3 resultados para Capillary electrophoresis microchip
em Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Universität Kassel, Germany
Die an der Glutathionsynthese im Chloroplasten von Spinatblättern beteiligten Enzyme sind auf eine lichtabhängige Regulation durch Thioredoxine (Trx) und Glutaredoxine (Grx) hin untersucht worden. Dazu wurde eine neue, vereinfachte Methode zur Aktivitätsbestimmung für die gamma-Glutamylcystein- und Glutathionsynthetase auf der Kapillarelektrophorese entwickelt. Untersuchungen mit den homologen Thioredoxinen Trx m und Trx f aus Spinatchloroplasten und mit dem E.coli Trx und E.coli Grx 1 zeigten, dass bei beiden Enzymen keine Redoxmodulation durch diese Proteine stattfindet. Weitere Untersuchungen mit der Glutathionsynthetase zeigten keinen Einfluss von Dithiothreit, Sulfit-Ionen und Ascorbat auf die Enzymaktivität. Nur H2O2, in unphysiologischen Konzentrationen, bewirkte eine leichte Abnahme der Ausgangsaktivität. Im Fall der gamma-Glutamylcysteinsynthetase konnten verschiedene Einflüsse ausgemacht werden. So war mit Dithiothreit und H2O2 bei niedrigen Konzentrationen eine Stimulation und bei höheren Konzentration eine Inhibition der Enzymaktivität festzustellen: Sulfit-Ionen zeigten eine starke Stimulierung der gamma-Glutamylcysteinsynthetase über einen weiten Konzentrationsbereich, wobei eine starke pH-Wert-Abhängigkeit der Stimulation zu beobachten war. Ascorbat zeigte, wie bei der Glutathionsynthetase, keinen Einfluss auf die Enzymaktivität der gamma-Glutamyl-cysteinsynthetase. In einem zweiten Teil der Arbeit über die Glutaredoxine des Spinats konnte ein 12,4 kDa Protein mit Thioltransferase-Aktivität, das bisher als cytosolisches Glutaredoxin beschrieben wurde, aufgereinigt und mittels N-terminaler Sequenzierung eindeutig als ein Glutaredoxin identifiziert werden. Überdies konnte ein noch nicht beschriebenes 12,8 kDa Protein mit Thioltransferase-Aktivität aus Spinatchloroplasten aufgereinigt werden. Durch Peptid-Sequenzierung gelang es dieses Protein auch als ein Glutaredoxin zu identifizieren. Beide pflanzlichen Glutaredoxine zeigten keine Modulation der Aktivitäten der chloroplastidären Fructosebisphosphatase (FbPase) und NADPH-Malatdehydrogenase (NADPH-MDH). Auch war mit beiden Glutaredoxinen keine Dehydroascorbatreduktase-Aktivität, oder eine Stimulation der Ribonucleotidreduktase aus Lactobacillus leichmannii festzustellen.
Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1) is an evolutionarily conserved protein required for formation of a higher-order chromatin structures and epigenetic gene silencing. The objective of the present work was to functionally characterise HP1-like proteins in Dictyostelium discoideum, and to investigate their function in heterochromatin formation and transcriptional gene silencing. The Dictyostelium genome encodes three HP1-like proteins (hcpA, hcpB, hcpC), from which only two, hcpA and hcpB, but not hcpC were found to be expressed during vegetative growth and under developmental conditions. Therefore, hcpC, albeit no obvious pseudogene, was excluded from this study. Both HcpA and HcpB show the characteristic conserved domain structure of HP1 proteins, consisting of an N-terminal chromo domain and a C-terminal chromo shadow domain, which are separated by a hinge. Both proteins show all biochemical activities characteristic for HP1 proteins, such as homo- and heterodimerisation in vitro and in vivo, and DNA binding activtity. HcpA furthermore seems to bind to K9-methylated histone H3 in vitro. The proteins thus appear to be structurally and functionally conserved in Dictyostelium. The proteins display largely identical subnuclear distribution in several minor foci and concentration in one major cluster at the nuclear periphery. The localisation of this cluster adjacent to the nucleus-associated centrosome and its mitotic behaviour strongly suggest that it represents centromeric heterochromatin. Furthermore, it is characterised by histone H3 lysine-9 dimethylation (H3K9me2), which is another hallmark of Dictyostelium heterochromatin. Therefore, one important aspect of the work was to characterise the so-far largely unknown structural organisation of centromeric heterochromatin. The Dictyostelium homologue of inner centromere protein INCENP (DdINCENP), co-localized with both HcpA and H3K9me2 during metaphase, providing further evidence that H3K9me2 and HcpA/B localisation represent centromeric heterochromatin. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) showed that two types of high-copy number retrotransposons (DIRS-1 and skipper), which form large irregular arrays at the chromosome ends, which are thought to contain the Dictyostelium centromeres, are characterised by H3K9me2. Neither overexpression of full-length HcpA or HcpB, nor deletion of single Hcp isoforms resulted in changes in retrotransposon transcript levels. However, overexpression of a C-terminally truncated HcpA protein, assumed to display a dominant negative effect, lead to an increase in skipper retrotransposon transcript levels. Furthermore, overexpression of this protein lead to severe growth defects in axenic suspension culture and reduced cell viability. In order to elucidate the proteins functions in centromeric heterochromatin formation, gene knock-outs for both hcpA and hcpB were generated. Both genes could be successfully targeted and disrupted by homologous recombination. Surprisingly, the degree of functional redundancy of the two isoforms was, although not unexpected, very high. Both single knock-out mutants did not show any obvious phenotypes under standard laboratory conditions and only deletion of hcpA resulted in subtle growth phenotypes when grown at low temperature. All attempts to generate a double null mutant failed. However, both endogenous genes could be disrupted in cells in which a rescue construct that ectopically expressed one of the isoforms either with N-terminal 6xHis- or GFP-tag had been introduced. The data imply that the presence of at least one Hcp isoform is essential in Dictyostelium. The lethality of the hcpA/hcpB double mutant thus greatly hampered functional analysis of the two genes. However, the experiment provided genetic evidence that the GFP-HcpA fusion protein, because of its ability to compensate the loss of the endogenous HcpA protein, was a functional protein. The proteins displayed quantitative differences in dimerisation behaviour, which are conferred by the slightly different hinge and chromo shadow domains at the C-termini. Dimerisation preferences in increasing order were HcpA-HcpA << HcpA-HcpB << HcpB-HcpB. Overexpression of GFP-HcpA or a chimeric protein containing the HcpA C-terminus (GFP-HcpBNAC), but not overexpression of GFP-HcpB or GFP-HcpANBC, lead to increased frequencies of anaphase bridges in late mitotic cells, which are thought to be caused by telomere-telomere fusions. Chromatin targeting of the two proteins is achieved by at least two distinct mechanisms. The N-terminal chromo domain and hinge of the proteins are required for targeting to centromeric heterochromatin, while the C-terminal portion encoding the CSD is required for targeting to several other chromatin regions at the nuclear periphery that are characterised by H3K9me2. Targeting to centromeric heterochromatin likely involves direct binding to DNA. The Dictyostelium genome encodes for all subunits of the origin recognition complex (ORC), which is a possible upstream component of HP1 targeting to chromatin. Overexpression of GFP-tagged OrcB, the Dictyostelium Orc2 homologue, showed a distinct nuclear localisation that partially overlapped with the HcpA distribution. Furthermore, GFP-OrcB localized to the centrosome during the entire cell cycle, indicating an involvement in centrosome function. DnmA is the sole DNA methyltransferase in Dictyostelium required for all DNA(cytosine-)methylation. To test for its in vivo activity, two different cell lines were established that ectopically expressed DnmA-myc or DnmA-GFP. It was assumed that overexpression of these proteins might cause an increase in the 5-methyl-cytosine(5-mC)-levels in the genomic DNA due to genomic hypermethylation. Although DnmA-GFP showed preferential localisation in the nucleus, no changes in the 5-mC-levels in the genomic DNA could be detected by capillary electrophoresis.
This work focuses on the analysis of the influence of environment on the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of carbon ions on molecular level. Due to the high relevance of RBE for medical applications, such as tumor therapy, and radiation protection in space, DNA damages have been investigated in order to understand the biological efficiency of heavy ion radiation. The contribution of this study to the radiobiology research consists in the analysis of plasmid DNA damages induced by carbon ion radiation in biochemical buffer environments, as well as in the calculation of the RBE of carbon ions on DNA level by mean of scanning force microscopy (SFM). In order to study the DNA damages, besides the common electrophoresis method, a new approach has been developed by using SFM. The latter method allows direct visualisation and measurement of individual DNA fragments with an accuracy of several nanometres. In addition, comparison of the results obtained by SFM and agarose gel electrophoresis methods has been performed in the present study. Sparsely ionising radiation, such as X-rays, and densely ionising radiation, such as carbon ions, have been used to irradiate plasmid DNA in trishydroxymethylaminomethane (Tris buffer) and 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES buffer) environments. These buffer environments exhibit different scavenging capacities for hydroxyl radical (HO0), which is produced by ionisation of water and plays the major role in the indirect DNA damage processes. Fragment distributions have been measured by SFM over a large length range, and as expected, a significantly higher degree of DNA damages was observed for increasing dose. Also a higher amount of double-strand breaks (DSBs) was observed after irradiation with carbon ions compared to X-ray irradiation. The results obtained from SFM measurements show that both types of radiation induce multiple fragmentation of the plasmid DNA in the dose range from D = 250 Gy to D = 1500 Gy. Using Tris environments at two different concentrations, a decrease of the relative biological effectiveness with the rise of Tris concentration was observed. This demonstrates the radioprotective behavior of the Tris buffer solution. In contrast, a lower scavenging capacity for all other free radicals and ions, produced by the ionisation of water, was registered in the case of HEPES buffer compared to Tris solution. This is reflected in the higher RBE values deduced from SFM and gel electrophoresis measurements after irradiation of the plasmid DNA in 20 mM HEPES environment compared to 92 mM Tris solution. These results show that HEPES and Tris environments play a major role on preventing the indirect DNA damages induced by ionising radiation and on the relative biological effectiveness of heavy ion radiation. In general, the RBE calculated from the SFM measurements presents higher values compared to gel electrophoresis data, for plasmids irradiated in all environments. Using a large set of data, obtained from the SFM measurements, it was possible to calculate the survive rate over a larger range, from 88% to 98%, while for gel electrophoresis measurements the survive rates have been calculated only for values between 96% and 99%. While the gel electrophoresis measurements provide information only about the percentage of plasmids DNA that suffered a single DSB, SFM can count the small plasmid fragments produced by multiple DSBs induced in a single plasmid. Consequently, SFM generates more detailed information regarding the amount of the induced DSBs compared to gel electrophoresis, and therefore, RBE can be calculated with more accuracy. Thus, SFM has been proven to be a more precise method to characterize on molecular level the DNA damage induced by ionizing radiations.