21 resultados para electronic conducting polymers
Intrinsisch leitfähige Polymere sind durch eine Reihe materialspezifischer Eigenschaften gekennzeichnet. In Abhängigkeit des angelegten Potenzials und der chemischen Umgebung zeigen sie elektrochromes Verhalten, Veränderungen der Masse, des Volumens und der elektronischen Leitfähigkeit. Basierend auf diesen Eigenschaften eignen sich halbleitende organische Polymere als funktionales Material für Anwendungen in der Mikro- und Nanotechnologie, insbesondere für miniaturisierte chemische Sensoren und Aktoren. Im Gegensatz zu konventionellen Piezo-Aktoren operieren diese Aktoren z. B. bei Spannungen unterhalb 1 V. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den elektrochemomechanischen Eigenschaften der ausgewählten Polymere Polyanilin und Polypyrrol, d. h. mit den potenzialkontrollierten Veränderungen des Volumens, der Struktur und der mechanischen Eigenschaften. Bei diesem Prozess werden positive Ladungen innerhalb der Polymerphase generiert. Um die für den Ladungsausgleich benötigten Gegenionen bereitzustellen, werden alle Messungen in Anwesenheit eines wässrigen Elektrolyten durchgeführt. Der Ladungstransport und die Volumenänderungen werden mit den Methoden der zyklischen Voltammetrie, der elektrochemischen Quarzmikrowaage und der Rastersondenmikroskopie untersucht. Signifikante Ergebnisse können für dünne homogene Polymerschichten erhalten werden, wobei Schichtdicken oberhalb 150 nm aufgrund der insbesondere bei Polyanilin einsetzenden Bildung von Fadenstrukturen (Fibrillen) vermieden werden. Von besonderem Interesse im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist die Kombination der funktionalen Polymere mit Strukturen auf Siliziumbasis, insbesondere mit mikrostrukturierten Cantilevern. Die zuvor erhaltenen Ergebnisse bilden die Grundlage für das Design und die Dimensionierung der Mikroaktoren. Diese bestehen aus Siliziumcantilevern, die eine Elektrodenschicht aus Gold oder Platin tragen. Auf der Elektrode wird mittels Elektrodeposition eine homogene Schicht Polymer mit Schichtdicken bis zu 150 nm aufgebracht. Die Aktorcharakteristik, die Biegung des Cantilevers aufgrund des angelegten Potenzials, wird mit dem aus der Rastersondenmikroskopie bekannten Lichtzeigerverfahren gemessen. Das Aktorsystem wird hinsichtlich des angelegten Potenzials, des Elektrolyten und der Redox-Kinetik charakterisiert. Die verschiedenen Beiträge zum Aktorverhalten werden in situ während des Schichtwachstums untersucht. Das beobachtete Verhalten kann als Superposition verschiedener Effekte beschrieben werden. Darunter sind die Elektrodenaufladung (Elektrokapillarität), die Veränderungen der Elektrodenoberfläche durch dünne Oxidschichten und die Elektrochemomechanik des Polymers.
The electronic properties of neutral and ionized divalent-metal clusters have been studied using a microscopic theory, which takes into account the interplay between van der Waals (vdW) and covalent bonding in the neutral clusters, and the competition between hole delocalization and polarization energy in the ionized clusters. By calculating the ground-state energies of neutral and ionized. Hg_n clusters, we determine the size dependence of the bond character and the ionization potential I_p(n). For neutral Hg_n clusters we obtain a transition from van del Waals to covalent behaviour at the critical size n_c ~ 10-20 atoms. Results for I_p(Hg_n) with n \le 20 are in good agreement with experiments, and suggest that small Hg_n^+ clusters can be viewed as consisting of a positive trimer core Hg_3^+ surrounded by n - 3 polarized neutral atoms.
The transition from van der Waals to covalent bonding, which is expected to occur in divalent-metal clusters with increasing cluster size, is discussed. We propose a model which takes into account, within the same electronic theory, the three main competing contributions, namely the kinetic energy of the electrons, the Coulomb interactions between electrons, and the s \gdw p intraatomic transitions responsible for van der Waals like bonding. The model is solved by taking into account electron correlations using a generalized Gutzwiller approximation (slave boson method). The occurrence of electron localization is studied as a function of the interaction parameters and cluster size.
Energies of electronic K X-rays in muonic atoms were calculated for muons in various outer orbitals and for different numbers of electrons. Energy shifts were obtained with respect to characteristic X-rays belonging to nuclear charge (Z - 1) and their possible observation is discussed. The shifts in muonic Sn as an example amount to 19, 37, and 59 eV for the muon in 5g, 6h, and 7i states respectively. However, shifts due to the number of electrons present and the electron vacancy distribution in the L-shell are significantly larger. Accurate measurements of the K X-ray energies would therefore enable us to learn more about the electronic structure during the muonic cascade.
The interatomic potential of the system I - I at intermediate and small distances is calculated from atomic DFS electron densities within a statistical model. Structures in the potential, due to the electronic shells, are investigated. Calculations of the elastic differential scattering cross section for small angles and several keV impact energies show a detailed peak pattern which can be correlated to individual electronic shell interaction.
The electronic states of small AI_n (n = 2 - 8) clusters have been calculated with a relativistic ab-initio MOLCAO Dirac-Fock-Slater method using numerical atomic DFS wave-functions. The excitation energies were obtained from a ground state calculation of neutral clusters, and in addition from negative clusters charged by half an electron in order to account for part of the relaxation. These energies are compared with experimental photoelectron spectra.
Relativistic multi-configuration Dirac Fock (MCDF) wavefunctions coupled to good angular momentum J have been calculated for low lying states of Ba I and Ba II. These wavefunctions are compared with semiempirical ones derived from experimental atomic energy levels. It is found that significantly better agreement is obtained when close configurations are included in the MCDF wavefunctions. Calculations of the electronic part of the field isotope shift lead to very good agreement with electronic factors derived from experimental data. Furthermore, the slopes of the lines in a King plot analysis of many of the optical lines are predicted accurately by these calculations. However, the MCDF wavefunctions seem not to be of sufficient accuracy to give agreement with the experimental magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole hyperfine structure constants.
Non-relativistic and relativistic self-consistent Hartree- Fock-Slater and Dirac-Slater models have been used to calculate one-electron energy levels and ionization energies for UF_5. The calculations were performed in an assumed structure of C_4v symmetry with the uranium atom at the center of mass of the molecule. The spacing and level ordering are compared with earlier results obtained with the MS X\alpha method using the muffin-tin approximation. Connections with the multiphoton isotope separation scheme of UF_6 are discussed.
Results of the Dirac-Slater discrete variational calculations for the group 4, 5, and 6 highest chlorides including elements 104, 105, and 106 have shown that the groups are not identical with respect to trends in the electronic structure and bonding. The charge density distribution data show that notwithstanding the basic increase in covalency within the groups this increase diminishes in going from group 4 to group 6. As a result, E106Cl_6 will be less stable toward thermal decomposition than WCl_6, which is confirmed by an estimated low E106-Cl bond energy. \delta H_form equal to -90.3 ± 6 kcal/rnol is obtained for E106Cl_6 in the gas phase, which is indicative of a very low stability of this compound. The stability of the maximum oxidation state is shown to decrease in the direction E104(+4) > E105(+5) > E106(+6).
Self-consistent relativistic Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations have been made of some lowlying electronic energies for the atoms of all elements in ground-state ds^2 electron configurations. The results indicate that, contrary to some previous estimates, the ground electronic state of atomic Lr could be in either the 5f^14 6d7s^2 or the 5f^14 7p 7s^2 electron configuration. The separation between the lowest energy level of the 5f^14 6d7s^2 configuration and the lowest energy level of the 5f^14 7p7s^2 configuration is estimated to be (0 ± 3) x 10^3 cm^-1 for atomic Lr.
To study the complex formation of group 5 elements (Nb, Ta, Ha, and pseudoanalog Pa) in aqueous HCI solutions of medium and high concentrations the electronic structures of anionic complexes of these elements [MCl_6]^-, [MOCl_4]^-, [M(OH)-2 Cl_4]^-, and [MOCl_5]^2- have been calculated using the relativistic Dirac-Slater Discrete-Variational Method. The charge density distribution analysis has shown that tantalum occupies a specific position in the group and has the highest tendency to form the pure halide complex, [TaCl_6-. This fact along with a high covalency of this complex explains its good extractability into aliphatic amines. Niobium has equal trends to form pure halide [NbCl_6]^- and oxyhalide [NbOCl_5]^2- species at medium and high acid concentrations. Protactinium has a slight preference for the [PaOCl_5]^2- form or for the pure halide complexes with coordination number higher than 6 under these conditions. Element 105 at high HCl concentrations will have a preference to form oxyhalide anionic complex [HaOCl_5]^2- rather than [HaCl_6]^-. For the same sort of anionic oxychloride complexes an estimate has been done of their partition between the organic and aqueous phases in the extraction by aliphatic amines, which shows the following succession of the partition coefficients: P_Nb < P_Ha < P_Pa.
The electronic structure of the group 6 oxyanions [MO_4]^2-, where M = Cr, Mo, W, and element 106 have been calculated using the Dirac-Slater Discrete Variational method. Results of the calculations show a relative decrease in the metal-oxygen bond strengths for the [E106O_4]^2- ion in the solid state compared to that for the [WO_4]^2- anion. Calculated energies of the electronic charge-transfer transitions are indicative of a strong possible luminescence of [El06O_4]^2- in the blue-violet area. In solutions [El06O_4]^2- will be the most stable ion out of the entire series. Estimated reduction potential E^0 (El06O^2-_4/E106O^3-_4) equal to -1.60V shows only a slightly increased stability of the +6 oxidation state for element 106 in comparison with W.