121 resultados para Muikku-Werner, Pirkko


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In dieser Arbeit werden einige didaktische Aspekte des Themas "Anwendungen" im Mathematikunterricht zusammenfassend dargestellt. Meine Diskussion beschränkt sich dabei im wesentlichen auf den gymnasialen Mathematikunterricht in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland; vieles gilt ähnlich aber auch für andere Schulformen bzw. für andere Länder.


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The paper will consist of three parts. In part I we shall present some background considerations which are necessary as a basis for what follows. We shall try to clarify some basic concepts and notions, and we shall collect the most important arguments (and related goals) in favour of problem solving, modelling and applications to other subjects in mathematics instruction. In the main part II we shall review the present state, recent trends, and prospective lines of development, both in empirical or theoretical research and in the practice of mathematics instruction and mathematics education, concerning (applied) problem solving, modelling, applications and relations to other subjects. In particular, we shall identify and discuss four major trends: a widened spectrum of arguments, an increased globality, an increased unification, and an extended use of computers. In the final part III we shall comment upon some important issues and problems related to our topic.


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The starting point of our reflections is a classroom situation in grade 12 in which it was to be proved intuitively that non-trivial solutions of the differential equation f' = f have no zeros. We give a working definition of the concept of preformal proving, as well as three examples of preformal proofs. Then we furnish several such proofs of the aforesaid fact, and we analyse these proofs in detail. Finally, we draw some conclusions for mathematics in school and in teacher training.


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By example of an excerpt of a lesson analysed by J. voigt we want to point to the importance of didactic aspects related to topics ("stoffdidaktisehe" Aspekte) in analysing, planning and performing mathematics education.


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Im Rahmen von empirischen Untersuchungen zum Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik haben wir einen Test entwickelt ("Potentialtest"), der die "mathematische Leistungsfähigkeit" von 13/14jährigen Jugendlichen in England und Deutschland für Vergleichszwecke messen soll. Im vorliegenden Beitrag beschreiben wir die Entstehung des Tests sowie Resultate der Durchführung des Tests bei 1036 englischen und deutschen Lernenden. Die Resultate werden unter Berücksichtigung von - aus unseren früheren Fallstudien bekannten - Charakteristika des Mathematikunterrichts in beiden Ländern interpretiert.


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In der Arbeit werden einige Resultate von vergleichenden empirischen Untersuchungen zu unterschiedlichen Konzeptionen eines realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterrichts, wie sie in England und Deutschland häufig vertreten werden, dargestellt. Bei diesen Untersuchungen werden in verschiedenen Fallstudien, die u.a. auch strukturelle Unterschiede zwischen den Bildungssystemen in England und Deutschland und den zugrundeliegenden Erziehungsphilosophien berücksichtigen, Auswirkungen dieser Konzeptionen auf die Einstellung der Lernenden zum Mathematikunterricht, ihr Bild von Mathematik, ihr Verständnis mathematischer Begriffe und Methoden sowie ihre Fähigkeiten zur Anwendung mathematischer Methoden zum Lösen realer Problemaufgaben untersucht. Die hier dargestellten Erhebungen sind Teil eines längerdauernden Kollaborationsprojekts zwischen den Universitäten Exeter und Kassel.


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We report on an elementary course in ordinary differential equations (odes) for students in engineering sciences. The course is also intended to become a self-study package for odes and is is based on several interactive computer lessons using REDUCE and MATHEMATICA . The aim of the course is not to do Computer Algebra (CA) by example or to use it for doing classroom examples. The aim ist to teach and to learn mathematics by using CA-systems.


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'The problem of the graphic artist' is a small example of applying elementary mathematics (divisibility of natural numbers) to a real problem which we ourselves have actually experienced. It deals with the possibilities for partitioning a sheet of paper into strips. In this contribution we report on a teaching unit in grade 6 as well as on informal tests with students in school and university. Finally we analyse this example methodologically, summarise our observations with pupils and students, and draw some didactical conclusions.


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In connection with the (revived) demand for considering applications in the teaching of mathematics, various schemata or lists of criteria have been developed since the end of the sixties, which set up requirements about closeness to the real world or about the type of mathematics being used, and which have made it possible to analyze the available applications in their light. After having stated the problem (in section 1), we present (in section 2) a sketch of some of the best known of these and of some earlier schemata, although we are not aiming for a complete picture. Then (in section 3) we distinguish among different dimensions.in the analysis of applications. With this as a basis, we develop (in section 4) our own suggestion for categorizing types of applications and conceptions for an application-oriented mathematics instruction. Then (in section 5) we illustrate our schemata by some examples of performed evaluations. Finally (in section 6), we present some preliminary first results of the analysis of teaching conceptions.


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We consider the resolvent problem for the scalar Oseen equation in the whole space R^3. We show that for small values of the resolvent parameter it is impossible to obtain an L^2-estimate analogous to the one which is valid for the Stokes resolvent, even if the resolvent parameter has positive real part.