137 resultados para Andreas Wohlfahrt


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Little is known about the diversity of wheat (Triticum spp.) in Oman. Therefore, a survey was conducted in northern Oman to collect landraces of Triticum durum, T. aestivum and T. dicoccon for subsequent morphological characterization and investigations on stress adaptation. The results show that the cultivation of these landraces (the genetic composition of which remains to be studied in more detail) is done primarily by traditional farmers who preserve the inherited germplasm on often tiny plots in remote mountain oases. This type of traditional cultivation is under heavy economic pressure. An appendix of landraces of other crops collected in the Batinah region and in the mountain oases can be found online.


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Little is known about the bacterial ecology of evaporative salt-mining sites (salterns) of which Teguidda-n-Tessoumt at the fringe of the West-African Saharan desert in Niger is a spectacular example with its many-centuries-old and very colorful evaporation ponds. During the different enrichment steps of the salt produced as a widely traded feed supplement for cattle, animal manure is added to the crude brine, which is then desiccated and repeatedly crystallized. This study describes the dominant Bacteria and Archaea communites in the brine from the evaporation ponds and the soil from the mine, which were determined by PCR-DGGE of 16S rDNA. Correspondence analysis of the DGGE-community fingerprints revealed a change in community structure of the brine samples during the sequential evaporation steps which was, however, unaffected by the brine's pH and electric conductivity (EC). The Archaea community was dominated by a phylogenetically diverse group of methanogens, while the Bacteria community was dominated by gamma proteobacteria. Microorganisms contained in the purified salt product have the potential to be broadly disseminated and are fed to livestock across the region. In this manner, the salt mines represent an intriguing example of long-term human activity that has contributed to the continual selection, cultivation, and dissemination of cosmopolitan microorganisms.


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Little is known about nutrient fluxes as a criterion to assess the sustainability of traditional irrigation agriculture in eastern Arabia. In this study GIS-based field research on terraced cropland and groves of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) was conducted over 2 years in two mountain oases of northern Oman to determine their role as hypothesized sinks for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). At Balad Seet 55% of the 385 fields received annual inputs of 100–500 kg N ha^-1 and 26% received 500–1400 kg N ha^-1. No N was applied to 19% of the fields which were under fallow. Phosphorus was applied annually at 1–90 kg ha^-1 on 46% of the fields, whereas 27% received 90–210 kg ha^-1. No K was applied to 27% of the fields, 32% received 1–300 kg K ha^-1, and the remaining fields received up to 1400 kg ha^-1. At Maqta N-inputs were 61–277 kg ha^-1 in palm groves and 112–225 kg ha^-1 in wheat (Triticum spp.) fields, respective P inputs were 9–40 and 14–29 kg ha^-1, and K inputs were 98–421 and 113–227 kg ha^-1. For cropland, partial oasis balances (comprising inputs of manure, mineral fertilizers, N2-fixation and irrigation water, and outputs of harvested products) were similar for both oases, with per hectare surpluses of 131 kg N, 37 kg P, and 84 kg K at Balad Seet and of 136 kg N, 16 kg P and 66 kg K at Maqta. This was despite the fact that N2-fixation by alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), estimated at up to 480 kg ha^-1 yr^-1 with an average total dry matter of 22 t ha^-1, contributed to the cropland N-balance only at the former site. Respective palm grove surpluses, in contrast were with 303 kg N, 38 kg P, and 173 kg K ha^-1 much higher at Balad Seet than with 84 kg N, 14 kg P, and 91 kg K ha^-1 at Maqta. The data show that both oases presently are large sinks for nutrients. Potential gaseous and leaching losses could at least partly be controlled by a decrease in nutrient input intensity and careful incorporation of manure.


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Little is known about plant biodiversity, irrigation management and nutrient fluxes as criteria to assess the sustainability of traditional irrigation agriculture in eastern Arabia. Therefore interdisciplinary studies were conducted over 4 yrs on flood-irrigated fields dominated by wheat (Triticum spp.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in two mountain oases of northern Oman. In both oases wheat landraces consisted of varietal mixtures comprising T. aestivum and T. durum of which at least two botanical varieties were new to science. During irrigation cycles of 6-9 days on an alfalfa-planted soil, volumetric water contents ranged from 30-13%. For cropland, partial oasis balances (comprising inputs of manure, mineral fertilizers, N2-fixation and irrigation water, and outputs of harvested products) were similar for both oases, with per hectare annual surpluses of 131 kg N, 37 kg P and 84 kg K at Balad Seet and of 136 kg N, 16 kg P and 66 kg K at Maqta. Respective palm grove surpluses, in contrast were with 303 kg N, 38 kg P, and 173 kg K ha^-1 yr^-1 much higher at Balad Seet than with 84 kg N, 14 kg P and 91 kg K ha^-1 yr^-1 at Maqta. The results show that the sustainability of these irrigated landuse systems depends on a high quality of the irrigation water with low Na but high CaCO3, intensive recycling of manure and an elaborate terrace structure with a well tailored water management system that allows adequate drainage.


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Vorträge / Präsentationen des Automation Symposiums 2008


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This paper provides a model for the international market of credit ratings in order to promote transparency of rating methodologies and combat the oligopolistic market structure where Standard & Poor‘s, Moody‘s and Fitch Ratings collectively comprise approximately 85 percent of the market. For the German credit market this paper strongly advises the establishment of at least three centralistic credit rating agencies (CRAs), set up and run independently by the large bank institutions – „Großbanken“, „Sparkassen“ and „Genossenschaftsbanken“. By acting as CRAs, universal banks could not only decrease their costs but would also be able to increase competition and transparency. These new credit rating agencies would be subject to the Basel II internal ratings-based (IRB) surveillance standards that go far beyond the Basel II standard approach with its external ratings by the dominating three US-american CRAs. Due to the fact that the new Basle Accord has already been implemented in Europe, this model could be applied all over Europe and possibly even worldwide, assuming the US were to adopt the new capital adequacy rules. This would lead to an increase in the number of CRAs and hence to more competition, as the barriers to entry in the rating industry would not apply to these new institutions because of their expertise in the credit market. The fact that the IRB-criteria already have to be disclosed by law would make the methodologies transparent and subject to approval by national regulators such as the „Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht“ (BaFin) in Germany. Hence the requirement to set up a new monitoring committee in Europe would become obsolete.


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Semantic Web Mining aims at combining the two fast-developing research areas Semantic Web and Web Mining. The idea is to improve, on the one hand, the results of Web Mining by exploiting the new semantic structures in the Web; and to make use of Web Mining, on overview of where the two areas meet today, and sketches ways of how a closer integration could be profitable.