24 resultados para Excited electronic state


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The dynamics of molecular multiphoton ionization and fragmentation of a diatomic molecule (Na_2) have been studied in molecular beam experiments. Femtosecond laser pulses from an amplified colliding-pulse mode-locked (CPM) ring dye laser are employed to induce and probe the molecular transitions. The final continuum states are analyzed by photoelectron spectroscopy, by ion mass spectrometry and by measuring the kinetic energy of the formed ionic fragments. Pump-probe spectra employing 70-fs laser pulses have been measured to study the time dependence of molecular multiphoton ionization and fragmentation. The oscillatory structure of the transient spectra showing the dynamics on the femtosecond time scale can best be understood in terms of the motion of wave packets in bound molecular potentials. The transient Na_2^+ ionization and the transient Na^+ fragmentation spectra show that contributions from direct photoionization of a singly excited electronic state and from excitation and autoionization of a bound doubly excited molecular state determine the time evolution of molecular multiphoton ionization.


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Self-consistent relativistic Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations have been made of some lowlying electronic energies for the atoms of all elements in ground-state ds^2 electron configurations. The results indicate that, contrary to some previous estimates, the ground electronic state of atomic Lr could be in either the 5f^14 6d7s^2 or the 5f^14 7p 7s^2 electron configuration. The separation between the lowest energy level of the 5f^14 6d7s^2 configuration and the lowest energy level of the 5f^14 7p7s^2 configuration is estimated to be (0 ± 3) x 10^3 cm^-1 for atomic Lr.


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Femtosecond laser pulses are applied to the study of the dynamics and the pathways of multiphoton-induced ionization, autoionization, and fragmentation of Na_2 in molecular-beam experiments. In particular, we report on first results obtained studying electronic autoionization (leading to Na_2{^+} + {e ^-}) and autoionization-induced fragmentation (leading to Na{^+} + Na + {e ^-}) of a bound doubly excited molecular state. The final continuum states are analyzed by photoelectron spectroscopy and by measuring the mass and the released kinetic energy of the corresponding ionic fragments with a time-of-flight arrangement.


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We report here the first experimental study of femtosecond time-resolved molecular multiphoton ionization. Femtosecond pump-probe techniques are combined with time-of-flight spectroscopy to measure transient ionization spectra of Na_2 in a molecular-beam experiment. The wave-packet motions in different molecular potentials show that incoherent contributions from direct photoionization of a singly excited state and from excitation and autoionization of a bound doubly excited molecular state determine the observed transient ionization signal.


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The motion of a vibrational wave packet in the bound A(^1 \summe^+_u) electronic state of the sodium dimer is detected in a femtosecond pump/probe molecular beam experiment. For short times harmonic motion is seen in the total ion yield of Na^+_2 as a function of delay time between the two laser pulses. The spreading of the wave packet results in the loss of the periodic variation of the ion signal. For longer delay times (47 ps) the wave packet regains its initial form which is reflected in the revival structure of the Na^+_2 signal. Time-dependent quantum calculations reproduce the measured effects.


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Many ultrafast structural phenomena in solids at high fluences are related to the hardening or softening of particular lattice vibrations at lower fluences. In this paper we relate femtosecond-laser-induced phonon frequency changes to changes in the electronic density of states, which need to be evaluated only in the electronic ground state, following phonon displacement patterns. We illustrate this relationship for a particular lattice vibration of magnesium, for which we—surprisingly—find that there is both softening and hardening as a function of the femtosecond-laser fluence. Using our theory, we explain these behaviours as arising from Van Hove singularities: We show that at low excitation densities Van Hove singularities near the Fermi level dominate the change of the phonon frequency while at higher excitations Van Hove singularities that are further away in energy also become important. We expect that our theory can as well shed light on the effects of laser excitation of other materials.


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The electronic properties of neutral and ionized divalent-metal clusters have been studied using a microscopic theory, which takes into account the interplay between van der Waals (vdW) and covalent bonding in the neutral clusters, and the competition between hole delocalization and polarization energy in the ionized clusters. By calculating the ground-state energies of neutral and ionized. Hg_n clusters, we determine the size dependence of the bond character and the ionization potential I_p(n). For neutral Hg_n clusters we obtain a transition from van del Waals to covalent behaviour at the critical size n_c ~ 10-20 atoms. Results for I_p(Hg_n) with n \le 20 are in good agreement with experiments, and suggest that small Hg_n^+ clusters can be viewed as consisting of a positive trimer core Hg_3^+ surrounded by n - 3 polarized neutral atoms.


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Perturbation theory in the lowest non-vanishing order in interelectron interaction has been applied to the theoretical investigation of double-ionization decays of resonantly excited single-electron states. The formulae for the transition probabilities were derived in the LS coupling scheme, and the orbital angular momentum and spin selection rules were obtained. In addition to the formulae, which are exact in this order, three approximate expressions, which correspond to illustrative model mechanisms of the transition, were derived as limiting cases of the exact ones. Numerical results were obtained for the decay of the resonantly excited Kr 1 3d^{-1}5p[^1P] state which demonstrated quite clearly the important role of the interelectron interaction in double-ionization processes. On the other hand, the results obtained show that low-energy electrons can appear in the photoelectron spectrum below the ionization threshold of the 3d shell. As a function of the photon frequency, the yield of these low-energy electrons is strongly amplified by the resonant transition of the 3d electron to 5p (or to other discrete levels), acting as an intermediate state, when the photon frequency approaches that of the transition.


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The photoionization cross sections for the production of the Kr II 4s state and Kr II satellite states were studied in the 4s ionization threshold region. The interference of direct photoionization and ionization through the autoionization decay of doubly-excited states was considered. In the calculations of doubly-excited state energies, performed by a configuration interaction technique, the 4p spin-orbit interaction and the (Kr II core)-(excited electron) Coulomb interaction were included. The theoretical cross sections are in many cases in good agreement with the measured values. Strong resonant features in the satellite spectra with threshold energies greater than 30 eV are predicted.


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The electronic states of small AI_n (n = 2 - 8) clusters have been calculated with a relativistic ab-initio MOLCAO Dirac-Fock-Slater method using numerical atomic DFS wave-functions. The excitation energies were obtained from a ground state calculation of neutral clusters, and in addition from negative clusters charged by half an electron in order to account for part of the relaxation. These energies are compared with experimental photoelectron spectra.


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Results of the Dirac-Slater discrete variational calculations for the group 4, 5, and 6 highest chlorides including elements 104, 105, and 106 have shown that the groups are not identical with respect to trends in the electronic structure and bonding. The charge density distribution data show that notwithstanding the basic increase in covalency within the groups this increase diminishes in going from group 4 to group 6. As a result, E106Cl_6 will be less stable toward thermal decomposition than WCl_6, which is confirmed by an estimated low E106-Cl bond energy. \delta H_form equal to -90.3 ± 6 kcal/rnol is obtained for E106Cl_6 in the gas phase, which is indicative of a very low stability of this compound. The stability of the maximum oxidation state is shown to decrease in the direction E104(+4) > E105(+5) > E106(+6).


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The doubly excited 2s2p ^1P_1 level of Kr^{34+} populated via resonant transfer and excitation (RTE) feeds selectively the metastable ls2s ^1 S_0 state which can only decay via simultaneous emission of two photons to the ground state 1s^2 ^1 S_0. X-ray/X-ray coincidence measurements in heavy ionatom collisions enable the direct measurement of the spectral distribution of the two-photon decay in He-like ions. In addition, we observe strong photon cascades indueed by radiative electron capture.


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The ground state (J = 0) electronic correlation energy of the 4-electron Be-sequence is calculated in the Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock approximation for Z = 4-20. The 4 electrons were distributed over the configurations arising from the 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p and 3d orbitals. Theoretical values obtained here are in good agreement with experimental correlation energies.


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The approximations normally used in the calculation of the isomer shift are compared with the exact expressions using Dirac-Slater orbitals and a three-parameter Fermi-type nuclear charge distribution. The nonuniformity of the electronic density over the nuclear volume affects the results. Different choices of the nuclear surface thickness t and the radius c in the protonic density P_N (\gamma) also affects the isomer shift differently even though the values are chosen to yield a given value of \delta . The change in the electronic charge density which is caused by the alteration of P_N (\gamma) in the ground state and excited state of the nucleus is discussed using two extrememodels and the possible influence on the observable isomer shift is estimated.