungen bewässerter sandiger Böden organische Kultivierung zuerst durch den Kohlenstoffgehalt von Dung und Boden und erst dann durch die applizierten Mengen an N, P und K limitiert wird. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass Gasemissionen den größten Teil der N und C Verluste von bewässerten sandigen Böden im Norden Omans darstellen. Die Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen und Sickerverlusten sollte weiterhin im Fokus zukünftiger Untersuchungen stehen, um zur Entwicklung von nachhaltigen organischen Anbausystemen im Oman und anderen ariden tropischen Ländern beizutragen.


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The ongoing depletion of the coastal aquifer in the Gaza strip due to groundwater overexploitation has led to the process of seawater intrusion, which is continually becoming a serious problem in Gaza, as the seawater has further invaded into many sections along the coastal shoreline. As a first step to get a hold on the problem, the artificial neural network (ANN)-model has been applied as a new approach and an attractive tool to study and predict groundwater levels without applying physically based hydrologic parameters, and also for the purpose to improve the understanding of complex groundwater systems and which is able to show the effects of hydrologic, meteorological and anthropogenic impacts on the groundwater conditions. Prediction of the future behaviour of the seawater intrusion process in the Gaza aquifer is thus of crucial importance to safeguard the already scarce groundwater resources in the region. In this study the coupled three-dimensional groundwater flow and density-dependent solute transport model SEAWAT, as implemented in Visual MODFLOW, is applied to the Gaza coastal aquifer system to simulate the location and the dynamics of the saltwater–freshwater interface in the aquifer in the time period 2000-2010. A very good agreement between simulated and observed TDS salinities with a correlation coefficient of 0.902 and 0.883 for both steady-state and transient calibration is obtained. After successful calibration of the solute transport model, simulation of future management scenarios for the Gaza aquifer have been carried out, in order to get a more comprehensive view of the effects of the artificial recharge planned in the Gaza strip for some time on forestall, or even to remedy, the presently existing adverse aquifer conditions, namely, low groundwater heads and high salinity by the end of the target simulation period, year 2040. To that avail, numerous management scenarios schemes are examined to maintain the ground water system and to control the salinity distributions within the target period 2011-2040. In the first, pessimistic scenario, it is assumed that pumping from the aquifer continues to increase in the near future to meet the rising water demand, and that there is not further recharge to the aquifer than what is provided by natural precipitation. The second, optimistic scenario assumes that treated surficial wastewater can be used as a source of additional artificial recharge to the aquifer which, in principle, should not only lead to an increased sustainable yield of the latter, but could, in the best of all cases, revert even some of the adverse present-day conditions in the aquifer, i.e., seawater intrusion. This scenario has been done with three different cases which differ by the locations and the extensions of the injection-fields for the treated wastewater. The results obtained with the first (do-nothing) scenario indicate that there will be ongoing negative impacts on the aquifer, such as a higher propensity for strong seawater intrusion into the Gaza aquifer. This scenario illustrates that, compared with 2010 situation of the baseline model, at the end of simulation period, year 2040, the amount of saltwater intrusion into the coastal aquifer will be increased by about 35 %, whereas the salinity will be increased by 34 %. In contrast, all three cases of the second (artificial recharge) scenario group can partly revert the present seawater intrusion. From the water budget point of view, compared with the first (do nothing) scenario, for year 2040, the water added to the aquifer by artificial recharge will reduces the amount of water entering the aquifer by seawater intrusion by 81, 77and 72 %, for the three recharge cases, respectively. Meanwhile, the salinity in the Gaza aquifer will be decreased by 15, 32 and 26% for the three cases, respectively.